Iván Ovejero a1259898c0
feat(editor): Inline expression editor (#4814)

* 🔥 Remove unneeded watch

*  Further setup

*  Fix import

*  Minor tweaks

* 🔥 Remove logging

* 🎨 Add some styling

* 🎨 More styling changes

* 🐛 Fix wrong marking of stale data

* 🎨 Prevent fx on dragging

* 🔥 Remove logging

*  Refine draggable target offsets

* refactor(editor): Consolidate expression management logic (#4836)

*  Extract `ExpressionFunctionIcon`

*  Simplify syntax

*  Move to mixin

* 🎨 Format

* 📘 Unify types

*  Dedup double brace handler

*  Consolidate resolvable highlighter

* 🎨 Format

*  Consolidate language pack

* ✏️ Add comment

*  Move completions to plugins

*  Partially deduplicate themes

* refactor(editor): Apply styling feedback to inline expression editor (#4846)

* 🎨 Adjust styling for expression parameter input

* 🎨 Style outputs differently

*  Set single line for RLC

* 🎨 Style both openers identically

* 🐛 Prevent defocus on resize

*  Adjust line height

* 🎨 Adjust border with for expression input

*  Fix font family for inline output

*  Set up telemetry

*  Complete telemetry

*  Simplify event source

*  Set monospaced font for inline output

* 🎨 Hide cursor on schema pill drop

* 🧪 Update snapshots

*  Consolidate editor styles

* ✏️ Add tech debt comments

*  Improve naming

*  Improve inside resolvable detection

*  Improve var naming

* 🔥 Remove outdated comment

* 🚚 Move constant to data

* ✏️ Clarify comments

* 🔥 Remove outdated comments

* 🔥 Remove unneeded try-catch

* 🔥 Remove unneeded method

* 🔥 Remove unneeded check

* 🔥 Remove `openExpression` check

* 🔥 Remove unused timeout

* 🔥 Remove commented out sections

*  Use Pinia naming convention

*  Re-evaluate on change of `ndvInputData`

* 🐛 Fix handling of `0` in number-type input

* 🐛 Surface focus and blur for mapping hints

* 🔥 Remove logging

* ✏️ Reword error

*  Change kebab-case to PascalCase

*  Refactor state fields for clarity

*  Support double bracing on selection

* 🎨 More styling

*  Miscellaneous cleanup

*  Disregard error on drop

* 🎨 Fix schema pill styling

* 🎨 More `background` to `background-color` fixes

* 🧪 Update snapshots

* 🎨 Replace non-existing var with white

* 🧪 Update snapshot

* 📦 Integrate `codemirror-lang-n8n-expression`

* 🎨 Fix formatting

* 🧪 Re-update test snapshots

* 🧪 Update selectors for inline editor

* 🔥 Remove unused test ID

* 📘 Add type for `currentNodePaneType`

*  Refactor mixin to util

*  Use `:global`

* 🔥 Remove comment

*  Add watch

*  Change import style

* 👕 Fix lint

*  Refactor preventing blur on resize

* 🔥 Remove comment

* 🧪 Re-update snapshots

* 🎨 Prettify

* 👕 Fix lint

* 🔥 Remove comment

Co-authored-by: Mutasem <mutdmour@gmail.com>
2022-12-14 14:43:02 +01:00

110 lines
3.5 KiB

"name": "n8n-editor-ui",
"version": "0.173.1",
"description": "Workflow Editor UI for n8n",
"license": "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE.md",
"homepage": "https://n8n.io",
"author": {
"name": "Jan Oberhauser",
"email": "jan@n8n.io"
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