Michael Auerswald b67f803cbe
feat: Add global event bus (#4860)
* fix branch

* fix deserialize, add filewriter

* add catchAll eventGroup/Name

* adding simple Redis sender and receiver to eventbus

* remove native node threads

* improve eventbus

* refactor and simplify

* more refactoring and syslog client

* more refactor, improved endpoints and eventbus

* remove local broker and receivers from mvp

* destination de/serialization

* create MessageEventBusDestinationEntity

* db migrations, load destinations at startup

* add delete destination endpoint

* pnpm merge and circular import fix

* delete destination fix

* trigger log file shuffle after size reached

* add environment variables for eventbus

* reworking event messages

* serialize to thread fix

* some refactor and lint fixing

* add emit to eventbus

* cleanup and fix sending unsent

* quicksave frontend trial

* initial EventTree vue component

* basic log streaming settings in vue

* http request code merge

* create destination settings modals

* fix eventmessage options types

* credentials are loaded

* fix and clean up frontend code

* move request code to axios

* update lock file

* merge fix

* fix redis build

* move destination interfaces into workflow pkg

* revive sentry as destination

* migration fixes and frontend cleanup

* N8N-5777 / N8N-5789 N8N-5788

* N8N-5784

* N8N-5782 removed event levels

* N8N-5790 sentry destination cleanup

* N8N-5786 and refactoring

* N8N-5809 and refactor/cleanup

* UI fixes and anonymize renaming

* N8N-5837

* N8N-5834

* fix no-items UI issues

* remove card / settings label in modal

* N8N-5842 fix

* disable webhook auth for now and update ui

* change sidebar to tabs

* remove payload option

* extend audit events with more user data

* N8N-5853 and UI revert to sidebar

* remove redis destination

* N8N-5864 / N8N-5868 / N8N-5867 / N8N-5865

* ui and licensing fixes

* add node events and info bubbles to frontend

* ui wording changes

* frontend tests

* N8N-5896 and ee rename

* improves backend tests

* merge fix

* fix backend test

* make linter happy

* remove unnecessary cfg / limit  actions to owners

* fix multiple sentry DSN and anon bug

* eslint fix

* more tests and fixes

* merge fix

* fix workflow audit events

* remove 'n8n.workflow.execution.error' event

* merge fix

* lint fix

* lint fix

* review fixes

* fix merge

* prettier fixes

* merge

* review changes

* use loggerproxy

* remove catch from internal hook promises

* fix tests

* lint fix

* include review PR changes

* review changes

* delete duplicate lines from a bad merge

* decouple log-streaming UI options from public API

* logstreaming -> log-streaming for consistency

* do not make unnecessary api calls when log streaming is disabled

* prevent sentryClient.close() from being called if init failed

* fix the e2e test for log-streaming

* review changes

* cleanup

* use `private` for one last private property

* do not use node prefix package names.. just yet

* remove unused import

* fix the tests

because there is a folder called `events`, tsc-alias is messing up all imports for native events module.

Co-authored-by: कारतोफ्फेलस्क्रिप्ट™ <aditya@netroy.in>
2023-01-04 09:47:48 +01:00

75 lines
2.6 KiB

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