OlegIvaniv 79fe57dad8
feat(editor): Node creator actions (#4696)
* WIP: Node Actions List UI

* WIP: Recommended Actions and preseting of fields

* WIP: Resource category

* 🎨 Moved actions categorisation to the server

* 🏷️ Add missing INodeAction type

*  Improve SSR categorisation, fix adding of mixed actions

* ♻️ Refactor CategorizedItems to composition api, style fixes

* WIP: Adding multiple nodes

* ♻️ Refactor rest of the NodeCreator component to composition API, conver globalLinkActions to composable

*  Allow actions dragging, fix search and refactor passing of actions to categorized items

* 💄 Fix node actions title

* Migrate to the pinia store, add posthog feature and various fixes

* 🐛 Fix filtering of trigger actions when not merged

* fix: N8N-5439 — Do not use simple node item when at NodeHelperPanel root

* 🐛 Design review fixes

* 🐛 Fix disabling of merged actions

* Fix trigger root filtering

*  Allow for custom node actions parser, introduce hubspot parser

* 🐛 Fix initial node params validation, fix position of second added node

* 🐛 Introduce operations category, removed canvas node names overrride, fix API actions display and prevent dragging of action nodes

*  Prevent NDV auto-open feature flag

* 🐛 Inject recommened action for trigger nodes without actions

* Refactored NodeCreatorNode to Storybook, change filtering of merged nodes for the trigger helper panel, minor fixes

* Improve rendering of app nodes and animation

* Cleanup, any only enable accordion transition on triggerhelperpanel

* Hide node creator scrollbars in Firefox

* Minor styles fixes

* Do not copy the array in rendering method

* Removed unused props

* Fix memory leak

* Fix categorisation of regular nodes with a single resource

* Implement telemetry calls for node actions

* Move categorization to FE

* Fix client side actions categorisation

* Skip custom action show

* Only load tooltip for NodeIcon if necessary

* Fix lodash startCase import

* Remove lodash.startcase

* Cleanup

* Fix node creator autofocus on "tab"

* Prevent posthog getFeatureFlag from crashing

* Debugging preview env search issues

* Remove logs

* Make sure the pre-filled params are update not overwritten

* Get rid of transition in itemiterator

* WIP: Rough version of NodeActions keyboard navigation, replace nodeCreator composable with Pinia store module

* Rewrite to add support for ActionItem to ItemIterator and make CategorizedItems accept items props

* Fix category item counter & cleanup

* Add APIHint to actions search no-result, clean up NodeCreatorNode

* Improve node actions no results message

* Remove logging, fix filtering of recommended placeholder category

* Remove unused NodeActions component and node merging feature falg

* Do not show regular nodes without actions

* Make sure to add manual trigger when adding http node via actions hint

* Fixed api hint footer line height

* Prevent pointer-events od NodeIcon img and remove "this" from template

* Address PR points

* Fix e2e specs

* Make sure canvas ia loaded

* Make sure canvas ia loaded before opening nodeCreator in e2e spec

* Fix flaky workflows tags e2e getter

* Imrpove node creator click outside UX, add manual node to regular nodes added from trigger panel

* Add manual trigger node if dragging regular from trigger panel
2022-12-09 10:56:36 +01:00

109 lines
3.5 KiB

"name": "n8n-editor-ui",
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"description": "Workflow Editor UI for n8n",
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