Iván Ovejero 3098b5a16e ✏️ Rename key
2021-12-06 12:22:28 +01:00
img ✏️ Clean up docs images 2021-11-23 13:41:57 +01:00
locales ✏️ Rename key 2021-12-06 12:22:28 +01:00
index.ts 🔥 Remove logging 2021-12-02 17:57:28 +01:00
README.md 🔥 Remove semicolons from JSON 2021-11-24 12:40:49 +01:00

i18n in n8n


n8n allows for internalization of the majority of UI text:

  • base text, e.g. menu display items in the left-hand sidebar menu,
  • node text, e.g. parameter display names and placeholders in the node view,
  • header text, e.g. node display names and descriptions in the nodes panel.

Currently, n8n does not allow for internalization of:

  • messages from outside the editor-ui package, e.g. No active database connection,
  • node subtitles, e.g. create: user or getAll: post below the node name on the canvas,
  • new version notification contents in the updates panel, e.g. Includes node enhancements.

Locale identifiers

A locale identifier is a language code compatible with the Accept-Language header, e.g. de (German), es (Spanish), ja (Japanese). Regional variants of locale identifiers are not supported, i.e. use de, not de-AT. For a list of all locale identifiers, refer to the 639-1 column in the ISO 639-1 codes article.

By default, n8n runs in the en (English) locale. To have it run in a different locale, set the N8N_DEFAULT_LOCALE environment variable. If it has been set and is not en, n8n will use the UI strings for that locale - for any untranslated UI strings, n8n will automatically fall back to en.

npm run start

Base text

Base text is directly rendered with no dependencies. Base text is supplied by the user in one file per locale in the /editor-ui package.

Locating base text

Each base text file is located at /packages/editor-ui/src/i18n/locales/{localeIdentifier}.json and exports an object where keys are Vue component names (and their containing dirs if any) and references to parts of those Vue components.

"nodeCreator": {
	"categoryNames": {
		"analytics": "🇩🇪 Analytics",
		"communication": "🇩🇪 Communication",
		"coreNodes": "🇩🇪 Core Nodes",

Translating base text

  1. For the new locale identifier, e.g. de, copy the en base text and rename it:
cp ./packages/editor-ui/src/i18n/locales/en.json ./packages/editor-ui/src/i18n/locales/de.json
  1. Check in the UI for a base text string to translate, and find it in the newly created base text file.


: If you cannot find a string in the new base text file, either it does not belong to base text (i.e., the string might be part of header text, credential text, or node text), or the string might belong to the backend, where i18n is currently unsupported.

  1. Translate the string value - do not change the key. In the examples below, a string starting with 🇩🇪 stands for a translated string.

Optionally, remove any untranslated strings from the new base text file. Untranslated strings in the new base text file will automatically fall back to the en base text file.

Reusable base text

As a convenience, the base text file may contain the special key reusableBaseText to share strings between translations. For more information, refer to Vue i18n's linked locale messages.

	"reusableBaseText": {
		"save": "🇩🇪 Save",
	"duplicateWorkflowDialog": {
		"enterWorkflowName": "🇩🇪 Enter workflow name",
		"save": "@:reusableBaseText.save",
	"saveButton": {
		"save": "@:reusableBaseText.save",
		"saving": "🇩🇪 Saving",
		"saved": "🇩🇪 Saved",

As a convenience, the base text file may also contain the special key numberFormats to localize numbers. For more information, refer to Vue i18n's number localization.

	"numberFormats": {
		"decimal": {
			"style": "decimal",


Some base text strings use interpolation with a variable in curly braces, e.g. Execution ID {activeExecutionId} was stopped. In case of interpolation, the translated string must not modify the variable: Die Ausführung mit der ID {activeExecutionId} wurde gestoppt.

Dynamic text

Dynamic text is text that relies on node-related data in order to be rendered. Node-related data is supplied by the user in multiple files in the /nodes-base package. Dynamic text is mostly visible in the node view, i.e. the node on the canvas and the node parameters modal.

Locating dynamic text

Dynamic text is divided into files located in /translations dirs alongside the translated nodes:

  ├── GitHub.node.ts
  ├── GitHubTrigger.node.ts
  └── translations
      ├── de.json
      ├── es.json
      └── ja.json

Each node translation file may contain the translations for one or both (regular and trigger) nodes.

For nodes in grouping dirs, e.g. Google, Aws, and Microsoft, locate the /translations dir alongside the *.node.ts file:

  └── Drive
      ├── GoogleDrive.node.ts
      └── translations
          ├── de.json
          ├── es.json
          └── ja.json

For nodes in versioned dirs, locate the /translations dir alongside the versioned *.node.ts file:

  └── Mattermost.node.ts
      └── v1
          ├── MattermostV1.node.ts
          ├── actions
          ├── methods
          ├── transport
          └── translations
               ├── de.json
               ├── es.json
               └── ja.json

Translating dynamic text


: In the examples below, the node source is located at /packages/nodes-base/nodes/Github/GitHub.node.ts and the node translation is located at /packages/nodes-base/nodes/Github/translations/de.json.

Each node translation is an object with a key that matches the node's description.name:

export class Github implements INodeType {
	description: INodeTypeDescription = {
		displayName: 'GitHub',
		description: 'Consume GitHub API',
		name: 'github', // key to use in translation
		icon: 'file:github.svg',
		group: ['input'],
		version: 1,
	"github": {}, // key from node's description.name
	"githubTrigger": {}, // key from node's description.name

The object inside allows for three keys: header, credentialsModal and nodeView. These are the sections of each node translation:

	"github": {
		"header": {},
		"credentialsModal": {},
		"nodeView": {},
	"githubTrigger": {
		"header": {},
		"credentialsModal": {},
		"nodeView": {},


: These three keys as well as all keys described below are optional. Remember that, in case of missing sections or missing translations, n8n will fall back to the en locale.

header section

The header section points to an object that may contain only two keys, displayName and description, matching the node's description.displayName and description.description. These are used in the nodes panel, in the node view and in the node credentials modal.

export class Github implements INodeType {
	description: INodeTypeDescription = {
		displayName: 'GitHub', // key to use in translation
		description: 'Consume GitHub API', // key to use in translation
		name: 'github',
		icon: 'file:github.svg',
		group: ['input'],
		version: 1,
	"github": {
		"header": {
			"displayName": "🇩🇪 GitHub",
			"description": "🇩🇪 Consume GitHub API",

Header text is used wherever the node's display name and description are needed:

credentialsModal section


: In the examples below, the node credential source is located at /packages/nodes-base/credentials/GithubApi.credentials.ts.

The credentialsModal section points to an object containing a key that matches the node credential name.

export class GithubApi implements ICredentialType {
	name = 'githubApi'; // key to use in translation
	displayName = 'Github API';
	documentationUrl = 'github';
	properties: INodeProperties[] = [
	"github": {
		"header": {},
		"credentialsModal": {
			"githubApi": {} // key from node credential name
		"nodeView": {},

The node credential name key points to an object containing translation keys that match the node's credential parameter names:

export class GithubApi implements ICredentialType {
	name = 'githubApi';
	displayName = 'Github API';
	documentationUrl = 'github';
	properties: INodeProperties[] = [
			displayName: 'Github Server',
			name: 'server', // key to use in translation
			type: 'string',
			default: 'https://api.github.com',
			description: 'The server to connect to. Only has to be set if Github Enterprise is used.',
			displayName: 'User',
			name: 'user', // key to use in translation
			type: 'string',
			default: '',
			displayName: 'Access Token',
			name: 'accessToken', // key to use in translation
			type: 'string',
			default: '',
	"github": {
		"header": {},
		"credentialsModal": {
			"githubApi": {
				"server": {} // key from node credential parameter name
				"user": {} // key from node credential parameter name
				"accessToken": {} // key from node credential parameter name
		"nodeView": {},

The object for each node credential parameter allows for the keys displayName, description, and placeholder.

	"github": {
		"header": {},
		"credentialsModal": {
			"githubApi": {
				"server": {
					"displayName": "🇩🇪 Github Server",
					"description": "🇩🇪 The server to connect to. Only has to be set if Github Enterprise is used.",
				"user": {
					"placeholder": "🇩🇪 Hans",
				"accessToken": {
					"placeholder": "🇩🇪 123",
		"nodeView": {},

nodeView section

The nodeView section points to an object containing translation keys that match the node's operational parameters.

export class Github implements INodeType {
	description: INodeTypeDescription = {
		displayName: 'GitHub',
		name: 'github',
		properties: [
				displayName: 'Resource',
				name: 'resource', // key to use in translation
				type: 'options',
				options: [],
				default: 'issue',
				description: 'The resource to operate on.',
	"github": {
		"header": {},
		"credentialsModal": {},
		"nodeView": {
			"resource": {}, // key from node parameter name


: Other than in the *.node.ts file, operational parameters may also be found in *Description.ts files in the same dir, e.g. UserDescription.ts.

A node parameter allows for different translation keys depending on parameter type.

string, number and boolean parameters

Allowed keys: displayName, description, and placeholder.

	displayName: 'Repository Owner',
	name: 'owner', // key to use in translation
	type: 'string',
	required: true,
	placeholder: 'n8n-io',
	description: 'Owner of the repository.',
	"github": {
		"header": {},
		"credentialsModal": {},
		"nodeView": {
			"owner": { // key from node parameter name
				"displayName": "🇩🇪 Repository Owner",
				"placeholder": "🇩🇪 n8n-io",
				"description": "🇩🇪 Owner of the repository.",

options parameter

Allowed keys: displayName, description, and placeholder.

Allowed subkeys: options.{optionName}.displayName and options.{optionName}.description.

	displayName: 'Resource',
	name: 'resource',
	type: 'options',
	options: [
			name: 'File',
			value: 'file', // key to use in translation
			name: 'Issue',
			value: 'issue', // key to use in translation
	default: 'issue',
	description: 'The resource to operate on.',
	"github": {
		"header": {},
		"credentialsModal": {},
		"nodeView": {
			"resource": {
				"displayName": "🇩🇪 Resource",
				"description": "🇩🇪 The resource to operate on.",
				"options": {
					"file": { // key from node parameter options name
						"displayName": "🇩🇪 File",
					"issue": { // key from node parameter options name
						"displayName": "🇩🇪 Issue",

collection and fixedCollection parameters

Allowed keys: displayName, description, placeholder, and multipleValueButtonText.

	displayName: 'Labels',
	name: 'labels', // key to use in translation
	type: 'collection',
	typeOptions: {
		multipleValues: true,
		multipleValueButtonText: 'Add Label',
	displayOptions: {
		show: {
			operation: [
			resource: [
	default: { 'label': '' },
	options: [
			displayName: 'Label',
			name: 'label', // key to use in translation
			type: 'string',
			default: '',
			description: 'Label to add to issue.',

To reduce nesting and to share translations, a parameter inside a collection's or fixed collection's options parameter sits at the same level of nesting as the containing collection in the nodeView section:

	"github": {
		"header": {},
		"credentialsModal": {},
		"nodeView": {
			// collection
			"labels": {
				"displayName": "🇩🇪 Labels",
				"multipleValueButtonText": "🇩🇪 Add Label",
			// collection item - same level of nesting
			"label": {
				"displayName": "🇩🇪 Label",
				"description": "🇩🇪 Label to add to issue.",

			// fixed collection
			"additionalParameters": {
				"displayName": "🇩🇪 Additional Fields",
				"options": {
					"author": {
						"displayName": "🇩🇪 Author",
			// fixed collection item - same level of nesting
			"author": {
				"displayName": "🇩🇪 Author",


: In case of deep nesting, i.e. a child of a child of a collection and fixedCollection parameter, the deeply nested child in principle should be translatable at the same level of nesting as the collection and fixedCollection parameter, but this has not been fully tested for this first release.

Reusable dynamic text

The base text file may contain the special key reusableDynamicText, allowing for a node parameter to be translated once and reused in all other node parameter translations.

Currently only the keys oauth.clientId and oauth.clientSecret are supported as a PoC - these two translations will be reused in all node credential parameters.

	"reusableDynamicText": {
		"oauth2": {
			"clientId": "🇩🇪 Client ID",
			"clientSecret": "🇩🇪 Client Secret",

Building translations

Base text

When translating a base text file at /packages/editor-ui/src/i18n/locales/{localeIdentifier}.json:

  1. Open a terminal:
npm run start
  1. Open another terminal:
cd packages/editor-ui
npm run dev

Changing the base text file will trigger a rebuild of the client at http://localhost:8080.

Dynamic text

When translating a dynamic text file at /packages/nodes-base/nodes/{node}/translations/{localeIdentifier}.json,

  1. Open a terminal:
npm run start
  1. Open another terminal:
cd packages/nodes-base
npm run build:translations
npm run watch

After changing the dynamic text file:

  1. Stop and restart the first terminal.
  2. Refresh the browser at http://localhost:5678

If a headerText section was changed, re-run npm run build:translations in /nodes-base.


: To translate base and dynamic text simultaneously, run three terminals following the steps from both sections (first terminal running only once) and browse http://localhost:8080.