Iván Ovejero 59771c80ea
feat(editor): Overhaul expression editor modal (#4631)
* feat(editor): Integrate CodeMirror into expression editor modal (#4563)

*  Initial setup

* 👕 Fix lint

*  Extract segments

*  Implement var insertion

* 👕 Ignore `.d.cts`

*  Refactor to simplify

*  Add brace handler

*  Fully replace input and output

* feat(editor): Adjust resolved expression to match parameter input hint (#4600)

*  Initial adjustments

* 🐛 Prevent empty decorations

*  Adjust resolved expression to match param input hint

* ✏️ Improve comment

* 👕 Remove lint rule

* ✏️ Fix typo

* ✏️ Fix closing brace

*  Clean up `displayableSegments()`

* feat(editor): Apply styling to expression editor modal (#4607)

🎨 Apply styling

* feat(core): Improve errors in evaluated expression (#4619)

* 🐛 Fix env var access for FE

* 🔥 Remove excess closing bracket

* 🚧 Set up TODO

* ✏️ Update copy

*  Deny env vars access to FE

* 👕 Remove unneeded lint exception

* 📘 Remove unneeded typing

* feat(editor): Dynamically delay evaluation resolution (#4625)

* ✏️ Update copy

*  Dynamically delay evaluation resolution

* 🔥 Remove unneeded computed property

* refactor(editor): Pre-review cleanup (#4627)

* 🔥 Remove `ExpressionInput` component

* 🔥 Remove Quill

* ✏️ Rename i18n key

* 🎨 Place border on correct element

* 🐛 Handle syntax errors

*  Add sample autocompletions

* 🐛 Fix auto-extending behavior

* feat(editor): Improve escaping behavior (#4641)

* 🎨 Hide hint on small screen

*  Improve escaping

* refactor(editor): Apply styling feedback to expression editor modal (#4660)

* 🎨 Restyle hint

* 🎨 Restyle param input hint

* 🔥 Remove `e.g.`

*  Tweak delay

* 🎨 Restyle output

* 🎨 Tweak theme

* ✏️ Tweak copy

* refactor(editor): Apply feedback 2022.11.22 (#4697)

* 🎨 Change background color

*  Focus on mount

*  Account for preexisting braces on injection

* 🐛 Fix `$workflow` showing as not saved

* ✏️ Tweak copy

* 🐛 Fix readonly focus

*  Focus input on paste

*  Sync inputs with modal

* ✏️ Tweak copy

* refactor(editor): Apply feedback 2022.11.23 (#4705)

*  Allow newlines

*  Set cursor at end of content

*  Do not defocus on paste on Chrome

*  Fix import

* 🧪 Add e2e tests

*  Cleanup

*  Add telemetry

* 🔥 Remove log

*  Expose error properties

* 🧪 Rename test

*  Move `getCurrentWorkflow()` call

*  Revert highlighting removal per feedback

*  Add i18n keys

* 🚚 Move computed property to local state

* 🎨 Use CSS vars

*  Update `pnpm-lock.yaml`

*  Apply readonly state

*  Use prop

*  Complete fix
2022-12-01 13:26:22 +01:00

108 lines
3.4 KiB

"name": "n8n-editor-ui",
"version": "0.170.0",
"description": "Workflow Editor UI for n8n",
"license": "SEE LICENSE IN LICENSE.md",
"homepage": "https://n8n.io",
"author": {
"name": "Jan Oberhauser",
"email": "jan@n8n.io"
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