Iván Ovejero cd08c8e4c6
refactor(core): Implement soft-deletions for executions (#7092)
Based on #7065 | Story: https://linear.app/n8n/issue/PAY-771

n8n on filesystem mode marks binary data to delete on manual execution
deletion, on unsaved execution completion, and on every execution
pruning cycle. We later prune binary data in a separate cycle via these
marker files, based on the configured TTL. In the context of introducing
an S3 client to manage binary data, the filesystem mode's mark-and-prune
setup is too tightly coupled to the general binary data management
client interface.

This PR...
- Ensures the deletion of an execution causes the deletion of any binary
data associated to it. This does away with the need for binary data TTL
and simplifies the filesystem mode's mark-and-prune setup.
- Refactors all execution deletions (including pruning) to cause soft
deletions, hard-deletes soft-deleted executions based on the existing
pruning config, and adjusts execution endpoints to filter out
soft-deleted executions. This reduces DB load, and keeps binary data
around long enough for users to access it when building workflows with
unsaved executions.
- Moves all execution pruning work from an execution lifecycle hook to
`execution.repository.ts`. This keeps related logic in a single place.
- Removes all marking logic from the binary data manager. This
simplifies the interface that the S3 client will meet.
- Adds basic sanity-check tests to pruning logic and execution deletion.

Out of scope:

- Improving existing pruning logic.
- Improving existing execution repository logic.
- Adjusting dir structure for filesystem mode.


Co-authored-by: कारतोफ्फेलस्क्रिप्ट™ <aditya@netroy.in>
2023-09-20 15:21:42 +02:00

436 lines
12 KiB

import { readFileSync, readdirSync, mkdtempSync } from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
import { tmpdir } from 'os';
import { isEmpty } from 'lodash';
import { get } from 'lodash';
import { BinaryDataManager, Credentials, constructExecutionMetaData } from 'n8n-core';
import type {
} from 'n8n-workflow';
import { ICredentialsHelper, LoggerProxy, NodeHelpers, WorkflowHooks } from 'n8n-workflow';
import { executeWorkflow } from './ExecuteWorkflow';
import { FAKE_CREDENTIALS_DATA } from './FakeCredentialsMap';
const baseDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../..');
const getFakeDecryptedCredentials = (
nodeCredentials: INodeCredentialsDetails,
type: string,
fakeCredentialsMap: IDataObject,
) => {
if (nodeCredentials && fakeCredentialsMap[JSON.stringify(nodeCredentials)]) {
return fakeCredentialsMap[JSON.stringify(nodeCredentials)] as ICredentialDataDecryptedObject;
if (type && fakeCredentialsMap[type]) {
return fakeCredentialsMap[type] as ICredentialDataDecryptedObject;
return {};
export const readJsonFileSync = <T = any>(filePath: string) =>
JSON.parse(readFileSync(path.join(baseDir, filePath), 'utf-8')) as T;
const knownCredentials = readJsonFileSync<Record<string, CredentialLoadingDetails>>(
const knownNodes = readJsonFileSync<Record<string, NodeLoadingDetails>>('dist/known/nodes.json');
class CredentialType implements ICredentialTypes {
credentialTypes: ICredentialTypeData = {};
addCredential(credentialTypeName: string, credentialType: ICredentialType) {
this.credentialTypes[credentialTypeName] = {
sourcePath: '',
type: credentialType,
recognizes(credentialType: string): boolean {
return credentialType in this.credentialTypes;
getByName(credentialType: string): ICredentialType {
return this.credentialTypes[credentialType].type;
getNodeTypesToTestWith(type: string): string[] {
return knownCredentials[type]?.nodesToTestWith ?? [];
getParentTypes(typeName: string): string[] {
return [];
export class CredentialsHelper extends ICredentialsHelper {
constructor(private credentialTypes: ICredentialTypes) {
async authenticate(
credentials: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject,
typeName: string,
requestParams: IHttpRequestOptions,
): Promise<IHttpRequestOptions> {
const credentialType = this.credentialTypes.getByName(typeName);
if (typeof credentialType.authenticate === 'function') {
return credentialType.authenticate(credentials, requestParams);
return requestParams;
async preAuthentication(
helpers: IHttpRequestHelper,
credentials: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject,
typeName: string,
node: INode,
credentialsExpired: boolean,
): Promise<ICredentialDataDecryptedObject | undefined> {
return undefined;
getParentTypes(name: string): string[] {
return [];
async getDecrypted(
additionalData: IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData,
nodeCredentials: INodeCredentialsDetails,
type: string,
): Promise<ICredentialDataDecryptedObject> {
return getFakeDecryptedCredentials(nodeCredentials, type, FAKE_CREDENTIALS_DATA);
async getCredentials(
nodeCredentials: INodeCredentialsDetails,
type: string,
): Promise<Credentials> {
return new Credentials({ id: null, name: '' }, '', [], '');
async updateCredentials(
nodeCredentials: INodeCredentialsDetails,
type: string,
data: ICredentialDataDecryptedObject,
): Promise<void> {}
export function WorkflowExecuteAdditionalData(
waitPromise: IDeferredPromise<IRun>,
nodeExecutionOrder: string[],
workflowTestData?: WorkflowTestData,
): IWorkflowExecuteAdditionalData {
const hookFunctions = {
nodeExecuteAfter: [
async (nodeName: string, data: ITaskData): Promise<void> => {
workflowExecuteAfter: [
async (fullRunData: IRun): Promise<void> => {
const workflowData: IWorkflowBase = {
name: '',
createdAt: new Date(),
updatedAt: new Date(),
active: true,
nodes: [],
connections: {},
return {
credentialsHelper: new CredentialsHelper(credentialTypes),
hooks: new WorkflowHooks(hookFunctions, 'trigger', '1', workflowData),
executeWorkflow: async (workflowInfo: IExecuteWorkflowInfo): Promise<any> => {},
sendMessageToUI: (message: string) => {},
restApiUrl: '',
encryptionKey: 'test',
timezone: workflowTestData?.input.workflowData.settings?.timezone || 'America/New_York',
webhookBaseUrl: 'webhook',
webhookWaitingBaseUrl: 'webhook-waiting',
webhookTestBaseUrl: 'webhook-test',
userId: '123',
variables: {},
instanceBaseUrl: '',
class NodeTypes implements INodeTypes {
nodeTypes: INodeTypeData = {};
getByName(nodeType: string): INodeType | IVersionedNodeType {
return this.nodeTypes[nodeType].type;
addNode(nodeTypeName: string, nodeType: INodeType | IVersionedNodeType) {
const loadedNode = {
[nodeTypeName]: {
sourcePath: '',
type: nodeType,
this.nodeTypes = {
getByNameAndVersion(nodeType: string, version?: number): INodeType {
return NodeHelpers.getVersionedNodeType(this.nodeTypes[nodeType].type, version);
export function createTemporaryDir(prefix = 'n8n') {
return mkdtempSync(path.join(tmpdir(), prefix));
export async function initBinaryDataManager(mode: 'default' | 'filesystem' = 'default') {
const temporaryDir = createTemporaryDir();
await BinaryDataManager.init({
availableModes: mode,
localStoragePath: temporaryDir,
return temporaryDir;
const credentialTypes = new CredentialType();
export function setup(testData: WorkflowTestData[] | WorkflowTestData) {
if (!Array.isArray(testData)) {
testData = [testData];
const nodeTypes = new NodeTypes();
const nodes = [...new Set(testData.flatMap((data) => data.input.workflowData.nodes))];
const credentialNames = nodes
.filter((n) => n.credentials)
.flatMap(({ credentials }) => Object.keys(credentials as INodeCredentials));
for (const credentialName of credentialNames) {
const loadInfo = knownCredentials[credentialName];
if (!loadInfo) {
throw new Error(`Unknown credential type: ${credentialName}`);
const sourcePath = loadInfo.sourcePath.replace(/^dist\//, './').replace(/\.js$/, '.ts');
const nodeSourcePath = path.join(baseDir, sourcePath);
const credential = new (require(nodeSourcePath)[loadInfo.className])() as ICredentialType;
credentialTypes.addCredential(credentialName, credential);
const nodeNames = nodes.map((n) => n.type);
for (const nodeName of nodeNames) {
if (!nodeName.startsWith('n8n-nodes-base.')) {
throw new Error(`Unknown node type: ${nodeName}`);
const loadInfo = knownNodes[nodeName.replace('n8n-nodes-base.', '')];
if (!loadInfo) {
throw new Error(`Unknown node type: ${nodeName}`);
const sourcePath = loadInfo.sourcePath.replace(/^dist\//, './').replace(/\.js$/, '.ts');
const nodeSourcePath = path.join(baseDir, sourcePath);
const node = new (require(nodeSourcePath)[loadInfo.className])() as INodeType;
nodeTypes.addNode(nodeName, node);
const fakeLogger = {
log: () => {},
debug: () => {},
verbose: () => {},
info: () => {},
warn: () => {},
error: () => {},
} as ILogger;
return nodeTypes;
export function getResultNodeData(result: IRun, testData: WorkflowTestData) {
return Object.keys(testData.output.nodeData).map((nodeName) => {
const error = result.data.resultData.error;
// If there was an error running the workflow throw it for easier debugging
// and to surface all issues
if (error?.cause) throw error.cause;
if (error) throw error;
if (result.data.resultData.runData[nodeName] === undefined) {
// log errors from other nodes
Object.keys(result.data.resultData.runData).forEach((key) => {
const error = result.data.resultData.runData[key][0]?.error;
if (error) {
console.log(`Node ${key}\n`, error);
throw new Error(`Data for node "${nodeName}" is missing!`);
const resultData = result.data.resultData.runData[nodeName].map((nodeData) => {
if (nodeData.data === undefined) {
return null;
return nodeData.data.main[0]!.map((entry) => {
if (entry.binary && isEmpty(entry.binary)) delete entry.binary;
delete entry.pairedItem;
return entry;
return {
export const equalityTest = async (testData: WorkflowTestData, types: INodeTypes) => {
// execute workflow
const { result } = await executeWorkflow(testData, types);
// check if result node data matches expected test data
const resultNodeData = getResultNodeData(result, testData);
resultNodeData.forEach(({ nodeName, resultData }) => {
const msg = `Equality failed for "${testData.description}" at node "${nodeName}"`;
resultData.forEach((item) => {
item?.forEach(({ binary }) => {
if (binary) {
// @ts-ignore
delete binary.data.data;
delete binary.data.directory;
return expect(resultData, msg).toEqual(testData.output.nodeData[nodeName]);
const preparePinData = (pinData: IDataObject) => {
const returnData = Object.keys(pinData).reduce(
(acc, key) => {
const data = pinData[key] as IDataObject[];
acc[key] = [data];
return acc;
{} as {
[key: string]: IDataObject[][];
return returnData;
export const workflowToTests = (workflowFiles: string[]) => {
const testCases: WorkflowTestData[] = [];
for (const filePath of workflowFiles) {
const description = filePath.replace('.json', '');
const workflowData = readJsonFileSync<IWorkflowBase & Pick<WorkflowTestData, 'trigger'>>(
const testDir = path.join(baseDir, path.dirname(filePath));
workflowData.nodes.forEach((node) => {
if (node.parameters) {
node.parameters = JSON.parse(
JSON.stringify(node.parameters).replace(/"C:\\\\Test\\\\(.*)"/, `"${testDir}/$1"`),
if (workflowData.pinData === undefined) {
throw new Error('Workflow data does not contain pinData');
const nodeData = preparePinData(workflowData.pinData);
delete workflowData.pinData;
const { trigger } = workflowData;
delete workflowData.trigger;
const input = { workflowData };
const output = { nodeData };
testCases.push({ description, input, output, trigger });
return testCases;
export const testWorkflows = (workflows: string[]) => {
const tests = workflowToTests(workflows);
const nodeTypes = setup(tests);
for (const testData of tests) {
test(testData.description, async () => equalityTest(testData, nodeTypes));
export const getWorkflowFilenames = (dirname: string) => {
const workflows: string[] = [];
const filenames = readdirSync(dirname);
const testFolder = dirname.split(`${path.sep}nodes-base${path.sep}`)[1];
filenames.forEach((file) => {
if (file.endsWith('.json')) {
workflows.push(path.join(testFolder, file));
return workflows;
export const createMockExecuteFunction = (
nodeParameters: IDataObject,
nodeMock: INode,
continueBool = false,
) => {
const fakeExecuteFunction = {
parameterName: string,
_itemIndex: number,
fallbackValue?: IDataObject | undefined,
options?: IGetNodeParameterOptions | undefined,
) {
const parameter = options?.extractValue ? `${parameterName}.value` : parameterName;
return get(nodeParameters, parameter, fallbackValue);
getNode() {
return nodeMock;
continueOnFail() {
return continueBool;
helpers: {
} as unknown as IExecuteFunctions;
return fakeExecuteFunction;