कारतोफ्फेलस्क्रिप्ट™ 52f740b9e8
refactor(core): Use an IoC container to manage singleton classes [Part-1] (no-changelog) (#5509)
* add typedi

* convert ActiveWorkflowRunner into an injectable service

* convert ExternalHooks into an injectable service

* convert InternalHooks into an injectable service

* convert LoadNodesAndCredentials into an injectable service

* convert NodeTypes and CredentialTypes into an injectable service

* convert ActiveExecutions into an injectable service

* convert WaitTracker into an injectable service

* convert Push into an injectable service

* convert ActiveWebhooks and  TestWebhooks into an injectable services

* handle circular references, and log errors when a circular dependency is found
2023-02-21 19:21:56 +01:00

112 lines
3.2 KiB

import { ServerResponse } from 'http';
import type { Server } from 'http';
import type { Socket } from 'net';
import type { Application, RequestHandler } from 'express';
import { Server as WSServer } from 'ws';
import { parse as parseUrl } from 'url';
import { Container, Service } from 'typedi';
import config from '@/config';
import { resolveJwt } from '@/auth/jwt';
import { AUTH_COOKIE_NAME } from '@/constants';
import { SSEPush } from './sse.push';
import { WebSocketPush } from './websocket.push';
import type { PushResponse, SSEPushRequest, WebSocketPushRequest } from './types';
import type { IPushDataType } from '@/Interfaces';
const useWebSockets = config.getEnv('push.backend') === 'websocket';
export class Push {
private backend = useWebSockets ? new WebSocketPush() : new SSEPush();
handleRequest(req: SSEPushRequest | WebSocketPushRequest, res: PushResponse) {
if (req.ws) {
(this.backend as WebSocketPush).add(req.query.sessionId, req.ws);
} else if (!useWebSockets) {
(this.backend as SSEPush).add(req.query.sessionId, { req, res });
} else {
send<D>(type: IPushDataType, data: D, sessionId: string | undefined = undefined) {
this.backend.send(type, data, sessionId);
export const setupPushServer = (restEndpoint: string, server: Server, app: Application) => {
if (useWebSockets) {
const wsServer = new WSServer({ noServer: true });
server.on('upgrade', (request: WebSocketPushRequest, socket: Socket, head) => {
if (parseUrl(request.url).pathname === `/${restEndpoint}/push`) {
wsServer.handleUpgrade(request, socket, head, (ws) => {
request.ws = ws;
const response = new ServerResponse(request);
response.writeHead = (statusCode) => {
if (statusCode > 200) ws.close();
return response;
// @ts-ignore
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call
app.handle(request, response);
export const setupPushHandler = (
restEndpoint: string,
app: Application,
isUserManagementEnabled: boolean,
) => {
const endpoint = `/${restEndpoint}/push`;
const pushValidationMiddleware: RequestHandler = async (
req: SSEPushRequest | WebSocketPushRequest,
) => {
const ws = req.ws;
const { sessionId } = req.query;
if (sessionId === undefined) {
if (ws) {
ws.send('The query parameter "sessionId" is missing!');
} else {
next(new Error('The query parameter "sessionId" is missing!'));
// Handle authentication
if (isUserManagementEnabled) {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-assignment, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-member-access
const authCookie: string = req.cookies?.[AUTH_COOKIE_NAME] ?? '';
await resolveJwt(authCookie);
} catch (error) {
if (ws) {
ws.send(`Unauthorized: ${(error as Error).message}`);
} else {
const push = Container.get(Push);
(req: SSEPushRequest | WebSocketPushRequest, res: PushResponse) => push.handleRequest(req, res),