github-actions[bot] f86d9a4b34
🚀 Release 1.3.0 (#6945)
# [1.3.0](https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/compare/n8n@1.2.0...n8n@1.3.0)

### Bug Fixes

* **core:** Don't let bull override the default redis config
* **core:** Fix fetching of EE executions
* **core:** Update frontend urls when using the `--tunnel` option
* **editor:** Disable telemetry in dev mode and in E2E tests
* **editor:** Fix code node’s content property to be reactive
* **editor:** Fix event emit on credential sharing
* **editor:** Fix multiOptions parameters resetting on initial load
* **editor:** Update execution view layout
* **Email Trigger (IMAP) Node:** Fix connection issue with unexpected
spaces in host ([#6886](https://github.com/n8n-io/n8n/issues/6886))
* Fix issue with key formatting if null or undefined
* Fix issue with key formatting introduced in 1.2.0
* Fix lag when node parameters are updated
* **HTTP Request Node:** Improve error handling for TCP socket errors
when `Continue On Fail` is enabled
* Prevent workflow breaking when credential type is unknown
* **Respond to Webhook Node:** Return headers in response

### Features

* **core:** Add support for not requiring SMTP auth with user management
* **core:** Descriptive message for common nodeJS errors
* **editor:** Ask AI in Code node
* Enable parallel processing on multiple queue nodes

Co-authored-by: netroy <netroy@users.noreply.github.com>
2023-08-16 16:55:05 +02:00

96 lines
3.3 KiB

"name": "n8n",
"version": "1.3.0",
"private": true,
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"pnpm": ">=8.6"
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"scripts": {
"preinstall": "node scripts/block-npm-install.js",
"build": "turbo run build",
"typecheck": "turbo run typecheck",
"dev": "turbo run dev --parallel",
"clean": "turbo run clean --parallel",
"format": "turbo run format && node scripts/format.mjs",
"lint": "turbo run lint",
"lintfix": "turbo run lintfix",
"optimize-svg": "find ./packages -name '*.svg' ! -name 'pipedrive.svg' -print0 | xargs -0 -P16 -L20 npx svgo",
"start": "run-script-os",
"start:default": "cd packages/cli/bin && ./n8n",
"start:tunnel": "./packages/cli/bin/n8n start --tunnel",
"start:windows": "cd packages/cli/bin && n8n",
"test": "turbo run test",
"watch": "turbo run watch",
"webhook": "./packages/cli/bin/n8n webhook",
"worker": "./packages/cli/bin/n8n worker",
"cypress:install": "cypress install",
"cypress:open": "CYPRESS_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080 cypress open",
"test:e2e:ui": "cross-env E2E_TESTS=true NODE_OPTIONS=--dns-result-order=ipv4first start-server-and-test start http://localhost:5678/favicon.ico 'cypress open'",
"test:e2e:dev": "cross-env E2E_TESTS=true NODE_OPTIONS=--dns-result-order=ipv4first CYPRESS_BASE_URL=http://localhost:8080 start-server-and-test dev http://localhost:8080/favicon.ico 'cypress open'",
"test:e2e:all": "cross-env E2E_TESTS=true NODE_OPTIONS=--dns-result-order=ipv4first start-server-and-test start http://localhost:5678/favicon.ico 'cypress run --headless'"
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