This collector exports the following metrics:
- raid_drive_temperature: drive temperature
- raid_drive_count: drive error and event counters
- raid_adapter_disk_presence: disk presence per adapter
This works by using a global array with references to NewXCollector
functions. Each collector appends to that array in it's init() function.
Which file gets build depends on the build tags:
To build only the ganglia exporter, you can do:
go build -tags nonative,ganglia
By default it will build only the native collector.
A collector is a type matching 'Collector' interface.
The following collectors where added:
- NativeCollector wrapping the original functionality (attributes, load)
- GmondCollector scraping ganglia's gmond (based on gmond_exporter)
- MuninCollector scraping munin (based on munin_exporter)