package netlink

import (


// Error messages which can be returned by Validate.
var (
	errMismatchedSequence = errors.New("mismatched sequence in netlink reply")
	errMismatchedPID      = errors.New("mismatched PID in netlink reply")
	errShortErrorMessage  = errors.New("not enough data for netlink error code")

// Errors which can be returned by a Socket that does not implement
// all exposed methods of Conn.
var (
	errReadWriteCloserNotSupported = errors.New("raw read/write/closer not supported")
	errMulticastGroupsNotSupported = errors.New("multicast groups not supported")
	errBPFFiltersNotSupported      = errors.New("BPF filters not supported")

// A Conn is a connection to netlink.  A Conn can be used to send and
// receives messages to and from netlink.
// A Conn is safe for concurrent use, but to avoid contention in
// high-throughput applications, the caller should almost certainly create a
// pool of Conns and distribute them among workers.
type Conn struct {
	// sock is the operating system-specific implementation of
	// a netlink sockets connection.
	sock Socket

	// seq is an atomically incremented integer used to provide sequence
	// numbers when Conn.Send is called.
	seq *uint32

	// pid is the PID assigned by netlink.
	pid uint32

// A Socket is an operating-system specific implementation of netlink
// sockets used by Conn.
type Socket interface {
	Close() error
	Send(m Message) error
	Receive() ([]Message, error)

// Dial dials a connection to netlink, using the specified netlink family.
// Config specifies optional configuration for Conn.  If config is nil, a default
// configuration will be used.
func Dial(family int, config *Config) (*Conn, error) {
	// Use OS-specific dial() to create Socket
	c, pid, err := dial(family, config)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return NewConn(c, pid), nil

// NewConn creates a Conn using the specified Socket and PID for netlink
// communications.
// NewConn is primarily useful for tests. Most applications should use
// Dial instead.
func NewConn(c Socket, pid uint32) *Conn {
	seq := rand.Uint32()

	return &Conn{
		sock: c,
		seq:  &seq,
		pid:  pid,

// Close closes the connection.
func (c *Conn) Close() error {
	return c.sock.Close()

// Execute sends a single Message to netlink using Conn.Send, receives one or more
// replies using Conn.Receive, and then checks the validity of the replies against
// the request using Validate.
// See the documentation of Conn.Send, Conn.Receive, and Validate for details about
// each function.
func (c *Conn) Execute(m Message) ([]Message, error) {
	req, err := c.Send(m)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	replies, err := c.Receive()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if err := Validate(req, replies); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return replies, nil

// Send sends a single Message to netlink.  In most cases, m.Header's Length,
// Sequence, and PID fields should be set to 0, so they can be populated
// automatically before the Message is sent.  On success, Send returns a copy
// of the Message with all parameters populated, for later validation.
// If m.Header.Length is 0, it will be automatically populated using the
// correct length for the Message, including its payload.
// If m.Header.Sequence is 0, it will be automatically populated using the
// next sequence number for this connection.
// If m.Header.PID is 0, it will be automatically populated using a PID
// assigned by netlink.
func (c *Conn) Send(m Message) (Message, error) {
	ml := nlmsgLength(len(m.Data))

	// TODO(mdlayher): fine-tune this limit.
	if ml > (1024 * 32) {
		return Message{}, errors.New("netlink message data too large")

	if m.Header.Length == 0 {
		m.Header.Length = uint32(nlmsgAlign(ml))

	if m.Header.Sequence == 0 {
		m.Header.Sequence = c.nextSequence()

	if m.Header.PID == 0 {
		m.Header.PID =

	if err := c.sock.Send(m); err != nil {
		return Message{}, err

	return m, nil

// Receive receives one or more messages from netlink.  Multi-part messages are
// handled transparently and returned as a single slice of Messages, with the
// final empty "multi-part done" message removed.
// If any of the messages indicate a netlink error, that error will be returned.
func (c *Conn) Receive() ([]Message, error) {
	msgs, err := c.receive()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// When using nltest, it's possible for zero messages to be returned by receive.
	if len(msgs) == 0 {
		return msgs, nil

	// Trim the final message with multi-part done indicator if
	// present.
	if m := msgs[len(msgs)-1]; m.Header.Flags&HeaderFlagsMulti != 0 && m.Header.Type == HeaderTypeDone {
		return msgs[:len(msgs)-1], nil

	return msgs, nil

// receive is the internal implementation of Conn.Receive, which can be called
// recursively to handle multi-part messages.
func (c *Conn) receive() ([]Message, error) {
	msgs, err := c.sock.Receive()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// If this message is multi-part, we will need to perform an recursive call
	// to continue draining the socket
	var multi bool

	for _, m := range msgs {
		// Is this a multi-part message and is it not done yet?
		if m.Header.Flags&HeaderFlagsMulti != 0 && m.Header.Type != HeaderTypeDone {
			multi = true

		if err := checkMessage(m); err != nil {
			return nil, err

	if !multi {
		return msgs, nil

	// More messages waiting
	mmsgs, err := c.receive()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return append(msgs, mmsgs...), nil

// An fder is a Socket that supports retrieving its raw file descriptor.
type fder interface {
	FD() int

var _ io.ReadWriteCloser = &fileReadWriteCloser{}

// A fileReadWriteCloser is a limited *os.File which only allows access to its
// Read and Write methods.
type fileReadWriteCloser struct {
	f *os.File

// Read implements io.ReadWriteCloser.
func (rwc *fileReadWriteCloser) Read(b []byte) (int, error) { return rwc.f.Read(b) }

// Write implements io.ReadWriteCloser.
func (rwc *fileReadWriteCloser) Write(b []byte) (int, error) { return rwc.f.Write(b) }

// Close implements io.ReadWriteCloser.
func (rwc *fileReadWriteCloser) Close() error { return rwc.f.Close() }

// ReadWriteCloser returns a raw io.ReadWriteCloser backed by the connection
// of the Conn.
// ReadWriteCloser is intended for advanced use cases, such as those that do
// not involve standard netlink message passing.
// Once invoked, it is the caller's responsibility to ensure that operations
// performed using Conn and the raw io.ReadWriteCloser do not conflict with
// each other.  In almost all scenarios, only one of the two should be used.
func (c *Conn) ReadWriteCloser() (io.ReadWriteCloser, error) {
	fc, ok := c.sock.(fder)
	if !ok {
		return nil, errReadWriteCloserNotSupported

	return &fileReadWriteCloser{
		// Backing the io.ReadWriteCloser with an *os.File enables easy reading
		// and writing without more system call boilerplate.
		f: os.NewFile(uintptr(fc.FD()), "netlink"),
	}, nil

// A groupJoinLeaver is a Socket that supports joining and leaving
// netlink multicast groups.
type groupJoinLeaver interface {
	JoinGroup(group uint32) error
	LeaveGroup(group uint32) error

// JoinGroup joins a netlink multicast group by its ID.
func (c *Conn) JoinGroup(group uint32) error {
	gc, ok := c.sock.(groupJoinLeaver)
	if !ok {
		return errMulticastGroupsNotSupported

	return gc.JoinGroup(group)

// LeaveGroup leaves a netlink multicast group by its ID.
func (c *Conn) LeaveGroup(group uint32) error {
	gc, ok := c.sock.(groupJoinLeaver)
	if !ok {
		return errMulticastGroupsNotSupported

	return gc.LeaveGroup(group)

// A bpfSetter is a Socket that supports setting BPF filters.
type bpfSetter interface {

// SetBPF attaches an assembled BPF program to a Conn.
func (c *Conn) SetBPF(filter []bpf.RawInstruction) error {
	bc, ok := c.sock.(bpfSetter)
	if !ok {
		return errBPFFiltersNotSupported

	return bc.SetBPF(filter)

// nextSequence atomically increments Conn's sequence number and returns
// the incremented value.
func (c *Conn) nextSequence() uint32 {
	return atomic.AddUint32(c.seq, 1)

// Validate validates one or more reply Messages against a request Message,
// ensuring that they contain matching sequence numbers and PIDs.
func Validate(request Message, replies []Message) error {
	for _, m := range replies {
		// Check for mismatched sequence, unless:
		//   - request had no sequence, meaning we are probably validating
		//     a multicast reply
		if m.Header.Sequence != request.Header.Sequence && request.Header.Sequence != 0 {
			return errMismatchedSequence

		// Check for mismatched PID, unless:
		//   - request had no PID, meaning we are either:
		//     - validating a multicast reply
		//     - netlink has not yet assigned us a PID
		//   - response had no PID, meaning it's from the kernel as a multicast reply
		if m.Header.PID != request.Header.PID && request.Header.PID != 0 && m.Header.PID != 0 {
			return errMismatchedPID

	return nil

// Config contains options for a Conn.
type Config struct {
	// Groups is a bitmask which specifies multicast groups. If set to 0,
	// no multicast group subscriptions will be made.
	Groups uint32

	// Experimental: do not lock the internal system call handling goroutine
	// to its OS thread.  This may result in a speed-up of system call handling,
	// but may cause unexpected behavior when sending and receiving a large number
	// of messages.
	// This should almost certainly be set to false, but if you come up with a
	// valid reason for using this, please file an issue at
	// to discuss your thoughts.
	NoLockThread bool