2022-05-09 22:17:45 -07:00
2022-04-27 12:02:27 -07:00
$installInstructions = @'
Hey friend
This installer is only available for Windows.
If you're looking for installation instructions for your operating system,
please visit the following link:
if ($IsMacOS) {
Write-Host @"
if ($IsLinux) {
Write-Host @"
2023-04-14 12:05:43 -07:00
2022-04-27 12:02:27 -07:00
$installer = ''
2023-04-14 12:05:43 -07:00
$arch = (Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_Processor -Property Architecture).Architecture | Select-Object -First 1
2022-04-27 12:02:27 -07:00
switch ($arch) {
2024-11-24 10:29:56 -08:00
0 { $installer = "install-x86.msi" } # x86
5 { $installer = "install-arm64.msi" } # ARM
2022-05-22 11:16:27 -07:00
9 {
if ([Environment]::Is64BitOperatingSystem) {
2024-11-24 10:29:56 -08:00
$installer = "install-x64.msi"
2023-04-14 12:05:43 -07:00
else {
2024-11-24 10:29:56 -08:00
$installer = "install-x86.msi"
2022-05-22 11:16:27 -07:00
2024-11-24 10:29:56 -08:00
12 { $installer = "install-arm64.msi" } # Surface Pro X
2022-04-27 12:02:27 -07:00
2023-04-14 12:05:43 -07:00
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($installer)) {
2022-04-27 12:02:27 -07:00
Write-Host @"
The installer for system architecture ($arch) is not available.
Write-Host "Downloading $installer..."
2023-04-14 12:05:43 -07:00
# validate the availability of New-TemporaryFile
if (Get-Command -Name New-TemporaryFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
2024-11-26 01:52:56 -08:00
$tmp = New-TemporaryFile | Rename-Item -NewName { $_ -replace 'tmp$', 'msi' } -PassThru
2023-04-14 12:05:43 -07:00
else {
2024-11-26 01:52:56 -08:00
$tmp = New-Item -Path $env:TEMP -Name ([System.IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() -replace '\.\w+$', '.msi') -Force -ItemType File
2023-04-14 12:05:43 -07:00
2024-11-30 02:18:05 -08:00
$url = "https://cdn.ohmyposh.dev/releases/latest/$installer"
2023-04-14 12:05:43 -07:00
# check if we can make https requests and download the binary
try {
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $url -Method Head | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.StatusCode -ne 200 } # Suppress success output
catch {
Write-Host "Unable to download $installer. Please check your internet connection."
2022-04-27 12:02:27 -07:00
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $tmp $url
Write-Host 'Running installer...'
2024-11-26 01:52:56 -08:00
2022-05-09 22:17:45 -07:00
if ($AllUsers) {
2024-11-30 02:17:12 -08:00
& "$tmp" INSTALLER=script ALLUSERS=1
2024-11-26 01:52:56 -08:00
} else {
& "$tmp" /quiet INSTALLER=script
2022-05-09 22:17:45 -07:00
2024-11-26 01:52:56 -08:00
2022-04-27 12:02:27 -07:00
Write-Host @'
Restart your terminal and have a look at the
documentation on how to proceed from here.