2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
id: faq
title: FAQ
sidebar_label: 🤨 FAQ
import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem";
2021-06-05 10:27:33 -07:00
Before validating anything, make sure you're on the [latest version][latest] of Oh My Posh and your terminal and shell are up-to-date.
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
2023-03-13 12:13:46 -07:00
### I want to disable the upgrade notice
You can disable the upgrade notice using the following command once:
oh-my-posh disable notice
If you want to enable it again, run:
oh-my-posh enable notice
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
### The prompt is slow (delay in showing the prompt between commands)
2022-05-27 06:53:44 -07:00
:::tip Windows
Make sure Windows Defender, or your AntiVirus, has an exclusion [configured][exclusion].
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
{ label: 'powershell', value: 'powershell', },
{ label: 'others', value: 'others', },
<TabItem value="powershell">
2022-04-06 04:45:07 -07:00
You can use the `oh-my-posh debug` functionality to see where Oh My Posh spends its time.
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
In case there's no clear culprit (timings indicate everything's OK), chances are some modules are the culprit.
2022-04-06 04:45:07 -07:00
We bootstrap a few PowerShell modules to maximise compatibility, but sometimes these can introduce unwanted side-effects.
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
The modules we support are:
- posh-git
<TabItem value="others">
2022-04-06 04:45:07 -07:00
You can use Oh My Posh's built-in debug functionality to identify slow segments.
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
2022-04-06 04:45:07 -07:00
oh-my-posh debug
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
2021-07-01 10:35:09 -07:00
Whenever there's a segment that spikes, see if there might be updates to the underlying functionality (usually shell commands).
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
2022-02-25 17:57:41 -08:00
If only your Git repo paths are slow, then try running [`git gc`][git-gc] to clean up and optimize the local repository.
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
If nothing seems to resolve the issue, feel free to [create an issue][new-issue].
2022-08-23 07:57:11 -07:00
### There are rectangles instead of icons in my prompt
The font you're using doesn't have the needed standard extended glyph set like [Nerd Font][nf] does.
Windows Terminal ships with Cascadia Code by default which has a powerline patched variant called Cascadia Code PL,
but also that one misses certain interesting icons. You can fall back to any theme with the `.minimal` indication,
or make use of a Nerd Font. Have a look at the [font][font] section for more context in case you're using all the right conditions.
### Text decoration styles like bold and dimmed don't work
The text decoration styles are based on your terminal emulator's capabilities.
A quick way to check if your terminal supports a specific style escape sequence is to take a look at the `terminfo` database, on Linux.
Refer [this page on ArchWiki][arch-terminfo].
If you are on Windows, use Windows Terminal. It closely copies the `xterm-256color` capabilities.
See the [PowerShell docs on terminal support][ps-ansi-docs] and [this GitHub comment][xterm-gh-comment].
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
### Windows Terminal: Unexpected space between segments/text
Windows Terminal has some issues with [rendering certain glyphs][wt-glyph]. These issues are on [their backlog][wt-glyphs].
2023-02-03 00:26:01 -08:00
A temporary workaround is to use an invisible character at the end (`\u2800`), or a zero width character (`\u200a`) before the icon.
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
2023-04-29 02:35:21 -07:00
In case you didn't export the config yet (it's the default, or you're using the `--config` flag with a predefined theme), you can follow
the steps [here][export] to export it to a local file so you can adjust the [segment's][segment] `template`.
In the example below, it's assumed that the execution segment's icon `\ufbab` has an unexpected space after it in Windows Terminal.
"type": "executiontime",
"template": "\ufbab" // unexpected space
Adjust it by adding `\u2800` immediately after the icon.
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
2022-02-02 10:38:31 -08:00
"type": "executiontime",
2023-04-29 02:35:21 -07:00
"template": "\ufbab\u2800" // solved
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
2023-04-29 02:35:21 -07:00
2021-07-01 10:35:09 -07:00
### Jetbrains terminals: Icons do not render
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
They need to work on their terminal, somehow it only supports UTF-8 and not UTF-16.
2021-07-01 10:35:09 -07:00
[An issue][jb-icons] is available for a follow-up here.
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
### Strange colouring after exiting VIM or when using the PowerShell progress bootstrap
This bug is caused by Windows Terminal and/or VIM. There are two issues for this, one at [Windows Terminal][wt-vim] and
one at [VIM][vim-wt].
2021-10-29 09:27:42 -07:00
### Conda: environment name displayed in front of the prompt
Conda will automatically prepend the prompt with the name of the environment you're in.
2022-10-18 01:51:57 -07:00
To solely rely on Oh My Posh to set the prompt, you can configure the following setting to hide it.
Make sure to add this **before** initializing Oh My Posh.
2021-10-29 09:27:42 -07:00
conda config --set changeps1 False
2021-12-24 03:38:28 -08:00
### Python venv: Prompt changes on activating virtual environment
Virtual environments created with `venv` add the active environment's name to the prompt automatically.
To disable this behaviour, set `VIRTUAL_ENV_DISABLE_PROMPT` environment variable to `1` on your system. Example files:
2021-12-17 04:42:43 -08:00
2022-03-09 02:39:31 -08:00
Note: Tilde (~) in paths refers to your user's home directory.
2021-12-17 04:42:43 -08:00
{ label: 'powershell', value: 'powershell', },
{ label: 'fish', value: 'fish', },
{ label: 'others', value: 'others', },
<TabItem value="powershell">
2022-02-27 10:53:05 -08:00
# Your PowerShell $PROFILE
2021-12-17 04:42:43 -08:00
<TabItem value="fish">
2021-12-24 03:38:28 -08:00
# ~/.config/fish/config.fish
2021-12-17 04:42:43 -08:00
<TabItem value="others">
2021-12-24 03:38:28 -08:00
# ~/.bashrc (bash) or ~/.zprofile or ~/.zshrc (zsh)
2021-12-17 04:42:43 -08:00
2022-08-23 07:57:11 -07:00
### PowerShell: The term 'Set-Theme' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
2022-02-27 10:30:07 -08:00
2022-08-23 07:57:11 -07:00
You need to migrate using the following [guide][migrating].
2022-02-27 10:30:07 -08:00
2022-08-23 07:57:11 -07:00
### PowerShell: Running in ConstrainedLanguage mode
You're here because you've seen the following message:
[WARNING] ConstrainedLanguage mode detected, unable to set console to UTF-8.
When using PowerShell in ConstrainedLanguage mode, please set the
console mode manually to UTF-8. See here for more information:
When running PowerShell in ConstrainedLanguage mode, we can't set the console to UTF-8. This will cause the prompt to be rendered incorrectly.
There's a few [options][utf-8] to set the console to UTF-8 from an OS perspective on Windows, other systems shouldn't be impacted.
To remove the message after manual configuration, you can add the following to your `$PROFILE` before importing Oh My Posh:
2022-03-09 02:39:31 -08:00
2022-08-23 07:57:11 -07:00
### PowerShell: The term '.../oh-my-posh.exe' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet...
2022-08-10 06:15:16 -07:00
For example:
2022-03-09 02:39:31 -08:00
&: The term 'C:/Users/TommiGr├╢nlund/.oh-my-posh/oh-my-posh.exe' is not recognized as a name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or executable program.
Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
2022-11-21 06:52:36 -08:00
The issue is that PowerShell on Windows doesn't yet default to UTF-8. Resolve the issue by setting the shell to UTF-8 in the scope of initializing Oh My Posh.
:::info Why it matters?
If the location contains non-ASCII characters, non-UTF-8 PowerShell may provide a wrong path to Oh My Posh, which can break the initialization.
The scenario for non-ASCII location:
- Your computer has a non-ASCII user name.
- Your [config file](./installation/customize.mdx) is under your `$HOME`.
To do so, edit your `$PROFILE`, find the line that initializes Oh My Posh (as highlighted below), and change it to the following:
$previousOutputEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding
[Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8
try {
// highlight-start
oh-my-posh init pwsh --config ~/custom.omp.json | Invoke-Expression
// highlight-end
} finally {
[Console]::OutputEncoding = $previousOutputEncoding
Alternatively, let the whole shell become UTF-8. (Be aware: Unwanted side effects can happen.) Add the following line to the top of your `$PROFILE`:
2022-03-09 02:39:31 -08:00
$OutputEncoding = [console]::InputEncoding = [console]::OutputEncoding = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding
2022-02-27 10:30:07 -08:00
2022-08-23 07:57:11 -07:00
### Zsh: No command history (Ctrl+R does not work)
This issue occurs when you're using plain zsh in combination with Oh My Posh.
You fix this by can adding the right configuration to `~/.zshrc`.
setopt appendhistory
2023-03-01 11:37:53 -08:00
### ZSH: No such shell function 'zle-line-init'
This is most likely caused by two Oh My Posh init lines in your `.zshrc`, remove one of them. See [here][zsh-init].
2022-09-17 04:41:52 -07:00
### Fish: $(...) is not supported
2022-08-23 06:53:32 -07:00
You should update fish to v3.4.0 or higher. Fish supports `$(...)` and `"$(...)"` since v3.4.0, as described in its [changelog][fish-changelog].
2023-01-27 05:29:22 -08:00
### After updating my Nerd Font to a newer version, the prompt displays unknown characters
Nerd Fonts moved the icons to a different location in the font for v3.
This can cause the prompt to display unknown characters. There's a built-in migration in Oh My Posh to fix this.
To migrate, run the following command:
oh-my-posh config migrate glyphs --write
This will update your configuration file to use the new glyph locations. Do know they might look different, as they also
updated the icons themselves. A backup of the current config can be found in the same location with a `.bak` extension.
2023-02-18 07:46:31 -08:00
### Xonsh: Right prompt jumps to bottom of the screen
This is a known problem with Xonsh. The issue is tracked [here][xonsh-issue].
2022-05-27 06:53:44 -07:00
[exclusion]: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/add-an-exclusion-to-windows-security-811816c0-4dfd-af4a-47e4-c301afe13b26
2022-02-27 11:51:37 -08:00
[arch-terminfo]: https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/Bash/Prompt_customization#Terminfo_escape_sequences
[ps-ansi-docs]: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_ansi_terminals?view=powershell-7.2
[xterm-gh-comment]: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/6045#issuecomment-631743728
2022-02-25 17:57:41 -08:00
[git-gc]: https://git-scm.com/docs/git-gc
2021-11-12 10:14:16 -08:00
[new-issue]: https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/issues/new/choose
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
[latest]: https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/releases/latest
[wt-glyph]: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/3546
[wt-glyphs]: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+unicode+width
2023-04-29 02:35:21 -07:00
[export]: installation/customize.mdx#adjust-a-theme
[segment]: configuration/segment.mdx
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
[nf]: https://www.nerdfonts.com/
2022-06-03 07:47:56 -07:00
[font]: /docs/installation/fonts
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
[jb-icons]: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-248010
2022-04-25 22:50:59 -07:00
[migrating]: /docs/migrating
2021-04-29 12:14:28 -07:00
[wt-vim]: https://github.com/microsoft/terminal/issues/3794
[vim-wt]: https://github.com/vim/vim/issues/5092
2021-10-28 02:09:28 -07:00
[utf-8]: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/7233#issuecomment-640243647
2022-08-23 06:53:32 -07:00
[fish-changelog]: https://fishshell.com/docs/current/relnotes.html#id1
2023-02-18 07:46:31 -08:00
[xonsh-issue]: https://github.com/xonsh/xonsh/issues/3810
2023-03-01 11:37:53 -08:00
[zsh-init]: https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/discussions/3462#discussioncomment-5155790