| `notice` | `boolean` | `false` | enbale displaying the upgrade notice on shell start, only checks based on `interval` |
| `auto` | `boolean` | `false` | automatically update Oh My Posh when an update is found, only checks based on `interval` |
| `interval` | `string` | `24h` | the duration for which not to check for an update. The duration is a string in the format `1h2m3s` and is parsed using the [time.ParseDuration] function from the Go standard library |
| `source` | `string` | `cdn` | where to fetch the information from. Accepted values are `cdn` (`https://cdn.ohmyposh.dev/releases/latest/version.txt`) and `github` (`https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/releases/latest/download/version.txt`) |