2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
package engine
import (
2022-12-28 08:30:48 -08:00
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
const (
Foo = "foo"
Bar = "bar"
FooBar = "foobar"
func TestHasProperty ( t * testing . T ) {
cases := [ ] struct {
Case string
Expected bool
Property properties . Property
Props properties . Map
} {
{ Case : "Match" , Expected : true , Property : Foo , Props : properties . Map { Foo : "bar" } } ,
{ Case : "No Match" , Expected : false , Property : Foo , Props : properties . Map { Bar : "foo" } } ,
{ Case : "No properties" , Expected : false } ,
for _ , tc := range cases {
segment := & Segment {
Properties : tc . Props ,
got := segment . hasProperty ( tc . Property )
assert . Equal ( t , tc . Expected , got , tc . Case )
func TestMigratePropertyValue ( t * testing . T ) {
cases := [ ] struct {
Case string
Expected interface { }
Property properties . Property
Props properties . Map
} {
{ Case : "Match" , Expected : "foo" , Property : Foo , Props : properties . Map { Foo : "bar" } } ,
{ Case : "No Match" , Expected : nil , Property : Foo , Props : properties . Map { Bar : "foo" } } ,
for _ , tc := range cases {
segment := & Segment {
Properties : tc . Props ,
segment . migratePropertyValue ( tc . Property , tc . Expected )
assert . Equal ( t , tc . Expected , segment . Properties [ tc . Property ] , tc . Case )
func TestMigratePropertyKey ( t * testing . T ) {
cases := [ ] struct {
Case string
Expected interface { }
OldProperty properties . Property
NewProperty properties . Property
Props properties . Map
} {
{ Case : "Match" , Expected : "bar" , OldProperty : Foo , NewProperty : Bar , Props : properties . Map { Foo : "bar" } } ,
{ Case : "No match" , Expected : nil , OldProperty : Foo , NewProperty : Bar , Props : properties . Map { FooBar : "bar" } } ,
{ Case : "No migration" , Expected : "bar" , OldProperty : Foo , NewProperty : Bar , Props : properties . Map { Bar : "bar" } } ,
for _ , tc := range cases {
segment := & Segment {
Properties : tc . Props ,
segment . migratePropertyKey ( tc . OldProperty , tc . NewProperty )
assert . Equal ( t , tc . Expected , segment . Properties [ tc . NewProperty ] , tc . Case )
assert . NotContains ( t , segment . Properties , tc . OldProperty , tc . Case )
type MockedWriter struct {
template string
func ( m * MockedWriter ) Enabled ( ) bool {
return true
func ( m * MockedWriter ) Template ( ) string {
return m . template
2022-11-09 11:27:54 -08:00
func ( m * MockedWriter ) Init ( props properties . Properties , env platform . Environment ) { }
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
func TestIconOverride ( t * testing . T ) {
cases := [ ] struct {
Case string
Expected string
Property properties . Property
Props properties . Map
} {
Case : "Match" ,
Expected : "hello bar bar" ,
Property : Foo ,
Props : properties . Map {
2022-03-27 01:12:47 -07:00
Foo : " bar " ,
segmentTemplate : "hello foo bar" ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
} ,
} ,
Case : "No match" ,
Expected : "hello foo bar" ,
Property : Foo ,
Props : properties . Map {
2022-03-27 01:12:47 -07:00
Bar : " bar " ,
segmentTemplate : "hello foo bar" ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
} ,
} ,
for _ , tc := range cases {
segment := & Segment {
Properties : tc . Props ,
writer : & MockedWriter {
2022-03-27 01:12:47 -07:00
template : tc . Props . GetString ( segmentTemplate , "" ) ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
} ,
segment . migrateIconOverride ( tc . Property , " foo " )
2022-03-27 01:12:47 -07:00
assert . Equal ( t , tc . Expected , segment . Properties [ segmentTemplate ] , tc . Case )
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
func TestColorMigration ( t * testing . T ) {
cases := [ ] struct {
Case string
Expected string
Property properties . Property
Template string
Background bool
NoOverride bool
Props properties . Map
} {
Case : "Foreground override" ,
Expected : "hello green bar" ,
Template : "hello %s bar" ,
Property : Foo ,
Props : properties . Map {
Foo : "green" ,
} ,
} ,
Case : "Background override" ,
Expected : "hello green bar" ,
Template : "hello %s bar" ,
Property : Foo ,
Background : true ,
Props : properties . Map {
Foo : "green" ,
} ,
} ,
Case : "No override" ,
Expected : "hello green bar" ,
Template : "hello %s bar" ,
Property : Foo ,
NoOverride : true ,
} ,
for _ , tc := range cases {
segment := & Segment {
Properties : tc . Props ,
if tc . Background {
segment . Properties [ colorBackground ] = true
2022-02-17 03:34:51 -08:00
segment . migrateColorOverride ( tc . Property , tc . Template , tc . Background )
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
templates := segment . ForegroundTemplates
if tc . Background {
templates = segment . BackgroundTemplates
if tc . NoOverride {
assert . Empty ( t , templates , tc . Case )
lastElement := templates [ len ( templates ) - 1 ]
assert . Equal ( t , tc . Expected , lastElement , tc . Case )
func TestSegmentTemplateMigration ( t * testing . T ) {
cases := [ ] struct {
Case string
Expected string
Type SegmentType
Props properties . Map
} {
Case : "GIT" ,
2022-12-28 01:13:25 -08:00
Expected : " {{ .HEAD }}{{if .BranchStatus }} {{ .BranchStatus }}{{ end }}{{ if .Working.Changed }} working {{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}{{ if and (.Staging.Changed) (.Working.Changed) }} and{{ end }}{{ if .Staging.Changed }} staged {{ .Staging.String }}{{ end }} " , //nolint: lll
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
Type : GIT ,
Props : properties . Map {
"local_working_icon" : " working " ,
"local_staged_icon" : " staged " ,
"worktree_count_icon" : " worktree " ,
"stash_count_icon" : " stash " ,
"status_separator_icon" : " and" ,
} ,
} ,
Case : "GIT - Staging and Working Color" ,
2022-12-28 01:13:25 -08:00
Expected : " {{ .HEAD }}{{if .BranchStatus }} {{ .BranchStatus }}{{ end }}{{ if .Working.Changed }} working <#123456>{{ .Working.String }}</>{{ end }}{{ if and (.Staging.Changed) (.Working.Changed) }} and{{ end }}{{ if .Staging.Changed }} staged <#123456>{{ .Staging.String }}</>{{ end }} " , //nolint: lll
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
Type : GIT ,
Props : properties . Map {
"local_working_icon" : " working " ,
"local_staged_icon" : " staged " ,
"worktree_count_icon" : " worktree " ,
"stash_count_icon" : " stash " ,
"status_separator_icon" : " and" ,
"working_color" : "#123456" ,
"staging_color" : "#123456" ,
} ,
} ,
2022-02-02 10:21:16 -08:00
Case : "EXIT - No exit code" ,
2022-02-20 06:59:52 -08:00
Expected : " {{ if gt .Code 0 }}FAIL{{ else }}SUCCESS{{ end }} " ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
Type : EXIT ,
Props : properties . Map {
"display_exit_code" : false ,
"success_icon" : "SUCCESS" ,
"error_icon" : "FAIL" ,
} ,
} ,
2022-02-20 06:59:52 -08:00
Case : "EXIT - No spaces" ,
Expected : "{{ if gt .Code 0 }}💩{{ else }}🌵{{ end }}" ,
Type : EXIT ,
Props : properties . Map {
"prefix" : "" ,
"postfix" : "" ,
"display_exit_code" : false ,
"always_enabled" : true ,
"success_icon" : "🌵" ,
"error_icon" : "💩" ,
} ,
} ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
Case : "EXIT - Always numeric" ,
2022-02-01 05:07:58 -08:00
Expected : " {{ if gt .Code 0 }}FAIL {{ .Code }}{{ else }}SUCCESS{{ end }} " ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
Type : EXIT ,
Props : properties . Map {
"always_numeric" : true ,
"success_icon" : "SUCCESS" ,
"error_icon" : "FAIL" ,
} ,
} ,
2022-02-05 00:41:41 -08:00
Case : "EXIT - .Text" ,
Expected : " {{ .Meaning }} " ,
Type : EXIT ,
Props : properties . Map {
"template" : "{{ .Text }}" ,
} ,
} ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
Case : "BATTERY" ,
2022-02-01 05:07:58 -08:00
Expected : ` {{ if not .Error }} {{ $stateList := list "Discharging" "Full" }} {{ if has .State .String $stateList }} {{ .Icon }} {{ .Percentage }} {{ end }} {{ end }} {{ .Error }} ` ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
Type : BATTERY ,
Props : properties . Map {
"display_charging" : false ,
} ,
} ,
Case : "SESSION" ,
2022-02-01 05:07:58 -08:00
Expected : " {{ if .SSHSession }}SSH {{ end }}{{ .UserName }}@{{ .HostName }} " ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
Type : SESSION ,
Props : properties . Map {
"ssh_icon" : "SSH " ,
} ,
} ,
Case : "SESSION no HOST" ,
2022-02-01 05:07:58 -08:00
Expected : " {{ if .SSHSession }}\uf817 {{ end }}{{ .UserName }} " ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
Type : SESSION ,
Props : properties . Map {
"display_host" : false ,
} ,
} ,
Case : "SESSION no USER" ,
2022-02-01 05:07:58 -08:00
Expected : " {{ if .SSHSession }}\uf817 {{ end }}{{ .HostName }} " ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
Type : SESSION ,
Props : properties . Map {
"display_user" : false ,
} ,
} ,
Case : "SESSION no USER nor HOST" ,
2022-02-01 05:07:58 -08:00
Expected : " {{ if .SSHSession }}\uf817 {{ end }} " ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
Type : SESSION ,
Props : properties . Map {
"display_user" : false ,
"display_host" : false ,
} ,
} ,
Case : "SESSION - Color overrides" ,
2022-02-01 05:07:58 -08:00
Expected : " {{ if .SSHSession }}\uf817 {{ end }}<#123456>{{ .UserName }}</>@<#789012>{{ .HostName }}</> " ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
Type : SESSION ,
Props : properties . Map {
"user_color" : "#123456" ,
"host_color" : "#789012" ,
} ,
} ,
2022-02-26 09:59:01 -08:00
Case : "SESSION - Existing template" ,
Expected : " {{ .UserName }}@{{ .HostName }} " ,
Type : SESSION ,
Props : properties . Map {
"template" : "{{ .UserName }}@{{ .ComputerName }}" ,
} ,
} ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
for _ , tc := range cases {
segment := & Segment {
Type : tc . Type ,
Properties : tc . Props ,
2022-02-02 03:24:31 -08:00
segment . migrationOne ( & mock . MockedEnvironment { } )
2022-03-27 01:12:47 -07:00
assert . Equal ( t , tc . Expected , segment . Properties [ segmentTemplate ] , tc . Case )
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
func TestInlineColorOverride ( t * testing . T ) {
cases := [ ] struct {
Case string
Expected string
Property properties . Property
Props properties . Map
} {
Case : "Match" ,
Expected : "hello <#123456>foo</> bar" ,
Property : Foo ,
Props : properties . Map {
2022-03-27 01:12:47 -07:00
Foo : "#123456" ,
segmentTemplate : "hello foo bar" ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
} ,
} ,
Case : "No match" ,
Expected : "hello foo bar" ,
Property : Foo ,
Props : properties . Map {
2022-03-27 01:12:47 -07:00
Bar : "#123456" ,
segmentTemplate : "hello foo bar" ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
} ,
} ,
for _ , tc := range cases {
segment := & Segment {
Properties : tc . Props ,
writer : & MockedWriter {
2022-03-27 01:12:47 -07:00
template : tc . Props . GetString ( segmentTemplate , "" ) ,
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
} ,
segment . migrateInlineColorOverride ( tc . Property , "foo" )
2022-03-27 01:12:47 -07:00
assert . Equal ( t , tc . Expected , segment . Properties [ segmentTemplate ] , tc . Case )
2022-01-31 04:33:36 -08:00
2022-02-01 05:07:58 -08:00
func TestMigratePreAndPostfix ( t * testing . T ) {
cases := [ ] struct {
Case string
Expected string
Props properties . Map
} {
Case : "Pre and Postfix" ,
Expected : "<background,transparent>\ue0b6</> \uf489 {{ .Name }} <transparent,background>\ue0b2</>" ,
Props : properties . Map {
"postfix" : " <transparent,background>\ue0b2</>" ,
"prefix" : "<background,transparent>\ue0b6</> \uf489 " ,
"template" : "{{ .Name }}" ,
} ,
} ,
Case : "Prefix" ,
Expected : " {{ .Name }} " ,
Props : properties . Map {
"prefix" : " " ,
"template" : "{{ .Name }}" ,
} ,
} ,
Case : "Postfix" ,
Expected : " {{ .Name }} " ,
Props : properties . Map {
"postfix" : " " ,
"template" : "{{ .Name }} " ,
} ,
} ,
for _ , tc := range cases {
segment := & Segment {
Properties : tc . Props ,
writer : & MockedWriter {
2022-03-27 01:12:47 -07:00
template : tc . Props . GetString ( segmentTemplate , "" ) ,
2022-02-01 05:07:58 -08:00
} ,
segment . migrateTemplate ( )
2022-03-27 01:12:47 -07:00
assert . Equal ( t , tc . Expected , segment . Properties [ segmentTemplate ] , tc . Case )
2022-02-01 05:07:58 -08:00
assert . NotContains ( t , segment . Properties , "prefix" , tc . Case )
assert . NotContains ( t , segment . Properties , "postfix" , tc . Case )
2022-02-04 00:09:19 -08:00
func TestMigrateConfig ( t * testing . T ) {
cases := [ ] struct {
Case string
Expected string
Template string
} {
{ Case : "Path" , Expected : "{{ .PWD }}" , Template : "{{ .Path }}" } ,
{ Case : "No Path" , Expected : "foo" , Template : "foo" } ,
{ Case : "Empty" , Expected : "" , Template : "" } ,
for _ , tc := range cases {
cfg := & Config {
ConsoleTitleTemplate : tc . Template ,
cfg . Migrate ( & mock . MockedEnvironment { } )
assert . Equal ( t , tc . Expected , cfg . ConsoleTitleTemplate , tc . Case )
2022-03-27 01:12:47 -07:00
func TestMigrationTwo ( t * testing . T ) {
cases := [ ] struct {
Case string
Expected string
Template string
} {
Case : "With template" ,
Expected : "{{ .Name }}" ,
Template : "{{ .Name }}" ,
} ,
Case : "No template" ,
Expected : "" ,
} ,
for _ , tc := range cases {
segment := & Segment {
Type : SESSION ,
Properties : properties . Map { } ,
writer : & MockedWriter {
template : tc . Template ,
} ,
if tc . Template != "" {
segment . Properties [ segmentTemplate ] = tc . Template
segment . migrationTwo ( & mock . MockedEnvironment { } )
assert . Equal ( t , tc . Expected , segment . Template , tc . Case )
assert . NotContains ( t , segment . Properties , segmentTemplate , tc . Case )