| `cache_duration` | `string` | `none` | the duration for which the version will be cached. The duration is a string in the format `1h2m3s` and is parsed using the [time.ParseDuration] function from the Go standard library. To disable the cache, use `none` |
| `missing_command_text` | `string` | | text to display when the command is missing |
| `display_mode` | `string` | `context` | <ul><li>`always`: the segment is always displayed</li><li>`files`: the segment is only displayed when file `extensions` listed are present</li><li>`context`: displays the segment when the environment or files is active</li></ul> |
| `version_url_template` | `string` | | a go [text/template][go-text-template] [template][templates] that creates the URL of the version info / release notes |
| `fetch_package_manager` | `boolean` | `false` | define if the current project uses PNPM, Yarn, or NPM |
| `pnpm_icon` | `string` | `\uF02C1` | the icon/text to display when using PNPM |
| `yarn_icon` | `string` | `\uF011B` | the icon/text to display when using Yarn |
| `npm_icon` | `string` | `\uE71E` | the icon/text to display when using NPM |
| `extensions` | `[]string` | `*.js, *.ts, package.json, .nvmrc, pnpm-workspace.yaml, .pnpmfile.cjs, .vue` | allows to override the default list of file extensions to validate |
| `folders` | `[]string` | | allows to override the list of folder names to validate |