"{{ .UpstreamIcon }}{{ .HEAD }}{{if .BranchStatus }} {{ .BranchStatus }}{{ end }}{{ if .Working.Changed }} \uF044 {{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}{{ if and (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }} |{{ end }}{{ if .Staging.Changed }} \uF046 {{ .Staging.String }}{{ end }}{{ if gt .StashCount 0 }} \uf0c7 {{ .StashCount }}{{ end }}",
| `fetch_status` | `boolean` | `false` | fetch the local changes |
| `ignore_status` | `[]string` | | do not fetch status for these repo's. Uses the repo's root folder and same logic as the [exclude_folders][exclude_folders] property |
| `untracked_modes` | `map[string]string` | | map of repo's where to override the default [untracked files mode][untracked]:<ul><li>`no`</li><li>`normal`</li><li>`all`</li></ul>For example `"untracked_modes": { "/Users/me/repos/repo1": "no" }` - defaults to `normal` for all repo's. If you want to override for all repo's, use `*` to set the mode instead of the repo path |
| `ignore_submodules` | `map[string]string` | | map of repo's where to change the [--ignore-submodules][submodules] flag (`none`, `untracked`, `dirty` or `all`). For example `"ignore_submodules": { "/Users/me/repos/repo1": "all" }`. If you want to override for all repo's, use `*` to set the mode instead of the repo path |
| `native_fallback` | `boolean` | `false` | when set to `true` and `git.exe` is not available when inside a WSL2 shared Windows drive, we will fallback to the native `git` executable to fetch data. Not all information can be displayed in this case |
| `status_formats` | `map[string]string` | | a key, value map allowing to override how individual status items are displayed. For example, `"status_formats": { "Added": "Added: %d" }` will display the added count as `Added: 1` instead of `+1`. See the [Status](#status) section for available overrides. |
| `source` | `string` | `cli` | <ul><li>`cli`: fetch the information using the git CLI</li><li>`pwsh`: fetch the information from the [posh-git][poshgit] PowerShell Module</li></ul> |
| `upstream_icons` | `map[string]string` | | a key, value map representing the remote URL (or a part of that URL) and icon to use in case the upstream URL contains the key. These get precedence over the standard icons |
{{ .HEAD }}{{if .BranchStatus }} {{ .BranchStatus }}{{ end }}{{ if .Working.Changed }} \uF044 {{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}{{ if and (.Staging.Changed) (.Working.Changed) }} |{{ end }}{{ if .Staging.Changed }} \uF046 {{ .Staging.String }}{{ end }}
| `.Working` | `Status` | changes in the worktree (see below) |
| `.Staging` | `Status` | staged changes in the work tree (see below) |
| `.HEAD` | `string` | the current HEAD context (branch/rebase/merge/...) |
| `.Ref` | `string` | the current HEAD reference (branch/tag/...) |
| `.Behind` | `int` | commits behind of upstream |
| `.Ahead` | `int` | commits ahead of upstream |
| `.BranchStatus` | `string` | the current branch context (ahead/behind string representation) |
| `.Upstream` | `string` | the upstream name (remote) |
| `.UpstreamGone` | `boolean` | whether the upstream is gone (no remote) |
| `.UpstreamIcon` | `string` | the upstream icon (based on the icons above) |
| `.UpstreamURL` | `string` | the upstream URL for use in [hyperlinks][hyperlinks] in templates: `{{ url .UpstreamIcon .UpstreamURL }}` |
| `.StashCount` | `int` | the stash count |
| `.WorktreeCount` | `int` | the worktree count |
| `.IsWorkTree` | `boolean` | if in a worktree repo or not |
| `.IsBare` | `boolean` | if in a bare repo or not, only set when `fetch_bare_info` is set to `true` |
| `.Dir` | `string` | the repository's root directory |
| `.Kraken` | `string` | a link to the current HEAD in [GitKraken][kraken-ref] for use in [hyperlinks][hyperlinks] in templates `{{ url .HEAD .Kraken }}` |
| `.Commit` | `Commit` | HEAD commit information (see below) |