mirror of
synced 2025-01-27 02:51:44 -08:00
feat(az): support az pwsh module
This commit is contained in:
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ make sure to do this after importing `go-my-posh` and you're good to go.
function Set-EnvVar {
New-Alias -Name 'Set-PoshContext' -Value 'Set-EnvVar' -Scope Global
New-Alias -Name 'Set-PoshContext' -Value 'Set-EnvVar' -Scope Global -Force
The segment will show when the value of the environment variable isn't empty.
@ -16,12 +16,23 @@ if (Test-Path $config) {
function global:Set-PoshContext {}
function global:Set-PoshGitStatus {
function global:Initialize-ModuleSupport {
if (Get-Module -Name "posh-git") {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSProvideCommentHelp', '', Justification = 'Variable used later(not in this scope)')]
$global:GitStatus = Get-GitStatus
$env:POSH_GIT_STATUS = Write-GitStatus -Status $global:GitStatus
if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "Az.Accounts") {
try {
$subscription = Get-AzContext | Select-Object -ExpandProperty "Subscription" | Select-Object "Name", "Id"
if ($null -ne $subscription) {
$env:AZ_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME = $subscription.Name
$env:AZ_SUBSCRIPTION_ID = $subscription.Id
catch {}
[ScriptBlock]$Prompt = {
@ -44,10 +55,10 @@ function global:Set-PoshGitStatus {
$executionTime = -1
$history = Get-History -ErrorAction Ignore -Count 1
if ($null -ne $history -and $null -ne $history.EndExecutionTime -and $null -ne $history.StartExecutionTime -and $global:omp_lastHistoryId -ne $history.Id) {
$executionTime = ($history.EndExecutionTime - $history.StartExecutionTime).TotalMilliseconds
$global:omp_lastHistoryId = $history.Id
$executionTime = ($history.EndExecutionTime - $history.StartExecutionTime).TotalMilliseconds
$global:omp_lastHistoryId = $history.Id
$omp = "::OMP::"
$config = $global:PoshSettings.Theme
$cleanPWD = $PWD.ProviderPath.TrimEnd("\")
@ -77,7 +88,7 @@ function global:Export-PoshTheme {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
[ValidateSet('json', 'yaml', 'toml')]
$Format = 'json'
@ -36,24 +36,47 @@ func (a *az) init(props *properties, env environmentInfo) {
func (a *az) enabled() bool {
var enabled bool
a.name, a.id, enabled = a.getFromEnvVars()
if enabled {
return enabled
a.name, a.id, enabled = a.getFromAzCli()
return enabled
func (a *az) getFromEnvVars() (string, string, bool) {
name := a.env.getenv("AZ_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME")
id := a.env.getenv("AZ_SUBSCRIPTION_ID")
if name == "" && id == "" {
return "", "", false
return name, id, true
func (a *az) getFromAzCli() (string, string, bool) {
cmd := "az"
if (!a.idEnabled() && !a.nameEnabled()) || !a.env.hasCommand(cmd) {
return false
return "", "", false
output, _ := a.env.runCommand(cmd, "account", "show", "--query=[name,id]", "-o=tsv")
if output == "" {
return false
return "", "", false
splittedOutput := strings.Split(output, "\n")
if len(splittedOutput) < 2 {
return false
return "", "", false
a.name = strings.TrimSpace(splittedOutput[0])
a.id = strings.TrimSpace(splittedOutput[1])
return true
name := strings.TrimSpace(splittedOutput[0])
id := strings.TrimSpace(splittedOutput[1])
return name, id, true
func (a *az) getID() string {
@ -7,91 +7,121 @@ import (
type azArgs struct {
enabled bool
subscriptionName string
subscriptionID string
infoSeparator string
displayID bool
displayName bool
func bootStrapAzTest(args *azArgs) *az {
env := new(MockedEnvironment)
env.On("hasCommand", "az").Return(args.enabled)
env.On("runCommand", "az", []string{"account", "show", "--query=[name,id]", "-o=tsv"}).Return(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s\n", args.subscriptionName, args.subscriptionID), nil)
props := &properties{
values: map[Property]interface{}{
SubscriptionInfoSeparator: args.infoSeparator,
DisplaySubscriptionID: args.displayID,
DisplaySubscriptionName: args.displayName,
func TestAzSegment(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
Case string
ExpectedEnabled bool
ExpectedString string
EnvSubName string
EnvSubID string
CliExists bool
CliSubName string
CliSubID string
InfoSeparator string
DisplayID bool
DisplayName bool
{Case: "envvars present",
ExpectedEnabled: true,
ExpectedString: "foo$bar",
EnvSubName: "foo",
EnvSubID: "bar",
CliExists: false,
InfoSeparator: "$",
DisplayID: true,
DisplayName: true},
{Case: "envvar name present",
ExpectedEnabled: true,
ExpectedString: "foo$",
EnvSubName: "foo",
EnvSubID: "",
CliExists: false,
InfoSeparator: "$",
DisplayID: true,
DisplayName: true},
{Case: "envvar id present",
ExpectedEnabled: true,
ExpectedString: "$bar",
EnvSubName: "",
EnvSubID: "bar",
CliExists: false,
InfoSeparator: "$",
DisplayID: true,
DisplayName: true},
{Case: "cli not found",
ExpectedEnabled: false,
ExpectedString: "$",
EnvSubName: "",
EnvSubID: "",
CliExists: false,
InfoSeparator: "$",
DisplayID: true,
DisplayName: true},
{Case: "cli contains data",
ExpectedEnabled: true,
ExpectedString: "foo$bar",
EnvSubName: "",
EnvSubID: "",
CliExists: true,
CliSubName: "foo",
CliSubID: "bar",
InfoSeparator: "$",
DisplayID: true,
DisplayName: true},
{Case: "print only name",
ExpectedEnabled: true,
ExpectedString: "foo",
EnvSubName: "",
EnvSubID: "",
CliExists: true,
CliSubName: "foo",
CliSubID: "bar",
InfoSeparator: "$",
DisplayID: false,
DisplayName: true},
{Case: "print only id",
ExpectedEnabled: true,
ExpectedString: "bar",
EnvSubName: "",
EnvSubID: "",
CliExists: true,
CliSubName: "foo",
CliSubID: "bar",
InfoSeparator: "$",
DisplayID: true,
DisplayName: false},
{Case: "print none",
ExpectedEnabled: false,
ExpectedString: "",
EnvSubName: "",
EnvSubID: "",
CliExists: true,
CliSubName: "foo",
CliSubID: "bar",
InfoSeparator: "$",
DisplayID: false,
DisplayName: false},
a := &az{
env: env,
props: props,
return a
for _, tc := range cases {
env := new(MockedEnvironment)
env.On("getenv", "AZ_SUBSCRIPTION_NAME").Return(tc.EnvSubName)
env.On("getenv", "AZ_SUBSCRIPTION_ID").Return(tc.EnvSubID)
env.On("hasCommand", "az").Return(tc.CliExists)
env.On("runCommand", "az", []string{"account", "show", "--query=[name,id]", "-o=tsv"}).Return(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s\n", tc.CliSubName, tc.CliSubID), nil)
props := &properties{
values: map[Property]interface{}{
SubscriptionInfoSeparator: tc.InfoSeparator,
DisplaySubscriptionID: tc.DisplayID,
DisplaySubscriptionName: tc.DisplayName,
func TestEnabledAzNotFound(t *testing.T) {
args := &azArgs{
enabled: false,
az := &az{
env: env,
props: props,
assert.Equal(t, tc.ExpectedEnabled, az.enabled(), tc.Case)
assert.Equal(t, tc.ExpectedString, az.string(), tc.Case)
az := bootStrapAzTest(args)
assert.False(t, az.enabled())
func TestEnabledNoAzDataToDisplay(t *testing.T) {
args := &azArgs{
enabled: true,
displayID: false,
displayName: false,
az := bootStrapAzTest(args)
assert.False(t, az.enabled())
func TestWriteAzSubscriptionId(t *testing.T) {
expected := "id"
args := &azArgs{
enabled: true,
subscriptionID: "id",
subscriptionName: "name",
displayID: true,
displayName: false,
az := bootStrapAzTest(args)
assert.True(t, az.enabled())
assert.Equal(t, expected, az.string())
func TestWriteAzSubscriptionName(t *testing.T) {
expected := "name"
args := &azArgs{
enabled: true,
subscriptionID: "id",
subscriptionName: "name",
displayID: false,
displayName: true,
az := bootStrapAzTest(args)
assert.True(t, az.enabled())
assert.Equal(t, expected, az.string())
func TestWriteAzNameAndID(t *testing.T) {
expected := "name@id"
args := &azArgs{
enabled: true,
subscriptionID: "id",
subscriptionName: "name",
infoSeparator: "@",
displayID: true,
displayName: true,
az := bootStrapAzTest(args)
assert.True(t, az.enabled())
assert.Equal(t, expected, az.string())
Reference in a new issue