refactor(pwsh): use dynamic module for init

This commit is contained in:
L. Yeung 2022-04-27 02:09:23 +08:00 committed by Jan De Dobbeleer
parent a2f5016e77
commit a9671df378
2 changed files with 249 additions and 320 deletions

View file

@ -44,81 +44,3 @@
} # End of PSData hashtable
} # End of PrivateData hashtable

View file

@ -1,4 +1,23 @@
function global:Start-Utf8Process {
# remove any existing dynamic module of OMP
if ($null -ne (Get-Module -Name "oh-my-posh-core")) {
Remove-Module -Name "oh-my-posh-core" -Force
New-Module -Name "oh-my-posh-core" -ScriptBlock {
$script:ErrorCode = 0
$script:OMPExecutable = '::OMP::'
$script:PSVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()
$script:TransientPrompt = $false
$env:POWERLINE_COMMAND = "oh-my-posh"
if (Test-Path '::CONFIG::') {
$env:POSH_THEME = (Resolve-Path -Path '::CONFIG::').ProviderPath
# specific module support (disabled by default)
if ($null -eq $env:POSH_GIT_ENABLED) {
$env:POSH_GIT_ENABLED = $false
function Start-Utf8Process {
[string] $FileName,
[string] $Arguments
@ -22,120 +41,82 @@ function global:Start-Utf8Process {
return $Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
$env:POWERLINE_COMMAND = "oh-my-posh"
$env:SHELL_VERSION = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString()
$global:POSH_TRANSIENT = $false
function Set-PoshContext {}
# specific module support (disabled by default)
if ($null -eq $env:POSH_GIT_ENABLED) {
$env:POSH_GIT_ENABLED = $false
# used to detect empty hit
if (Test-Path '::CONFIG::') {
$env:POSH_THEME = (Resolve-Path -Path '::CONFIG::').ProviderPath
# set secondary prompt`
Set-PSReadLineOption -ContinuationPrompt (@(Start-Utf8Process '::OMP::' "print secondary --config=""$Env:POSH_THEME""") -join "`n")
function global:Set-PoshContext {}
function global:Get-PoshContext {
function Get-PoshContext {
$cleanPWD = $PWD.ProviderPath
$cleanPSWD = $PWD.ToString()
$cleanPWD = $cleanPWD.TrimEnd('\')
$cleanPSWD = $cleanPSWD.TrimEnd('\')
return $cleanPWD, $cleanPSWD
function global:Initialize-ModuleSupport {
function Initialize-ModuleSupport {
if ($env:POSH_GIT_ENABLED -eq $true) {
$global:GitStatus = Get-GitStatus
$env:POSH_GIT_STATUS = Write-GitStatus -Status $global:GitStatus
$env:POSH_GIT_STATUS = Write-GitStatus -Status (Get-GitStatus)
Set-Item -Force -Path Function:prompt -Value {
#store if the last command was successful
$lastCommandSuccess = $?
#store the last exit code for restore
$omp = '::OMP::'
function Enable-PoshTooltips {
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key SpaceBar -ScriptBlock {
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Insert(' ')
$position = $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition
$cleanPWD, $cleanPSWD = Get-PoshContext
if ($global:POSH_TRANSIENT -eq $true) {
@(Start-Utf8Process $omp "print transient --error=$global:OMP_ERRORCODE --pwd=""$cleanPWD"" --pswd=""$cleanPSWD"" --execution-time=$global:OMP_EXECUTIONTIME --config=""$Env:POSH_THEME"" --shell-version=""$env:SHELL_VERSION""") -join "`n"
$global:POSH_TRANSIENT = $false
if (Test-Path variable:/PSDebugContext) {
@(Start-Utf8Process $omp "print debug --pwd=""$cleanPWD"" --pswd=""$cleanPSWD"" --config=""$Env:POSH_THEME""") -join "`n"
$global:OMP_ERRORCODE = 0
if ($lastCommandSuccess -eq $false) {
# native app exit code
if ($realLASTEXITCODE -is [int] -and $realLASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
else {
$global:OMP_ERRORCODE = 1
$command = $null
$cursor = $null
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$command, [ref]$cursor)
$command = ($command -split " ")[0]
$standardOut = @(Start-Utf8Process $script:OMPExecutable "print tooltip --pwd=""$cleanPWD"" --pswd=""$cleanPSWD"" --config=""$env:POSH_THEME"" --command=""$command"" --shell-version=""$script:PSVersion""")
Write-Host $standardOut -NoNewline
$host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = $position
# read stack count from current stack(if invoked from profile=right value, otherwise use the global variable set in Set-PoshPrompt(stack scoped to module))
$stackCount = (Get-Location -stack).Count
function Enable-PoshTransientPrompt {
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Enter -ScriptBlock {
$script:TransientPrompt = $true
$previousOutputEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding
[Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8
try {
if ($global:OMP_GLOBAL_SESSIONSTATE -ne $null) {
$stackCount = ($global:OMP_GLOBAL_SESSIONSTATE).path.locationstack('').count
} finally {
[Console]::OutputEncoding = $previousOutputEncoding
catch {}
$history = Get-History -ErrorAction Ignore -Count 1
if ($null -ne $history -and $null -ne $history.EndExecutionTime -and $null -ne $history.StartExecutionTime -and $global:OMP_LASTHISTORYID -ne $history.Id) {
$global:OMP_EXECUTIONTIME = ($history.EndExecutionTime - $history.StartExecutionTime).TotalMilliseconds
$global:OMP_LASTHISTORYID = $history.Id
function Enable-PoshLineError {
$validLine = @(Start-Utf8Process $script:OMPExecutable "print valid --config=""$env:POSH_THEME""") -join "`n"
$errorLine = @(Start-Utf8Process $script:OMPExecutable "print error --config=""$env:POSH_THEME""") -join "`n"
Set-PSReadLineOption -PromptText $validLine, $errorLine
$terminalWidth = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width
$standardOut = @(Start-Utf8Process $omp "print primary --error=$global:OMP_ERRORCODE --pwd=""$cleanPWD"" --pswd=""$cleanPSWD"" --execution-time=$global:OMP_EXECUTIONTIME --stack-count=$stackCount --config=""$Env:POSH_THEME"" --shell-version=""$env:SHELL_VERSION"" --terminal-width=$terminalWidth")
# make sure PSReadLine knows we have a multiline prompt
$extraLines = ($standardOut | Measure-Object -Line).Lines - 1
if ($extraLines -gt 0) {
Set-PSReadlineOption -ExtraPromptLineCount $extraLines
# the output can be multiline, joining these ensures proper rendering by adding line breaks with `n
$standardOut -join "`n"
Exports the current oh-my-posh theme
By default the config is exported in json to the clipboard
Exports the current oh-my-posh theme.
By default the config is exported in JSON to the clipboard.
Current theme exported in json to clipboard
Export the current theme in JSON to the clipboard.
Export-PoshTheme -Format toml
Current theme exported in toml to clipboard
Export-PoshTheme c:\temp\theme.toml toml
Current theme exported in toml to c:\temp\theme.toml
Export the current theme in TOML to the clipboard.
Export-PoshTheme C:\temp\theme.yaml yaml
Export the current theme in YAML to 'C:\temp\theme.yaml'.
Export-PoshTheme ~\theme.toml toml
Current theme exported in toml to your home\theme.toml
function global:Export-PoshTheme {
Export the current theme in TOML to '$HOME\theme.toml'
function Export-PoshTheme {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
@ -148,66 +129,19 @@ function global:Export-PoshTheme {
$Format = 'json'
$omp = '::OMP::'
$configString = @(Start-Utf8Process $omp "config export --config=""$Env:POSH_THEME"" --format=$Format")
$configString = @(Start-Utf8Process $script:OMPExecutable "config export --config=""$env:POSH_THEME"" --format=$Format")
# if no path, copy to clipboard by default
if ($FilePath -ne "") {
if ('' -ne $FilePath) {
$FilePath = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($FilePath)
[IO.File]::WriteAllLines($FilePath, $configString)
else {
} else {
Set-Clipboard $configString
Write-Output "Theme copied to clipboard"
function global:Enable-PoshTooltips {
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key SpaceBar -ScriptBlock {
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::Insert(' ')
$position = $host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition
$omp = '::OMP::'
$cleanPWD, $cleanPSWD = Get-PoshContext
$command = $null
$cursor = $null
[Microsoft.PowerShell.PSConsoleReadLine]::GetBufferState([ref]$command, [ref]$cursor)
$command = ($command -split " ")[0]
$standardOut = @(Start-Utf8Process $omp "print tooltip --pwd=""$cleanPWD"" --pswd=""$cleanPSWD"" --config=""$Env:POSH_THEME"" --command=""$command"" --shell-version=""$env:SHELL_VERSION""")
Write-Host $standardOut -NoNewline
$host.UI.RawUI.CursorPosition = $position
function global:Enable-PoshTransientPrompt {
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Enter -ScriptBlock {
$global:POSH_TRANSIENT = $true
$previousOutputEncoding = [Console]::OutputEncoding
[Console]::OutputEncoding = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8
try {
finally {
[Console]::OutputEncoding = $previousOutputEncoding
function global:Enable-PoshLineError {
$omp = '::OMP::'
$validLine = @(Start-Utf8Process $omp "print valid --config=""$Env:POSH_THEME""") -join "`n"
$errorLine = @(Start-Utf8Process $omp "print error --config=""$Env:POSH_THEME""") -join "`n"
Set-PSReadLineOption -PromptText $validLine, $errorLine
Returns an ansi formatted hyperlink
if name not set, uri is used as the name of the hyperlink
function global:Get-Hyperlink {
function Get-FileHyperlink {
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValuefromPipeline = $True)]
@ -216,16 +150,18 @@ function global:Get-Hyperlink {
$esc = [char]27
if ("" -eq $name) {
# if name not set, uri is used as the name of the hyperlink
$name = $uri
if ($null -ne $env:WSL_DISTRO_NAME) {
# wsl conversion if needed
$uri = &wslpath -m $uri
# return an ANSI formatted hyperlink
return "$esc]8;;file://$uri$esc\$name$esc]8;;$esc\"
function global:Get-PoshThemes() {
function Get-PoshThemes {
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = "The themes folder")]
@ -256,23 +192,94 @@ function global:Get-PoshThemes() {
Write-Host $logo
$themes = Get-ChildItem -Path "$Path\*" -Include '*.omp.json' | Sort-Object Name
if ($List -eq $true) {
$themes | Select-Object @{ Name = 'hyperlink'; Expression = { Get-Hyperlink -uri $_.fullname } } | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders
else {
$omp = '::OMP::'
$themes | Select-Object @{ Name = 'hyperlink'; Expression = { Get-FileHyperlink -uri $_.FullName } } | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders
} else {
$themes | ForEach-Object -Process {
Write-Host "Theme: $(Get-Hyperlink -uri $_.fullname -name $_.BaseName.Replace('.omp', ''))`n"
@(Start-Utf8Process $omp "print primary --config=""$($_.FullName)"" --pwd=""$PWD"" --shell pwsh")
Write-Host "Theme: $(Get-FileHyperlink -uri $_.FullName -Name ($_.BaseName -replace '\.omp$', ''))`n"
@(Start-Utf8Process $script:OMPExecutable "print primary --config=""$($_.FullName)"" --pwd=""$PWD"" --shell pwsh")
Write-Host "`n"
Write-Host @"
Themes location: $(Get-Hyperlink -uri "$Path")
Themes location: $(Get-FileHyperlink -uri "$Path")
To change your theme, adjust the init script in $PROFILE.
oh-my-posh init pwsh --config $Path/jandedobbeleer.omp.json | Invoke-Expression
function prompt {
# store if the last command was successful
$lastCommandSuccess = $?
# store the last exit code for restore
$cleanPWD, $cleanPSWD = Get-PoshContext
if ($script:TransientPrompt -eq $true) {
@(Start-Utf8Process $script:OMPExecutable "print transient --error=$script:ErrorCode --pwd=""$cleanPWD"" --pswd=""$cleanPSWD"" --execution-time=$script:ExecutionTime --config=""$env:POSH_THEME"" --shell-version=""$script:PSVersion""") -join "`n"
$script:TransientPrompt = $false
if (Test-Path variable:/PSDebugContext) {
@(Start-Utf8Process $script:OMPExecutable "print debug --pwd=""$cleanPWD"" --pswd=""$cleanPSWD"" --config=""$env:POSH_THEME""") -join "`n"
$script:ExecutionTime = -1
$lastHistory = Get-History -ErrorAction Ignore -Count 1
if ($null -ne $lastHistory -and $script:LastHistoryId -ne $lastHistory.Id) {
$script:LastHistoryId = $lastHistory.Id
$script:ExecutionTime = ($lastHistory.EndExecutionTime - $lastHistory.StartExecutionTime).TotalMilliseconds
# error code should be changed only when a non-empty command is called
$script:ErrorCode = 0
if (!$lastCommandSuccess) {
$invocationInfo = try {
# retrieve info of the most recent error
$global:Error[0] | Where-Object { $_ -ne $null } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InvocationInfo
} catch { $null }
# check if the last command caused the last error
if ($null -ne $invocationInfo -and $lastHistory.CommandLine -eq $invocationInfo.Line) {
$script:ErrorCode = 1
} elseif ($realLASTEXITCODE -is [int] -and $realLASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
# native app exit code
$script:ErrorCode = $realLASTEXITCODE
$stackCount = (Get-Location -Stack).Count
try {
if ($null -ne $global:OMP_GLOBAL_SESSIONSTATE) {
$stackCount = $global:OMP_GLOBAL_SESSIONSTATE.Path.LocationStack('').Count
} catch {}
$terminalWidth = $Host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width
$standardOut = @(Start-Utf8Process $script:OMPExecutable "print primary --error=$script:ErrorCode --pwd=""$cleanPWD"" --pswd=""$cleanPSWD"" --execution-time=$script:ExecutionTime --stack-count=$stackCount --config=""$env:POSH_THEME"" --shell-version=""$script:PSVersion"" --terminal-width=$terminalWidth")
# make sure PSReadLine knows we have a multiline prompt
$extraLines = ($standardOut | Measure-Object -Line).Lines - 1
if ($extraLines -gt 0) {
Set-PSReadlineOption -ExtraPromptLineCount $extraLines
# the output can be multiline, joining these ensures proper rendering by adding line breaks with `n
$standardOut -join "`n"
# set secondary prompt
Set-PSReadLineOption -ContinuationPrompt (@(Start-Utf8Process $script:OMPExecutable "print secondary --config=""$env:POSH_THEME""") -join "`n")
Export-ModuleMember -Function @(
} | Import-Module -Global