mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 05:41:10 -08:00
feat: add svn segment
This commit is contained in:
@ -163,6 +163,8 @@ const (
SPOTIFY SegmentType = "spotify"
// STRAVA is a sports activity tracker
STRAVA SegmentType = "strava"
// Subversion segment
SVN SegmentType = "svn"
// SWIFT writes the active swift version
SWIFT SegmentType = "swift"
// SYSTEMINFO writes system information (memory, cpu, load)
@ -296,6 +298,7 @@ func (segment *Segment) mapSegmentWithWriter(env environment.Environment) error
SHELL: &segments.Shell{},
SPOTIFY: &segments.Spotify{},
STRAVA: &segments.Strava{},
SVN: &segments.Svn{},
SWIFT: &segments.Swift{},
SYSTEMINFO: &segments.SystemInfo{},
TERRAFORM: &segments.Terraform{},
@ -221,6 +221,11 @@ func (env *MockedEnvironment) MockGitCommand(dir, returnValue string, args ...st
env.On("RunCommand", "git", args).Return(returnValue, nil)
func (env *MockedEnvironment) MockSvnCommand(dir, returnValue string, args ...string) {
args = append([]string{"-C", dir, "--no-optional-locks", "-c", "core.quotepath=false", "-c", "color.status=false"}, args...)
env.On("RunCommand", "svn", args).Return(returnValue, nil)
func (env *MockedEnvironment) HasFileInParentDirs(pattern string, depth uint) bool {
args := env.Called(pattern, depth)
return args.Bool(0)
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package segments
import (
@ -49,14 +48,6 @@ type Git struct {
StashCount int
WorktreeCount int
IsWorkTree bool
gitWorkingFolder string // .git working folder
gitRootFolder string // .git root folder
gitRealFolder string // .git real folder(can be different from current path when in worktrees)
gitCommand string
IsWslSharedPath bool
const (
@ -108,6 +99,7 @@ const (
DETACHED = "(detached)"
BRANCHPREFIX = "ref: refs/heads/"
func (g *Git) Template() string {
@ -145,7 +137,7 @@ func (g *Git) shouldDisplay() bool {
// we must use git.exe and convert paths accordingly
// for worktrees, stashes, and path to work
g.IsWslSharedPath = g.env.InWSLSharedDrive()
if !g.env.HasCommand(g.getGitCommand()) {
if !g.env.HasCommand(g.getCommand(GITCOMMAND)) {
return false
gitdir, err := g.env.HasParentFilePath(".git")
@ -157,48 +149,48 @@ func (g *Git) shouldDisplay() bool {
if gitdir.IsDir {
g.gitWorkingFolder = gitdir.Path
g.gitRootFolder = gitdir.Path
g.workingFolder = gitdir.Path
g.rootFolder = gitdir.Path
// convert the worktree file path to a windows one when in wsl 2 shared folder
g.gitRealFolder = strings.TrimSuffix(g.convertToWindowsPath(gitdir.Path), ".git")
g.realFolder = strings.TrimSuffix(g.convertToWindowsPath(gitdir.Path), ".git")
return true
// handle worktree
g.gitRootFolder = gitdir.Path
g.rootFolder = gitdir.Path
dirPointer := strings.Trim(g.env.FileContent(gitdir.Path), " \r\n")
matches := regex.FindNamedRegexMatch(`^gitdir: (?P<dir>.*)$`, dirPointer)
if matches != nil && matches["dir"] != "" {
// if we open a worktree file in a shared wsl2 folder, we have to convert it back
// to the mounted path
g.gitWorkingFolder = g.convertToLinuxPath(matches["dir"])
g.workingFolder = g.convertToLinuxPath(matches["dir"])
// in worktrees, the path looks like this: gitdir: path/.git/worktrees/branch
// strips the last .git/worktrees part
// :ind+5 = index + /.git
ind := strings.LastIndex(g.gitWorkingFolder, "/.git/worktrees")
ind := strings.LastIndex(g.workingFolder, "/.git/worktrees")
if ind > -1 {
g.gitRootFolder = g.gitWorkingFolder[:ind+5]
g.gitRealFolder = strings.TrimSuffix(g.env.FileContent(g.gitWorkingFolder+"/gitdir"), ".git\n")
g.rootFolder = g.workingFolder[:ind+5]
g.realFolder = strings.TrimSuffix(g.env.FileContent(g.workingFolder+"/gitdir"), ".git\n")
g.IsWorkTree = true
return true
// in submodules, the path looks like this: gitdir: ../.git/modules/test-submodule
// we need the parent folder to detect where the real .git folder is
ind = strings.LastIndex(g.gitWorkingFolder, "/.git/modules")
ind = strings.LastIndex(g.workingFolder, "/.git/modules")
if ind > -1 {
g.gitRootFolder = gitdir.ParentFolder + "/" + g.gitWorkingFolder
g.gitRealFolder = g.gitRootFolder
g.gitWorkingFolder = g.gitRootFolder
g.rootFolder = gitdir.ParentFolder + "/" + g.workingFolder
g.realFolder = g.rootFolder
g.workingFolder = g.rootFolder
return true
// check for separate git folder(--separate-git-dir)
// check if the folder contains a HEAD file
if g.env.HasFilesInDir(g.gitWorkingFolder, "HEAD") {
gitFolder := strings.TrimSuffix(g.gitRootFolder, ".git")
g.gitRootFolder = g.gitWorkingFolder
g.gitWorkingFolder = gitFolder
g.gitRealFolder = gitFolder
if g.env.HasFilesInDir(g.workingFolder, "HEAD") {
gitFolder := strings.TrimSuffix(g.rootFolder, ".git")
g.rootFolder = g.workingFolder
g.workingFolder = gitFolder
g.realFolder = gitFolder
return true
return false
@ -304,20 +296,9 @@ func (g *Git) setGitStatus() {
func (g *Git) getGitCommand() string {
if len(g.gitCommand) > 0 {
return g.gitCommand
g.gitCommand = "git"
if g.env.GOOS() == environment.WindowsPlatform || g.IsWslSharedPath {
g.gitCommand = "git.exe"
return g.gitCommand
func (g *Git) getGitCommandOutput(args ...string) string {
args = append([]string{"-C", g.gitRealFolder, "--no-optional-locks", "-c", "core.quotepath=false", "-c", "color.status=false"}, args...)
val, err := g.env.RunCommand(g.getGitCommand(), args...)
args = append([]string{"-C", g.realFolder, "--no-optional-locks", "-c", "core.quotepath=false", "-c", "color.status=false"}, args...)
val, err := g.env.RunCommand(g.getCommand(GITCOMMAND), args...)
if err != nil {
return ""
@ -342,7 +323,7 @@ func (g *Git) setGitHEADContext() {
getPrettyNameOrigin := func(file string) string {
var origin string
head := g.FileContents(g.gitWorkingFolder, file)
head := g.FileContents(g.workingFolder, file)
if head == "detached HEAD" {
origin = formatDetached()
} else {
@ -352,20 +333,20 @@ func (g *Git) setGitHEADContext() {
return origin
if g.env.HasFolder(g.gitWorkingFolder + "/rebase-merge") {
if g.env.HasFolder(g.workingFolder + "/rebase-merge") {
origin := getPrettyNameOrigin("rebase-merge/head-name")
onto := g.getGitRefFileSymbolicName("rebase-merge/onto")
onto = g.formatHEAD(onto)
step := g.FileContents(g.gitWorkingFolder, "rebase-merge/msgnum")
total := g.FileContents(g.gitWorkingFolder, "rebase-merge/end")
step := g.FileContents(g.workingFolder, "rebase-merge/msgnum")
total := g.FileContents(g.workingFolder, "rebase-merge/end")
icon := g.props.GetString(RebaseIcon, "\uE728 ")
g.HEAD = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s onto %s%s (%s/%s) at %s", icon, origin, branchIcon, onto, step, total, g.HEAD)
if g.env.HasFolder(g.gitWorkingFolder + "/rebase-apply") {
if g.env.HasFolder(g.workingFolder + "/rebase-apply") {
origin := getPrettyNameOrigin("rebase-apply/head-name")
step := g.FileContents(g.gitWorkingFolder, "rebase-apply/next")
total := g.FileContents(g.gitWorkingFolder, "rebase-apply/last")
step := g.FileContents(g.workingFolder, "rebase-apply/next")
total := g.FileContents(g.workingFolder, "rebase-apply/last")
icon := g.props.GetString(RebaseIcon, "\uE728 ")
g.HEAD = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s (%s/%s) at %s", icon, origin, step, total, g.HEAD)
@ -374,7 +355,7 @@ func (g *Git) setGitHEADContext() {
commitIcon := g.props.GetString(CommitIcon, "\uF417")
if g.hasGitFile("MERGE_MSG") {
icon := g.props.GetString(MergeIcon, "\uE727 ")
mergeContext := g.FileContents(g.gitWorkingFolder, "MERGE_MSG")
mergeContext := g.FileContents(g.workingFolder, "MERGE_MSG")
matches := regex.FindNamedRegexMatch(`Merge (remote-tracking )?(?P<type>branch|commit|tag) '(?P<theirs>.*)'`, mergeContext)
// head := g.getGitRefFileSymbolicName("ORIG_HEAD")
if matches != nil && matches["theirs"] != "" {
@ -400,19 +381,19 @@ func (g *Git) setGitHEADContext() {
// reverts then CHERRY_PICK_HEAD/REVERT_HEAD will not exist so we have to read
// the todo file.
if g.hasGitFile("CHERRY_PICK_HEAD") {
sha := g.FileContents(g.gitWorkingFolder, "CHERRY_PICK_HEAD")
sha := g.FileContents(g.workingFolder, "CHERRY_PICK_HEAD")
cherry := g.props.GetString(CherryPickIcon, "\uE29B ")
g.HEAD = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s onto %s", cherry, commitIcon, g.formatSHA(sha), formatDetached())
if g.hasGitFile("REVERT_HEAD") {
sha := g.FileContents(g.gitWorkingFolder, "REVERT_HEAD")
sha := g.FileContents(g.workingFolder, "REVERT_HEAD")
revert := g.props.GetString(RevertIcon, "\uF0E2 ")
g.HEAD = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s onto %s", revert, commitIcon, g.formatSHA(sha), formatDetached())
if g.hasGitFile("sequencer/todo") {
todo := g.FileContents(g.gitWorkingFolder, "sequencer/todo")
todo := g.FileContents(g.workingFolder, "sequencer/todo")
matches := regex.FindNamedRegexMatch(`^(?P<action>p|pick|revert)\s+(?P<sha>\S+)`, todo)
if matches != nil && matches["sha"] != "" {
action := matches["action"]
@ -449,18 +430,18 @@ func (g *Git) formatSHA(sha string) string {
func (g *Git) hasGitFile(file string) bool {
return g.env.HasFilesInDir(g.gitWorkingFolder, file)
return g.env.HasFilesInDir(g.workingFolder, file)
func (g *Git) getGitRefFileSymbolicName(refFile string) string {
ref := g.FileContents(g.gitWorkingFolder, refFile)
ref := g.FileContents(g.workingFolder, refFile)
return g.getGitCommandOutput("name-rev", "--name-only", "--exclude=tags/*", ref)
func (g *Git) setPrettyHEADName() {
// we didn't fetch status, fallback to parsing the HEAD file
if len(g.Hash) == 0 {
HEADRef := g.FileContents(g.gitWorkingFolder, "HEAD")
HEADRef := g.FileContents(g.workingFolder, "HEAD")
if strings.HasPrefix(HEADRef, BRANCHPREFIX) {
branchName := strings.TrimPrefix(HEADRef, BRANCHPREFIX)
g.HEAD = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", g.props.GetString(BranchIcon, "\uE0A0"), g.formatHEAD(branchName))
@ -486,7 +467,7 @@ func (g *Git) setPrettyHEADName() {
func (g *Git) getStashContext() int {
stashContent := g.FileContents(g.gitRootFolder, "logs/refs/stash")
stashContent := g.FileContents(g.rootFolder, "logs/refs/stash")
if stashContent == "" {
return 0
@ -495,10 +476,10 @@ func (g *Git) getStashContext() int {
func (g *Git) getWorktreeContext() int {
if !g.env.HasFolder(g.gitRootFolder + "/worktrees") {
if !g.env.HasFolder(g.rootFolder + "/worktrees") {
return 0
worktreeFolders := g.env.LsDir(g.gitRootFolder + "/worktrees")
worktreeFolders := g.env.LsDir(g.rootFolder + "/worktrees")
var count int
for _, folder := range worktreeFolders {
if folder.IsDir() {
@ -520,7 +501,7 @@ func (g *Git) getOriginURL(upstream string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("https://%s", url)
var url string
cfg, err := ini.Load(g.gitRootFolder + "/config")
cfg, err := ini.Load(g.rootFolder + "/config")
if err != nil {
url = g.getGitCommandOutput("remote", "get-url", upstream)
return cleanSSHURL(url)
@ -532,24 +513,10 @@ func (g *Git) getOriginURL(upstream string) string {
return cleanSSHURL(url)
func (g *Git) convertToWindowsPath(path string) string {
if !g.IsWslSharedPath {
return path
return g.env.ConvertToWindowsPath(path)
func (g *Git) convertToLinuxPath(path string) string {
if !g.IsWslSharedPath {
return path
return g.env.ConvertToLinuxPath(path)
func (g *Git) getUntrackedFilesMode() string {
mode := "normal"
repoModes := g.props.GetKeyValueMap(UntrackedModes, map[string]string{})
if val := repoModes[g.gitRealFolder]; len(val) != 0 {
if val := repoModes[g.realFolder]; len(val) != 0 {
mode = val
return fmt.Sprintf("-u%s", mode)
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ func TestEnabledInWorkingDirectory(t *testing.T) {
assert.True(t, g.Enabled())
assert.Equal(t, fileInfo.Path, g.gitWorkingFolder)
assert.Equal(t, fileInfo.Path, g.workingFolder)
func TestEnabledInWorkingTree(t *testing.T) {
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ func TestEnabledInWorkingTree(t *testing.T) {
assert.True(t, g.Enabled())
assert.Equal(t, "/dev/real_folder/.git/worktrees/folder_worktree", g.gitWorkingFolder)
assert.Equal(t, "/dev/folder_worktree", g.gitRealFolder)
assert.Equal(t, "/dev/real_folder/.git/worktrees/folder_worktree", g.workingFolder)
assert.Equal(t, "/dev/folder_worktree", g.realFolder)
func TestEnabledInSubmodule(t *testing.T) {
@ -104,9 +104,9 @@ func TestEnabledInSubmodule(t *testing.T) {
assert.True(t, g.Enabled())
assert.Equal(t, "/dev/parent/test-submodule/../.git/modules/test-submodule", g.gitWorkingFolder)
assert.Equal(t, "/dev/parent/test-submodule/../.git/modules/test-submodule", g.gitRealFolder)
assert.Equal(t, "/dev/parent/test-submodule/../.git/modules/test-submodule", g.gitRootFolder)
assert.Equal(t, "/dev/parent/test-submodule/../.git/modules/test-submodule", g.workingFolder)
assert.Equal(t, "/dev/parent/test-submodule/../.git/modules/test-submodule", g.realFolder)
assert.Equal(t, "/dev/parent/test-submodule/../.git/modules/test-submodule", g.rootFolder)
func TestEnabledInSeparateGitDir(t *testing.T) {
@ -132,9 +132,9 @@ func TestEnabledInSeparateGitDir(t *testing.T) {
assert.True(t, g.Enabled())
assert.Equal(t, "/dev/parent/test-separate-git-dir/", g.gitWorkingFolder)
assert.Equal(t, "/dev/parent/test-separate-git-dir/", g.gitRealFolder)
assert.Equal(t, "/dev/separate-git-dir", g.gitRootFolder)
assert.Equal(t, "/dev/parent/test-separate-git-dir/", g.workingFolder)
assert.Equal(t, "/dev/parent/test-separate-git-dir/", g.realFolder)
assert.Equal(t, "/dev/separate-git-dir", g.rootFolder)
func TestGetGitOutputForCommand(t *testing.T) {
args := []string{"-C", "", "--no-optional-locks", "-c", "core.quotepath=false", "-c", "color.status=false"}
@ -501,9 +501,9 @@ func TestGetStashContextZeroEntries(t *testing.T) {
env.On("FileContent", "/logs/refs/stash").Return(tc.StashContent)
g := &Git{
scm: scm{
env: env,
env: env,
workingFolder: "",
gitWorkingFolder: "",
got := g.getStashContext()
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, got)
@ -625,7 +625,7 @@ func TestGetGitCommand(t *testing.T) {
} else {
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, g.getGitCommand(), tc.Case)
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, g.getCommand(GITCOMMAND), tc.Case)
@ -796,8 +796,8 @@ func TestGitUntrackedMode(t *testing.T) {
props: properties.Map{
UntrackedModes: tc.UntrackedModes,
realFolder: "foo",
gitRealFolder: "foo",
got := g.getUntrackedFilesMode()
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, got, tc.Case)
@ -9,15 +9,16 @@ import (
// ScmStatus represents part of the status of a repository
type ScmStatus struct {
Unmerged int
Deleted int
Added int
Modified int
Moved int
Unmerged int
Deleted int
Added int
Modified int
Moved int
Conflicted int
func (s *ScmStatus) Changed() bool {
return s.Added > 0 || s.Deleted > 0 || s.Modified > 0 || s.Unmerged > 0 || s.Moved > 0
return s.Added > 0 || s.Deleted > 0 || s.Modified > 0 || s.Unmerged > 0 || s.Moved > 0 || s.Conflicted > 0
func (s *ScmStatus) String() string {
@ -33,12 +34,19 @@ func (s *ScmStatus) String() string {
status += stringIfValue(s.Deleted, "-")
status += stringIfValue(s.Moved, ">")
status += stringIfValue(s.Unmerged, "x")
status += stringIfValue(s.Conflicted, "!")
return strings.TrimSpace(status)
type scm struct {
props properties.Properties
env environment.Environment
IsWslSharedPath bool
workingFolder string
rootFolder string
realFolder string // real folder (can be different from current path when in worktrees)
command string
const (
@ -80,3 +88,28 @@ func (s *scm) shouldIgnoreRootRepository(rootDir string) bool {
func (s *scm) FileContents(folder, file string) string {
return strings.Trim(s.env.FileContent(folder+"/"+file), " \r\n")
func (s *scm) convertToWindowsPath(path string) string {
if !s.IsWslSharedPath {
return path
return s.env.ConvertToWindowsPath(path)
func (s *scm) convertToLinuxPath(path string) string {
if !s.IsWslSharedPath {
return path
return s.env.ConvertToLinuxPath(path)
func (s *scm) getCommand(command string) string {
if len(s.command) > 0 {
return s.command
s.command = command
if s.env.GOOS() == environment.WindowsPlatform || s.IsWslSharedPath {
s.command += ".exe"
return s.command
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
package segments
import (
// SvnStatus represents part of the status of a Svn repository
type SvnStatus struct {
func (s *SvnStatus) add(code string) {
switch code {
case "C":
case "D":
case "A":
case "M":
case "R":
func (s *SvnStatus) HasConflicts() bool {
return s.Conflicted > 0
const (
type Svn struct {
Working *SvnStatus
BaseRev int
Branch string
func (s *Svn) Template() string {
return " \ue0a0{{.Branch}} r{{.BaseRev}} {{.Working.String}} "
func (s *Svn) Enabled() bool {
if !s.shouldDisplay() {
return false
displayStatus := s.props.GetBool(FetchStatus, false)
if displayStatus {
} else {
s.Working = &SvnStatus{}
return true
func (s *Svn) shouldDisplay() bool {
// when in wsl/wsl2 and in a windows shared folder
// we must use Svn.exe and convert paths accordingly
// for worktrees, stashes, and path to work
s.IsWslSharedPath = s.env.InWSLSharedDrive()
if !s.env.HasCommand(s.getCommand(SVNCOMMAND)) {
return false
Svndir, err := s.env.HasParentFilePath(".svn")
if err != nil {
return false
if s.shouldIgnoreRootRepository(Svndir.ParentFolder) {
return false
if Svndir.IsDir {
s.workingFolder = Svndir.Path
s.rootFolder = Svndir.Path
// convert the worktree file path to a windows one when in wsl 2 shared folder
s.realFolder = strings.TrimSuffix(s.convertToWindowsPath(Svndir.Path), ".svn")
return true
// handle worktree
s.rootFolder = Svndir.Path
dirPointer := strings.Trim(s.env.FileContent(Svndir.Path), " \r\n")
matches := regex.FindNamedRegexMatch(`^Svndir: (?P<dir>.*)$`, dirPointer)
if matches != nil && matches["dir"] != "" {
// if we open a worktree file in a shared wsl2 folder, we have to convert it back
// to the mounted path
s.workingFolder = s.convertToLinuxPath(matches["dir"])
return false
return false
func (s *Svn) setSvnStatus() {
s.BaseRev, _ = strconv.Atoi(s.getSvnCommandOutput("info", "--show-item", "revision"))
branch := s.getSvnCommandOutput("info", "--show-item", "relative-url")
if len(branch) > 2 {
s.Branch = branch[2:]
s.Working = &SvnStatus{}
changes := s.getSvnCommandOutput("status")
if len(changes) == 0 {
lines := strings.Split(changes, "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
if len(line) == 0 {
// element is the element from someSlice for where we are
func (s *Svn) getSvnCommandOutput(command string, args ...string) string {
args = append([]string{command, s.realFolder}, args...)
val, err := s.env.RunCommand(s.getCommand(SVNCOMMAND), args...)
if err != nil {
return ""
return strings.TrimSpace(val)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
package segments
import (
func TestSvnEnabledToolNotFound(t *testing.T) {
env := new(mock.MockedEnvironment)
env.On("HasCommand", "svn").Return(false)
s := &Svn{
scm: scm{
env: env,
props: properties.Map{},
assert.False(t, s.Enabled())
func TestSvnEnabledInWorkingDirectory(t *testing.T) {
fileInfo := &environment.FileInfo{
Path: "/dir/hello",
ParentFolder: "/dir",
IsDir: true,
env := new(mock.MockedEnvironment)
env.On("HasCommand", "svn").Return(true)
env.On("FileContent", "/dir/hello/trunk").Return("")
env.MockSvnCommand(fileInfo.Path, "", "info", "--tags", "--exact-match")
env.On("HasParentFilePath", ".svn").Return(fileInfo, nil)
s := &Svn{
scm: scm{
env: env,
props: properties.Map{},
assert.True(t, s.Enabled())
assert.Equal(t, fileInfo.Path, s.workingFolder)
assert.Equal(t, fileInfo.Path, s.realFolder)
func TestSvnTemplateString(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
Case string
Expected string
Template string
Svn *Svn
Case: "Default template",
Expected: "\ue0a0trunk r2 +2 ~3 -7 >13 x5 !1",
Template: " \ue0a0{{.Branch}} r{{.BaseRev}} {{.Working.String}} ",
Svn: &Svn{
Branch: "trunk",
BaseRev: 2,
Working: &SvnStatus{
ScmStatus: ScmStatus{
Added: 2,
Conflicted: 1,
Deleted: 7,
Modified: 3,
Moved: 13,
Unmerged: 5,
Case: "Only Branch name",
Expected: "trunk",
Template: "{{ .Branch }}",
Svn: &Svn{
Branch: "trunk",
BaseRev: 2,
Case: "Working area changes",
Expected: "trunk \uF044 +2 ~3",
Template: "{{ .Branch }}{{ if .Working.Changed }} \uF044 {{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}",
Svn: &Svn{
Branch: "trunk",
Working: &SvnStatus{
ScmStatus: ScmStatus{
Added: 2,
Modified: 3,
Case: "No working area changes (using changed flag)",
Expected: "trunk",
Template: "{{ .Branch }}{{ if .Working.Changed }} \uF044 {{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}",
Svn: &Svn{
Branch: "trunk",
Working: &SvnStatus{},
Case: "No working area changes",
Expected: "trunk",
Template: "{{ .Branch }}{{ .Working.String }}",
Svn: &Svn{
Branch: "trunk",
Working: &SvnStatus{},
Case: "Base revision with Working changes",
Expected: "trunk - 2 \uF044 +2 ~3",
Template: "{{ .Branch }} - {{ .BaseRev }}{{ if .Working.Changed }} \uF044 {{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}",
Svn: &Svn{
Branch: "trunk",
BaseRev: 2,
Working: &SvnStatus{
ScmStatus: ScmStatus{
Added: 2,
Modified: 3,
Case: "Working and staging area changes with separator and stash count",
Expected: "trunk CONFLICTED \uF044 +2 ~3 !7",
Template: "{{ .Branch }}{{ if .Working.HasConflicts }} CONFLICTED{{ end }}{{ if .Working.Changed }} \uF044 {{ .Working.String }}{{ end }}",
Svn: &Svn{
Branch: "trunk",
BaseRev: 2,
Working: &SvnStatus{
ScmStatus: ScmStatus{
Added: 2,
Modified: 3,
Conflicted: 7,
for _, tc := range cases {
props := properties.Map{
FetchStatus: true,
env := new(mock.MockedEnvironment)
tc.Svn.env = env
tc.Svn.props = props
assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, renderTemplate(env, tc.Template, tc.Svn), tc.Case)
func TestSetSvnStatus(t *testing.T) {
cases := []struct {
Case string
StatusOutput string
RefOutput string
BranchOutput string
ExpectedWorking *SvnStatus
ExpectedBranch string
ExpectedRef int
ExpectedConflicts bool
ExpectedChanged bool
Case: "changed",
StatusOutput: `
! Untracked.File
A FileHasBeen.Added
D FileMarkedAs.Deleted
M Modified.File
R Moved.File`,
ExpectedWorking: &SvnStatus{ScmStatus: ScmStatus{
Modified: 1,
Added: 1,
Deleted: 1,
Unmerged: 1,
Moved: 1,
RefOutput: "1133",
ExpectedRef: 1133,
BranchOutput: "^/trunk",
ExpectedBranch: "trunk",
ExpectedChanged: true,
Case: "conflict",
StatusOutput: `C build.cake`,
ExpectedWorking: &SvnStatus{ScmStatus: ScmStatus{
Conflicted: 1,
ExpectedChanged: true,
ExpectedConflicts: true,
Case: "no change",
ExpectedWorking: &SvnStatus{ScmStatus: ScmStatus{}},
ExpectedChanged: false,
Case: "not an integer ref",
ExpectedWorking: &SvnStatus{ScmStatus: ScmStatus{}},
ExpectedChanged: false,
RefOutput: "not an integer",
for _, tc := range cases {
fileInfo := &environment.FileInfo{
Path: "/dir/hello",
ParentFolder: "/dir",
IsDir: true,
env := new(mock.MockedEnvironment)
env.On("HasCommand", "svn").Return(true)
env.On("FileContent", "/dir/hello/trunk").Return("")
env.MockSvnCommand(fileInfo.Path, "", "info", "--tags", "--exact-match")
env.On("HasParentFilePath", ".svn").Return(fileInfo, nil)
env.On("RunCommand", "svn", []string{"info", "", "--show-item", "revision"}).Return(tc.RefOutput, nil)
env.On("RunCommand", "svn", []string{"info", "", "--show-item", "relative-url"}).Return(tc.BranchOutput, nil)
env.On("RunCommand", "svn", []string{"status", ""}).Return(tc.StatusOutput, nil)
s := &Svn{
scm: scm{
env: env,
props: properties.Map{},
if tc.ExpectedWorking == nil {
tc.ExpectedWorking = &SvnStatus{}
assert.Equal(t, tc.ExpectedWorking, s.Working, tc.Case)
assert.Equal(t, tc.ExpectedRef, s.BaseRev, tc.Case)
assert.Equal(t, tc.ExpectedBranch, s.Branch, tc.Case)
assert.Equal(t, tc.ExpectedChanged, s.Working.Changed(), tc.Case)
assert.Equal(t, tc.ExpectedConflicts, s.Working.HasConflicts(), tc.Case)
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ You can set the following properties to `true` to enable fetching additional inf
### Properties
- `.Working`: `GitStatus` - changes in the working tree (see below)
- `.Working`: `GitStatus` - changes in the worktree (see below)
- `.Staging`: `GitStatus` - staged changes in the work tree (see below)
- `.HEAD`: `string` - the current HEAD context (branch/rebase/merge/...)
- `.Behind`: `int` - commits behind of upstream
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
id: svn
title: Svn
sidebar_label: Svn
## What
Display svn information when in a svn repository. Also works for subfolders. For maximum compatibility,
make sure your `svn` executable is up-to-date (when branch or status information is incorrect for example).
Local changes can also be displayed which uses the following syntax:
- `+` added
- `!` conflicted
- `-` deleted
- `~` modified
- `>` moved
- `?` untracked
## Sample Configuration
"type": "svn",
"style": "powerline",
"powerline_symbol": "\uE0B0",
"foreground": "#193549",
"background": "#ffeb3b",
"properties": {
"fetch_status": true,
"fetch_stash_count": true,
"fetch_upstream_icon": true,
"template": " \ue0a0{{ .Branch }} r{{ .BaseRev }} {{ .Working.String }} "
## Properties
### Fetching information
As doing multiple svn calls can slow down the prompt experience, we do not fetch information by default.
You can set the following properties to `true` to enable fetching additional information (and populate the template).
- fetch_status: `boolean` - fetch the local changes - defaults to `false`
## Template ([info][templates])
:::note default template
``` template
\ue0a0{{.Branch}} r{{.BaseRev}} {{.Working.String}}
### Properties
- `.Working`: `SvnStatus` - changes in the worktree (see below)
- `.Branch`: `string` - current branch (releative URL reported by `svn info`)
- `.BaseRev`: `int` - the currently checked out revision number
### SvnStatus
- `.Untracked`: `int` - number of untracked files
- `.Deleted`: `int` - number of deleted files
- `.Added`: `int` - number of added files
- `.Tracked`: `int` - number of changed tracked files
- `.Conflicted`: `int` - number of changed tracked files with conflicts
- `.Changed`: `boolean` - if the status contains changes or not
- `.HasConflicts`: `boolean` - if the status contains conflicts or not
- `.String`: `string` - a string representation of the changes above
[templates]: /docs/config-templates
[hyperlinks]: /docs/config-templates#helper-functions
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