BREAKING CHANGE: The iTerm segment has been removed and its features
have been added to the root configuration. To re-enable the iTerm
features, remove the iTerm segment and add the following to your
oh-my-posh configuration:
"iterm_features": ["prompt_mark", "current_dir", "remote_host"]
Choose this option if you want to enable the prompt mark for shell
integration and/or enable current directory and remote host in the
iTerm status bar.
BREAKING CHANGE: exit segment is now called status segment.
The exit keyword is now deprecated and will be removed in a future
release. Please use the status keyword instead:
"segments": {
- "type": "exit"
+ "type": "status"
Additionally, the status segment configuration has changed to support
$PIPESTATUS. You can include a status template to customize the
rendering of each individual status code (supported in fish, zsh and
"segments": {
"type": "status",
"properties": {
"status_template": "{{ if gt .Code 0 }}\uf071{{ else }}\uf00c{{ end }}",
"status_separator": " "
In case no $PIPESTATUS is available, the status segment will fall back
to the exit code of the last command using the status template
for rendering.
The `{{ .Meaning }}` property has been marked as deprecated and can be
replaced with `{{ reason .Code }}`, allowing it to be reused in
cross segment templates.
BREAKING CHANGE: this removes the posh-git segment. To mitigate,
rename the posh-git segment to git.
In case you had a custom template, make sure to migrate to the git
segment's template. You can now also leverage the same logic and
properties as the git segment in both the text template and/or
color templates.