BREAKING CHANGE: this removes branch properties from the git segment
and replaces them with a single template. To migrate, use the following
`"branch_max_length": 5` -> `"branch_template": "{{ trunc 5 .Branch }}"`
This will turn `feature/test-this-branch` into `featu`
If you want to display a truncate symbol at the end of the branch name:
`"branch_template": "{{ truncE 5 .Branch }}"`
This will turn `feature/test-this-branch` into `feat…`
`"full_branch_path": false` -> `"branch_template": "{{ base .Branch }}"`
This will turn `feature/test-this-branch` into `test-this-branch`
BREAKING CHANGE: exit segment is now called status segment.
The exit keyword is now deprecated and will be removed in a future
release. Please use the status keyword instead:
"segments": {
- "type": "exit"
+ "type": "status"
Additionally, the status segment configuration has changed to support
$PIPESTATUS. You can include a status template to customize the
rendering of each individual status code (supported in fish, zsh and
"segments": {
"type": "status",
"properties": {
"status_template": "{{ if gt .Code 0 }}\uf071{{ else }}\uf00c{{ end }}",
"status_separator": " "
In case no $PIPESTATUS is available, the status segment will fall back
to the exit code of the last command using the status template
for rendering.
The `{{ .Meaning }}` property has been marked as deprecated and can be
replaced with `{{ reason .Code }}`, allowing it to be reused in
cross segment templates.
BREAKING CHANGE: this deprecates support for Nerd Font V2 and
requires a compatible V3 Nerd Font. Note for users experiencing
issues with icons, update to the latest Nerd Font of your choice