package cli import ( "fmt" "oh-my-posh/color" "oh-my-posh/console" "oh-my-posh/engine" "oh-my-posh/environment" "oh-my-posh/shell" "" ) var ( pwd string pswd string exitCode int timing float64 stackCount int terminalWidth int eval bool command string shellVersion string plain bool ) // printCmd represents the prompt command var printCmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "print [debug|primary|secondary|transient|right|tooltip|valid|error]", Short: "Print the prompt/context", Long: "Print one of the prompts based on the location/use-case.", ValidArgs: []string{ "debug", "primary", "secondary", "transient", "right", "tooltip", "valid", "error", }, Args: NoArgsOrOneValidArg, Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) { if len(args) == 0 { _ = cmd.Help() return } env := &environment.ShellEnvironment{ Version: cliVersion, CmdFlags: &environment.Flags{ Config: config, PWD: pwd, PSWD: pswd, ErrorCode: exitCode, ExecutionTime: timing, StackCount: stackCount, TerminalWidth: terminalWidth, Eval: eval, Shell: shellName, ShellVersion: shellVersion, }, } env.Init() defer env.Close() cfg := engine.LoadConfig(env) ansi := &color.Ansi{} ansi.Init(env.Shell()) var writer color.Writer if plain { ansi.InitPlain() writer = &color.PlainWriter{ Ansi: ansi, } } else { writerColors := cfg.MakeColors() writer = &color.AnsiWriter{ Ansi: ansi, TerminalBackground: shell.ConsoleBackgroundColor(env, cfg.TerminalBackground), AnsiColors: writerColors, } } consoleTitle := &console.Title{ Env: env, Ansi: ansi, Template: cfg.ConsoleTitleTemplate, } eng := &engine.Engine{ Config: cfg, Env: env, Writer: writer, ConsoleTitle: consoleTitle, Ansi: ansi, Plain: plain, } switch args[0] { case "debug": fmt.Print(eng.PrintExtraPrompt(engine.Debug)) case "primary": fmt.Print(eng.PrintPrimary()) case "secondary": fmt.Print(eng.PrintExtraPrompt(engine.Secondary)) case "transient": fmt.Print(eng.PrintExtraPrompt(engine.Transient)) case "right": fmt.Print(eng.PrintRPrompt()) case "tooltip": fmt.Print(eng.PrintTooltip(command)) case "valid": fmt.Print(eng.PrintExtraPrompt(engine.Valid)) case "error": fmt.Print(eng.PrintExtraPrompt(engine.Error)) default: _ = cmd.Help() } }, } func init() { //nolint:gochecknoinits printCmd.Flags().StringVar(&pwd, "pwd", "", "current working directory") printCmd.Flags().StringVar(&pswd, "pswd", "", "current working directory (according to pwsh)") printCmd.Flags().StringVar(&shellName, "shell", "", "the shell to print for") printCmd.Flags().StringVar(&shellVersion, "shell-version", "", "the shell version") printCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&exitCode, "error", "e", 0, "last exit code") printCmd.Flags().Float64Var(&timing, "execution-time", 0, "timing of the last command") printCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&stackCount, "stack-count", "s", 0, "number of locations on the stack") printCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&terminalWidth, "terminal-width", "w", 0, "width of the terminal") printCmd.Flags().StringVar(&command, "command", "", "tooltip command") printCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&plain, "plain", "p", false, "plain text output (no ANSI)") printCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&eval, "eval", false, "output the prompt for eval") rootCmd.AddCommand(printCmd) }