id: lastfm
title: LastFM
sidebar_label: LastFM

## What

Show the currently playing song from a [LastFM][lastfm] user.

Be aware that LastFM updates may be severely delayed when paused and songs may linger in the "now playing" state for a prolonged time.

Additionally, we are using HTTP requests to get the data,
so you may need to adjust the `http_timeout` and `cache_timeout` to your liking to get better results.

You **must** request an [API key][api-key] at the LastFM website.

## Sample Configuration

import Config from "@site/src/components/Config.js";

    background: "p:sky",
    foreground: "p:white",
    powerline_symbol: "\ue0b0",
    properties: {
      api_key: "<YOUR_API_KEY>",
      username: "<LASTFM_USERNAME>",
      http_timeout: 20000,
      cache_timeout: 1,
    style: "powerline",
    template: ' {{ .Icon }}{{ if ne .Status "stopped" }}{{ .Full }}{{ end }} ',
    type: "lastfm",

## Properties

| Name           |   Type   |  Default  | Description                    |
| -------------- | :------: | :-------: | ------------------------------ |
| `playing_icon` | `string` | `\uE602 ` | text/icon to show when playing |
| `stopped_icon` | `string` | `\uF04D ` | text/icon to show when stopped |
| `api_key`      | `string` |           | your LastFM [API key][api-key] |
| `username`     | `string` |           | your LastFM username           |

## Template ([info][templates])

:::note default template

{{ .Icon }}{{ if ne .Status \"stopped\" }}{{ .Full }}{{ end }}


### Properties

| Name      | Type     | Description                                    |
| --------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------------- |
| `.Status` | `string` | player status (`playing`, `paused`, `stopped`) |
| `.Artist` | `string` | current artist                                 |
| `.Track`  | `string` | current track                                  |
| `.Full`   | `string` | will output `Artist - Track`                   |
| `.Icon`   | `string` | icon (based on `.Status`)                      |

[templates]: configuration/templates.mdx
[lastfm]: https://www.last.fm
[api-key]: https://www.last.fm/api/account/create