name: Submit Oh My Posh to the Windows Store on: workflow_dispatch: inputs: version: description: 'The version to publish' required: true jobs: microsoft_store: name: Publish Microsoft Store runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Configure Store Credentials 🔑 uses: microsoft/store-submission@v1 with: command: configure type: win32 seller-id: ${{ secrets.SELLER_ID }} product-id: ${{ secrets.PRODUCT_ID }} tenant-id: ${{ secrets.TENANT_ID }} client-id: ${{ secrets.CLIENT_ID }} client-secret: ${{ secrets.CLIENT_SECRET }} - name: Update draft submission uses: microsoft/store-submission@v1 with: command: update product-update: '{ "packages":[ { "packageUrl":"${{ github.event.inputs.version }}/install-amd64.exe", "languages":["en"], "architectures":["X64"], "installerParameters":"/VERYSILENT", "isSilentInstall":true } ] }' - name: Publish Submission uses: microsoft/store-submission@v1 with: command: publish