package main import ( "fmt" "testing" "" ) const ( changesColor = "#BD8BDE" ) func TestEnabledGitNotFound(t *testing.T) { env := new(MockedEnvironment) env.On("hasCommand", "git").Return(false) g := &git{ env: env, } assert.False(t, g.enabled()) } func TestEnabledInWorkingDirectory(t *testing.T) { env := new(MockedEnvironment) env.On("hasCommand", "git").Return(true) fileInfo := &fileInfo{ path: "/dir/hello", parentFolder: "/dir", isDir: true, } env.On("hasParentFilePath", ".git").Return(fileInfo, nil) g := &git{ env: env, } assert.True(t, g.enabled()) assert.Equal(t, fileInfo.path, g.repo.gitWorkingFolder) } func TestEnabledInWorkingTree(t *testing.T) { env := new(MockedEnvironment) env.On("hasCommand", "git").Return(true) fileInfo := &fileInfo{ path: "/dir/hello", parentFolder: "/dir", isDir: false, } env.On("hasParentFilePath", ".git").Return(fileInfo, nil) env.On("getFileContent", "/dir/hello").Return("gitdir: /dir/hello/burp/burp") g := &git{ env: env, } assert.True(t, g.enabled()) assert.Equal(t, "/dir/hello/burp/burp", g.repo.gitWorkingFolder) } func TestGetGitOutputForCommand(t *testing.T) { args := []string{"--no-optional-locks", "-c", "core.quotepath=false", "-c", "color.status=false"} commandArgs := []string{"symbolic-ref", "--short", "HEAD"} want := "je suis le output" env := new(MockedEnvironment) env.On("runCommand", "git", append(args, commandArgs...)).Return(want, nil) env.On("getRuntimeGOOS", nil).Return("unix") g := &git{ env: env, } got := g.getGitCommandOutput(commandArgs...) assert.Equal(t, want, got) } type detachedContext struct { currentCommit string rebase string rebaseMerge bool rebaseApply bool origin string onto string step string total string branchName string tagName string cherryPick bool cherryPickSHA string revert bool revertSHA string sequencer bool sequencerTodo string merge bool mergeHEAD string mergeMsgStart string status string } func setupHEADContextEnv(context *detachedContext) *git { env := new(MockedEnvironment) env.On("hasFolder", "/rebase-merge").Return(context.rebaseMerge) env.On("hasFolder", "/rebase-apply").Return(context.rebaseApply) env.On("hasFolder", "/sequencer").Return(context.sequencer) env.On("getFileContent", "/rebase-merge/head-name").Return(context.origin) env.On("getFileContent", "/rebase-merge/onto").Return(context.onto) env.On("getFileContent", "/rebase-merge/msgnum").Return(context.step) env.On("getFileContent", "/rebase-apply/next").Return(context.step) env.On("getFileContent", "/rebase-merge/end").Return( env.On("getFileContent", "/rebase-apply/last").Return( env.On("getFileContent", "/rebase-apply/head-name").Return(context.origin) env.On("getFileContent", "/CHERRY_PICK_HEAD").Return(context.cherryPickSHA) env.On("getFileContent", "/REVERT_HEAD").Return(context.revertSHA) env.On("getFileContent", "/MERGE_MSG").Return(fmt.Sprintf("%s '%s' into %s", context.mergeMsgStart, context.mergeHEAD, context.onto)) env.On("getFileContent", "/sequencer/todo").Return(context.sequencerTodo) env.On("getFileContent", "/HEAD").Return(context.branchName) env.On("hasFilesInDir", "", "CHERRY_PICK_HEAD").Return(context.cherryPick) env.On("hasFilesInDir", "", "REVERT_HEAD").Return(context.revert) env.On("hasFilesInDir", "", "MERGE_MSG").Return(context.merge) env.On("hasFilesInDir", "", "MERGE_HEAD").Return(context.merge) env.On("hasFilesInDir", "", "sequencer/todo").Return(context.sequencer) env.mockGitCommand(context.currentCommit, "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD") env.mockGitCommand(context.tagName, "describe", "--tags", "--exact-match") env.mockGitCommand(context.origin, "name-rev", "--name-only", "--exclude=tags/*", context.origin) env.mockGitCommand(context.onto, "name-rev", "--name-only", "--exclude=tags/*", context.onto) env.mockGitCommand(context.branchName, "branch", "--show-current") env.mockGitCommand(context.status, "status", "-unormal", "--short", "--branch") env.On("getRuntimeGOOS", nil).Return("unix") g := &git{ env: env, repo: &gitRepo{ gitWorkingFolder: "", }, } return g } func (m *MockedEnvironment) mockGitCommand(returnValue string, args ...string) { args = append([]string{"--no-optional-locks", "-c", "core.quotepath=false", "-c", "color.status=false"}, args...) m.On("runCommand", "git", args).Return(returnValue, nil) } func TestGetGitDetachedCommitHash(t *testing.T) { want := "\uf417lalasha1" context := &detachedContext{ currentCommit: "lalasha1", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextTagName(t *testing.T) { want := "\uf412lalasha1" context := &detachedContext{ currentCommit: "whatever", tagName: "lalasha1", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextRebaseMerge(t *testing.T) { want := "\ue728 \ue0a0cool-feature-bro onto \ue0a0main (2/3) at \uf417whatever" context := &detachedContext{ currentCommit: "whatever", rebase: "true", rebaseMerge: true, origin: "cool-feature-bro", onto: "main", step: "2", total: "3", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextRebaseApply(t *testing.T) { want := "\ue728 \ue0a0cool-feature-bro (2/3) at \uf417whatever" context := &detachedContext{ currentCommit: "whatever", rebase: "true", rebaseApply: true, origin: "cool-feature-bro", step: "2", total: "3", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextRebaseUnknown(t *testing.T) { want := "\uf417whatever" context := &detachedContext{ currentCommit: "whatever", rebase: "true", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextCherryPickOnBranch(t *testing.T) { want := "\ue29b pickme onto \ue0a0main" context := &detachedContext{ currentCommit: "whatever", branchName: "main", cherryPick: true, cherryPickSHA: "pickme", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("main") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextCherryPickOnTag(t *testing.T) { want := "\ue29b pickme onto \uf412v3.4.6" context := &detachedContext{ currentCommit: "whatever", tagName: "v3.4.6", cherryPick: true, cherryPickSHA: "pickme", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextRevertOnBranch(t *testing.T) { want := "\uf0e2 012345 onto \ue0a0main" context := &detachedContext{ currentCommit: "whatever", branchName: "main", revert: true, revertSHA: "01234567", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("main") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextRevertOnTag(t *testing.T) { want := "\uf0e2 012345 onto \uf412v3.4.6" context := &detachedContext{ currentCommit: "whatever", tagName: "v3.4.6", revert: true, revertSHA: "01234567", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextSequencerCherryPickOnBranch(t *testing.T) { want := "\ue29b pickme onto \ue0a0main" context := &detachedContext{ currentCommit: "whatever", branchName: "main", sequencer: true, sequencerTodo: "pick pickme message\npick notme message", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("main") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextSequencerCherryPickOnTag(t *testing.T) { want := "\ue29b pickme onto \uf412v3.4.6" context := &detachedContext{ currentCommit: "whatever", tagName: "v3.4.6", sequencer: true, sequencerTodo: "pick pickme message\npick notme message", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextSequencerRevertOnBranch(t *testing.T) { want := "\uf0e2 012345 onto \ue0a0main" context := &detachedContext{ currentCommit: "whatever", branchName: "main", sequencer: true, sequencerTodo: "revert 01234567 message\nrevert notme message", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("main") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextSequencerRevertOnTag(t *testing.T) { want := "\uf0e2 012345 onto \uf412v3.4.6" context := &detachedContext{ currentCommit: "whatever", tagName: "v3.4.6", sequencer: true, sequencerTodo: "revert 01234567 message\nrevert notme message", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextMerge(t *testing.T) { want := "\ue727 \ue0a0feat into \ue0a0main" context := &detachedContext{ merge: true, mergeHEAD: "feat", mergeMsgStart: "Merge branch", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("main") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextMergeRemote(t *testing.T) { want := "\ue727 \ue0a0feat into \ue0a0main" context := &detachedContext{ merge: true, mergeHEAD: "feat", mergeMsgStart: "Merge remote-tracking branch", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("main") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextMergeTag(t *testing.T) { want := "\ue727 \uf412v7.8.9 into \ue0a0main" context := &detachedContext{ merge: true, mergeHEAD: "v7.8.9", mergeMsgStart: "Merge tag", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("main") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextMergeCommit(t *testing.T) { want := "\ue727 \uf4178d7e869 into \ue0a0main" context := &detachedContext{ merge: true, mergeHEAD: "8d7e869", mergeMsgStart: "Merge commit", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("main") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetGitHEADContextMergeIntoTag(t *testing.T) { want := "\ue727 \ue0a0feat into \uf412v3.4.6" context := &detachedContext{ tagName: "v3.4.6", merge: true, mergeHEAD: "feat", mergeMsgStart: "Merge branch", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) got := g.getGitHEADContext("") assert.Equal(t, want, got) } func TestGetStashContextZeroEntries(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { Expected int StashContent string }{ {Expected: 0, StashContent: ""}, {Expected: 2, StashContent: "1\n2\n"}, {Expected: 4, StashContent: "1\n2\n3\n4\n\n"}, } for _, tc := range cases { env := new(MockedEnvironment) env.On("getFileContent", "/logs/refs/stash").Return(tc.StashContent) g := &git{ repo: &gitRepo{ gitWorkingFolder: "", }, env: env, } got := g.getStashContext() assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, got) } } func TestParseGitBranchInfoEqual(t *testing.T) { g := git{} branchInfo := "## master...origin/master" got := g.parseGitStatusInfo(branchInfo) assert.Equal(t, "master", got["local"]) assert.Equal(t, "origin/master", got["upstream"]) assert.Empty(t, got["ahead"]) assert.Empty(t, got["behind"]) } func TestParseGitBranchInfoAhead(t *testing.T) { g := git{} branchInfo := "## master...origin/master [ahead 1]" got := g.parseGitStatusInfo(branchInfo) assert.Equal(t, "master", got["local"]) assert.Equal(t, "origin/master", got["upstream"]) assert.Equal(t, "1", got["ahead"]) assert.Empty(t, got["behind"]) } func TestParseGitBranchInfoBehind(t *testing.T) { g := git{} branchInfo := "## master...origin/master [behind 1]" got := g.parseGitStatusInfo(branchInfo) assert.Equal(t, "master", got["local"]) assert.Equal(t, "origin/master", got["upstream"]) assert.Equal(t, "1", got["behind"]) assert.Empty(t, got["ahead"]) } func TestParseGitBranchInfoBehindandAhead(t *testing.T) { g := git{} branchInfo := "## master...origin/master [ahead 1, behind 2]" got := g.parseGitStatusInfo(branchInfo) assert.Equal(t, "master", got["local"]) assert.Equal(t, "origin/master", got["upstream"]) assert.Equal(t, "2", got["behind"]) assert.Equal(t, "1", got["ahead"]) } func TestParseGitBranchInfoNoRemote(t *testing.T) { g := git{} branchInfo := "## master" got := g.parseGitStatusInfo(branchInfo) assert.Equal(t, "master", got["local"]) assert.Empty(t, got["upstream"]) } func TestParseGitBranchInfoRemoteGone(t *testing.T) { g := git{} branchInfo := "## test-branch...origin/test-branch [gone]" got := g.parseGitStatusInfo(branchInfo) assert.Equal(t, "test-branch", got["local"]) assert.Equal(t, "gone", got["upstream_status"]) } func TestGitStatusUnmerged(t *testing.T) { expected := " x1" status := &gitStatus{ unmerged: 1, } assert.Equal(t, expected, status.string()) } func TestGitStatusUnmergedModified(t *testing.T) { expected := " ~3 x1" status := &gitStatus{ unmerged: 1, modified: 3, } assert.Equal(t, expected, status.string()) } func TestGitStatusEmpty(t *testing.T) { expected := "" status := &gitStatus{} assert.Equal(t, expected, status.string()) } func TestParseGitStatsWorking(t *testing.T) { g := &git{} output := []string{ "## amazing-feat", " M change.go", "DD change.go", " ? change.go", " ? change.go", " A change.go", " U change.go", " R change.go", " C change.go", } status := g.parseGitStats(output, true) assert.Equal(t, 3, status.modified) assert.Equal(t, 1, status.unmerged) assert.Equal(t, 3, status.added) assert.Equal(t, 1, status.deleted) assert.True(t, status.changed) } func TestParseGitStatsStaging(t *testing.T) { g := &git{} output := []string{ "## amazing-feat", " M change.go", "DD change.go", " ? change.go", "?? change.go", " A change.go", "DU change.go", "MR change.go", "AC change.go", } status := g.parseGitStats(output, false) assert.Equal(t, 1, status.modified) assert.Equal(t, 0, status.unmerged) assert.Equal(t, 1, status.added) assert.Equal(t, 2, status.deleted) assert.True(t, status.changed) } func TestParseGitStatsNoChanges(t *testing.T) { g := &git{} expected := &gitStatus{} output := []string{ "## amazing-feat", } status := g.parseGitStats(output, false) assert.Equal(t, expected, status) assert.False(t, status.changed) } func TestParseGitStatsInvalidLine(t *testing.T) { g := &git{} expected := &gitStatus{} output := []string{ "## amazing-feat", "#", } status := g.parseGitStats(output, false) assert.Equal(t, expected, status) assert.False(t, status.changed) } func bootstrapUpstreamTest(upstream string) *git { env := &MockedEnvironment{} env.On("runCommand", "git", []string{"--no-optional-locks", "-c", "core.quotepath=false", "-c", "color.status=false", "remote", "get-url", "origin"}).Return(upstream, nil) env.On("getRuntimeGOOS", nil).Return("unix") props := &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ GithubIcon: "GH", GitlabIcon: "GL", BitbucketIcon: "BB", AzureDevOpsIcon: "AD", GitIcon: "G", }, } g := &git{ env: env, repo: &gitRepo{ upstream: "origin/main", }, props: props, } return g } func TestGetUpstreamSymbolGitHub(t *testing.T) { g := bootstrapUpstreamTest("") upstreamIcon := g.getUpstreamSymbol() assert.Equal(t, "GH", upstreamIcon) } func TestGetUpstreamSymbolGitLab(t *testing.T) { g := bootstrapUpstreamTest("") upstreamIcon := g.getUpstreamSymbol() assert.Equal(t, "GL", upstreamIcon) } func TestGetUpstreamSymbolBitBucket(t *testing.T) { g := bootstrapUpstreamTest("") upstreamIcon := g.getUpstreamSymbol() assert.Equal(t, "BB", upstreamIcon) } func TestGetUpstreamSymbolAzureDevOps(t *testing.T) { g := bootstrapUpstreamTest("") upstreamIcon := g.getUpstreamSymbol() assert.Equal(t, "AD", upstreamIcon) g = bootstrapUpstreamTest("") upstreamIcon = g.getUpstreamSymbol() assert.Equal(t, "AD", upstreamIcon) } func TestGetUpstreamSymbolGit(t *testing.T) { g := bootstrapUpstreamTest("") upstreamIcon := g.getUpstreamSymbol() assert.Equal(t, "G", upstreamIcon) } func TestGetStatusColorLocalChangesStaging(t *testing.T) { expected := changesColor repo := &gitRepo{ staging: &gitStatus{ changed: true, }, } g := &git{ repo: repo, props: &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ LocalChangesColor: expected, }, }, } assert.Equal(t, expected, g.getStatusColor("#fg1111")) } func TestGetStatusColorLocalChangesWorking(t *testing.T) { expected := changesColor repo := &gitRepo{ staging: &gitStatus{}, working: &gitStatus{ changed: true, }, } g := &git{ repo: repo, props: &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ LocalChangesColor: expected, }, }, } assert.Equal(t, expected, g.getStatusColor("#fg1111")) } func TestGetStatusColorAheadAndBehind(t *testing.T) { expected := changesColor repo := &gitRepo{ staging: &gitStatus{}, working: &gitStatus{}, ahead: 1, behind: 3, } g := &git{ repo: repo, props: &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ AheadAndBehindColor: expected, }, }, } assert.Equal(t, expected, g.getStatusColor("#fg1111")) } func TestGetStatusColorAhead(t *testing.T) { expected := changesColor repo := &gitRepo{ staging: &gitStatus{}, working: &gitStatus{}, ahead: 1, behind: 0, } g := &git{ repo: repo, props: &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ AheadColor: expected, }, }, } assert.Equal(t, expected, g.getStatusColor("#fg1111")) } func TestGetStatusColorBehind(t *testing.T) { expected := changesColor repo := &gitRepo{ staging: &gitStatus{}, working: &gitStatus{}, ahead: 0, behind: 5, } g := &git{ repo: repo, props: &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ BehindColor: expected, }, }, } assert.Equal(t, expected, g.getStatusColor("#fg1111")) } func TestGetStatusColorDefault(t *testing.T) { expected := changesColor repo := &gitRepo{ staging: &gitStatus{}, working: &gitStatus{}, ahead: 0, behind: 0, } g := &git{ repo: repo, props: &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ BehindColor: changesColor, }, }, } assert.Equal(t, expected, g.getStatusColor(expected)) } func TestSetStatusColorForeground(t *testing.T) { expected := changesColor repo := &gitRepo{ staging: &gitStatus{ changed: true, }, } g := &git{ repo: repo, props: &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ LocalChangesColor: changesColor, ColorBackground: false, }, foreground: "#ffffff", background: "#111111", }, } g.SetStatusColor() assert.Equal(t, expected, g.props.foreground) } func TestSetStatusColorBackground(t *testing.T) { expected := changesColor repo := &gitRepo{ staging: &gitStatus{ changed: true, }, } g := &git{ repo: repo, props: &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ LocalChangesColor: changesColor, ColorBackground: true, }, foreground: "#ffffff", background: "#111111", }, } g.SetStatusColor() assert.Equal(t, expected, g.props.background) } func TestStatusColorsWithoutDisplayStatus(t *testing.T) { expected := changesColor context := &detachedContext{ status: "## main...origin/main [ahead 33]\n M myfile", } g := setupHEADContextEnv(context) g.props = &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ DisplayStatus: false, StatusColorsEnabled: true, LocalChangesColor: expected, }, } g.string() assert.Equal(t, expected, g.props.background) } func TestGetStatusDetailStringDefault(t *testing.T) { expected := "icon +1" status := &gitStatus{ changed: true, added: 1, } g := &git{ props: &properties{ foreground: "#111111", }, } assert.Equal(t, expected, g.getStatusDetailString(status, WorkingColor, LocalWorkingIcon, "icon")) } func TestGetStatusDetailStringDefaultColorOverride(t *testing.T) { expected := "<#123456>icon +1" status := &gitStatus{ changed: true, added: 1, } g := &git{ props: &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ WorkingColor: "#123456", }, foreground: "#111111", }, } assert.Equal(t, expected, g.getStatusDetailString(status, WorkingColor, LocalWorkingIcon, "icon")) } func TestGetStatusDetailStringDefaultColorOverrideAndIconColorOverride(t *testing.T) { expected := "<#789123>work<#123456> +1" status := &gitStatus{ changed: true, added: 1, } g := &git{ props: &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ WorkingColor: "#123456", LocalWorkingIcon: "<#789123>work", }, foreground: "#111111", }, } assert.Equal(t, expected, g.getStatusDetailString(status, WorkingColor, LocalWorkingIcon, "icon")) } func TestGetStatusDetailStringDefaultColorOverrideNoIconColorOverride(t *testing.T) { expected := "<#123456>work +1" status := &gitStatus{ changed: true, added: 1, } g := &git{ props: &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ WorkingColor: "#123456", LocalWorkingIcon: "work", }, foreground: "#111111", }, } assert.Equal(t, expected, g.getStatusDetailString(status, WorkingColor, LocalWorkingIcon, "icon")) } func TestGetStatusDetailStringNoStatus(t *testing.T) { expected := "icon" status := &gitStatus{ changed: true, added: 1, } g := &git{ props: &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ DisplayStatusDetail: false, }, foreground: "#111111", }, } assert.Equal(t, expected, g.getStatusDetailString(status, WorkingColor, LocalWorkingIcon, "icon")) } func TestGetStatusDetailStringNoStatusColorOverride(t *testing.T) { expected := "<#123456>icon" status := &gitStatus{ changed: true, added: 1, } g := &git{ props: &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ DisplayStatusDetail: false, WorkingColor: "#123456", }, foreground: "#111111", }, } assert.Equal(t, expected, g.getStatusDetailString(status, WorkingColor, LocalWorkingIcon, "icon")) } func TestGetBranchStatus(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { Case string Expected string Ahead int Behind int Upstream string }{ {Case: "Equal with remote", Expected: " equal", Upstream: "main"}, {Case: "Ahead", Expected: " up2", Ahead: 2}, {Case: "Behind", Expected: " down8", Behind: 8}, {Case: "Behind and ahead", Expected: " up7 down8", Behind: 8, Ahead: 7}, {Case: "Gone", Expected: " gone"}, {Case: "Default (bug)", Expected: "", Behind: -8, Upstream: "wonky"}, } for _, tc := range cases { g := &git{ props: &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ BranchAheadIcon: "up", BranchBehindIcon: "down", BranchIdenticalIcon: "equal", BranchGoneIcon: "gone", }, }, repo: &gitRepo{ ahead: tc.Ahead, behind: tc.Behind, upstream: tc.Upstream, }, } assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, g.getBranchStatus(), tc.Case) } } func TestTruncateBranch(t *testing.T) { cases := []struct { Case string Expected string Branch string MaxLength interface{} }{ {Case: "No limit", Expected: "all-your-base-are-belong-to-us", Branch: "all-your-base-are-belong-to-us"}, {Case: "No limit - larger", Expected: "all-your-base", Branch: "all-your-base-are-belong-to-us", MaxLength: 13.0}, {Case: "No limit - smaller", Expected: "all-your-base", Branch: "all-your-base", MaxLength: 13.0}, {Case: "Invalid setting", Expected: "all-your-base", Branch: "all-your-base", MaxLength: "burp"}, {Case: "Lower than limit", Expected: "all-your-base", Branch: "all-your-base", MaxLength: 20.0}, } for _, tc := range cases { g := &git{ props: &properties{ values: map[Property]interface{}{ BranchMaxLength: tc.MaxLength, }, }, } assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, g.truncateBranch(tc.Branch), tc.Case) } }