# PowerShell package The goal of this module is to wrap the `oh-my-posh` binaries into a PowerShell module and allow easy installation and ease of use when setting the prompt. ## Testing ## Create local package repository to validate changes locally ### Create the repository ```powershell Register-PSRepository -Name 'LocalRepo' -SourceLocation 'C:\Repo' -PublishLocation 'C:\Repo' -InstallationPolicy Trusted ``` ## Make changes and publish to your local repository For ease testing, up the version number when using the build script, that way you are always able to update the module. ```powershell deploy.ps1 -BinVersion 0.1.0 -ModuleVersion 0.0.2 -Repository LocalRepo ``` ## Validate changes Install/Update the module from your local repository and validate the changes. ```powershell Install-Module oh-my-posh -Repository LocalRepo -Force ```