title: "What's new #1"
description: "What's new #1"
slug: whats-new-1
- name: Jan De Dobbeleer
  title: Maintainer
  url: https://github.com/jandedobbeleer
  image_url: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/2492783?v=4
tags: [weekly, ohmyposh]
hide_table_of_contents: false

What a week it’s been! Oh My Posh turned 6 years old and we dropped a ton of stuff!

## Swag

After seeing Scott Hanselman wear his oh my zsh shirt while we got to talk about
Oh My Posh on [Windows Wednesdays] [windows-wednesdays], I got the sudden urge to expand his wardrobe.

<iframe class="youtube" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/uO_F5W2LbSk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

And so, we did. Got in touch with [Marc Duiker][marc] and we got to work. The result? A ton of new goodies.
Consider this to be **the first artist series** for Oh My Posh, a way to also highlight some talented
people in the community. All profits go to the development of the project and artists also get a 20% royalty
per item sold. If you know any interesting artists to work with for the next batch, be sure to let me know!

So, what are you waiting for? Get some!

- [Shirts][shirts]
- [Stickers][stickers]

## Features

### CLI interface

Something I've been sleeping on for a long time, Oh My Posh finally has a new CLI interface.
Starting out I had no experience in Go, nor any idea on how to create a proper CLI interface.
Over the years the interface grew, but **_not in a very sustainable way_**, it was a chain of if statements
which was a bit of a pain to support.

You can now interact with Oh My Posh via an interface powered by [Cobra][cobra]. Not only does this
bring maintainability and extensibility, it at once introduces a few added features.

#### Init

If you paid attention to the evolution of the `init` functionality which automatically supercharges
your prompt, you might have noticed I was always trying to make it easier for anyone to get started. When working on the
[shirts][shirts] with Marc, it hit me we didn't really have an identifiable prompt as a first time
experience. So, as of [7.42.0][7.42.0] Oh My Posh can initialize your prompt without specifying the
`--config` flag. Because we have no way to know how you installed Oh My Posh, and if you have themes
installed locally, we download the default theme, cache and use it to get you up and running right there.

When using PowerShell for example, this is all it takes from now on:

oh-my-posh init pwsh | Invoke-Expression

:::info remote config
In case you missed it, as I haven't really done these updates before, you can also use
a remote config file nowadays. Also **triggered by Scott Hanselman** who uses multiple devices
but still wants the same, seamless experience everywhere. I'm sure he's not alone πŸ˜„.

#### Export config

While this functionality was already present, you can now also save the current config to a new
file in the format of your choice. Combining that with the new initialization above, new users can
right away save the default config elsewhere and tweak it to make it their own.


oh-my-posh config export --output=~/.mytheme.omp.json


#### Edit

Putting things together, all we needed additionally was a way to edit the config.


oh-my-posh config edit


Almost feels natural right?

### RRRRRRR Matey!

Thanks to [Jed Willick][jed], who's already been on a roll for a while adding segments to Oh My Posh,
we now have a [segment][r-segment] for [R][r] πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ. Read all about it [here][r-segment].

## Bug fixes

Obviously, nothing is perfect. But we aim to be! The following issues have been found and fixed:

- We now display the right distro name in WSL
- The poshgit prompt is now disabled when using Oh My Posh
- Terminal titles are stripped from ANSI escape sequences, otherwise they are not displayed correctly
- The config file now also works with the `.yml` extension and not only `.yaml`

That's it for this week, I'll try to keep this up 🀞🏻.

_Keep that prompt posh everyone! _

[windows-wednesdays]: https://devblogs.microsoft.com/commandline/windows-wednesday/
[marc]: https://twitter.com/marcduiker
[shirts]: https://swag.ohmyposh.dev
[stickers]: https://pimpyourowndevice.com/community/
[cobra]: https://github.com/spf13/cobra
[7.42.0]: https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/releases/tag/v7.42.0
[jed]: https://github.com/jedwillick
[r-segment]: https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/r
[r]: https://www.r-project.org/about.html