--- id: exit title: Exit code sidebar_label: Exit code --- ## What Displays the last exit code or that the last command failed based on the configuration. ## Sample Configuration ```json { "type": "exit", "style": "diamond", "foreground": "#ffffff", "background": "#00897b", "background_templates": [ "{{ if gt .Code 0 }}#e91e63{{ end }}", ], "leading_diamond": "", "trailing_diamond": "\uE0B4", "template": "<#193549>\uE0B0 \uE23A ", "properties": { "always_enabled": true } } ``` ## Properties - always_enabled: `boolean` - always show the status - defaults to `false` [colors]: /docs/configuration/colors ## Template ([info][templates]) :::note default template ``` template {{ if gt .Code 0 }}\uf00d {{ .Meaning }}{{ else }}\uf42e{{ end }} ``` ::: ### Properties - `.Code`: `number` - the last known exit code - `.Meaning`: `string` - the textual meaning linked to exit code (if applicable, otherwise identical to `.Code`) [templates]: /docs/configuration/templates