id: kubectl
title: Kubectl Context
sidebar_label: Kubectl

## What

Display the currently active Kubernetes context name and namespace name.

## Sample Configuration

  "type": "kubectl",
  "style": "powerline",
  "powerline_symbol": "\uE0B0",
  "foreground": "#000000",
  "background": "#ebcc34",
  "template": " \uFD31 {{.Context}}{{if .Namespace}} :: {{.Namespace}}{{end}} "

## Properties

| Name               | Type      | Description                                                                                           |
| ------------------ | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `display_error`    | `boolean` | show the error context when failing to retrieve the kubectl information - defaults to `false`         |
| `parse_kubeconfig` | `boolean` | parse kubeconfig files instead of calling out to kubectl to improve performance - defaults to `false` |

## Template ([info][templates])

:::note default template

{{ .Context }}{{ if .Namespace }} :: {{ .Namespace }}{{ end }}


### Properties

| Name         | Type     | Description                           |
| ------------ | -------- | ------------------------------------- |
| `.Context`   | `string` | the current kubectl context           |
| `.Namespace` | `string` | the current kubectl context namespace |
| `.User`      | `string` | the current kubectl context user      |
| `.Cluster`   | `string` | the current kubectl context cluster   |

## Tips

It is common for the Kubernetes "default" namespace to be used when no namespace is provided. If you want your prompt to
render an empty current namespace using the word "default", you can use something like this for the template:

`{{.Context}} :: {{if .Namespace}}{{.Namespace}}{{else}}default{{end}}`

[templates]: /docs/configuration/templates