id: umbraco
title: Umbraco
sidebar_label: Umbraco

## What

Display current [Umbraco] Version if found inside the current working directory.
The segment will only show based on the following logic

* The current folder contains the folder named umbraco
* Modern Umbraco (.NET Core)
    * Check to see if current folder contains one or more .csproj files
    * Open .csproj XML files and check to see if Umbraco is installed as a PackageReference
    * Read the installed version
* Legacy Umbraco (.NET Framework)
    * Check to see if the current folder contains a web.config
    * Open the XML and look for AppSettings keys
    * If umbraco is installed it has a setting called umbraco.core.configurationstatus OR umbracoConfigurationStatus
    * Read the value inside this AppSetting to get its version

## Sample Configuration

import Config from '@site/src/components/Config.js';

<Config data={{
  "type": "umbraco",
  "background": "#ffffff",
  "foreground": "#d886f1",
  "style": "diamond",
  "leading_diamond": "\ue0b6",
  "trailing_diamond": "\ue0b4",
  "template": "\udb81\udd49 {{ .Version }}",
  "background_templates": [
    "{{ if (.Modern) }}#3544B1{{ end }}",
    "{{ if not (.Modern) }}#F79C37{{ end }}"

## Template ([info][templates])

:::note default template

{{ .Version }}


## Properties

| Name           | Type      | Description                                                                                                         |
| -------------- | --------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `.Modern`      | `boolean` | a boolean to detemine if this is modern Umbraco V9+ using modern .NET or if its legacy Umbraco using .NET Framework |
| `.Version`     | `string`  | the version of umbraco found                                                                                       |

[go-text-template]: https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/
[templates]: /docs/configuration/templates
[Umbraco]: https://umbraco.com/