id: quasar
title: Quasar
sidebar_label: Quasar

## What

Display the currently active [Quasar CLI][quasar-cli] version. Only rendered when the current or
parent folder contains a `quasar.config` or `quasar.config.js` file.

## Sample Configuration

import Config from "@site/src/components/Config.js";

    type: "quasar",
    style: "powerline",
    powerline_symbol: "\uE0B0",
    foreground: "#00B4FF",
      " \uea6a {{.Full}}{{ if .HasVite }} \ueb29 {{ .Vite.Version }}{{ end }} ",

## Properties

| Name                   | Type      | Description                                                                                                           |
| ---------------------- | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `home_enabled`         | `boolean` | display the segment in the HOME folder or not - defaults to `false`                                                   |
| `missing_command_text` | `string`  | text to display when the command is missing - defaults to empty                                                       |
| `fetch_version`        | `boolean` | fetch the NPM version - defaults to `true`                                                                            |
| `version_url_template` | `string`  | a go [text/template][go-text-template] [template][templates] that creates the URL of the version info / release notes |
| `fetch_dependencies`   | `boolean` | fetch the version number of the `vite` and `@quasar/app-vite` dependencies if present - defaults to `false`           |

## Template ([info][templates])

:::note default template

\uea6a {{.Full}}{{ if .HasVite }} \ueb29 {{ .Vite.Version }}{{ end }}


### Properties

| Name       | Type         | Description                                        |
| ---------- | ------------ | -------------------------------------------------- |
| `.Full`    | `string`     | the full version                                   |
| `.Major`   | `string`     | major number                                       |
| `.Minor`   | `string`     | minor number                                       |
| `.Patch`   | `string`     | patch number                                       |
| `.URL`     | `string`     | URL of the version info / release notes            |
| `.Error`   | `string`     | error encountered when fetching the version string |
| `.Vite`    | `Dependency` | the `vite` dependency, if found                    |
| `.AppVite` | `Dependency` | the `@quasar/app-vite` dependency, if found        |

#### Dependency

| Name       | Type      | Description                   |
| ---------- | --------- | ----------------------------- |
| `.Version` | `string`  | the full version              |
| `.Dev`     | `boolean` | development dependency or not |

[go-text-template]: https://golang.org/pkg/text/template/
[templates]: /docs/configuration/templates
[quasar-cli]: https://quasar.dev/start/quasar-cli