id: upgrade
title: Upgrade notice
sidebar_label: Upgrade

## What

Displays when there's an update available for Oh My Posh.

## Sample Configuration

import Config from "@site/src/components/Config.js";

    type: "upgrade",
    style: "plain",
    foreground: "#111111",
    background: "#FFD664",

## Properties

| Name            | Type  | Description                                                                                   |
| --------------- | ----- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `cache_timeout` | `int` | in minutes - How long to wait before checking for a new version. Default is 10080 (one week). |

## Template ([info][templates])

:::note default template



### Properties

| Name       | Type     | Description                         |
| ---------- | -------- | ----------------------------------- |
| `.Current` | `string` | the current version number          |
| `.Latest`  | `string` | the latest available version number |

[templates]: /docs/configuration/templates