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A value of 0 disables the cache.", "default": 10 }, "expires_in": { "type": "integer", "title": "Expires in", "description": "Access token expiration time in seconds", "default": 0 }, "access_token": { "type": "string", "title": "Access token", "description": "The initial access token", "default": "" }, "refresh_token": { "type": "string", "title": "Refresh token", "description": "The initial refresh token", "default": "" }, "display_mode": { "type": "string", "title": "Display Mode", "description": "Determines whether the segment is displayed always or only if a file matching the extensions are present in the current folder", "enum": [ "always", "files", "environment", "context" ], "default": "context" }, "missing_command_text": { "type": "string", "title": "Missing command text", "description": "The string to display when the command is not available", "default": "" }, "version_url_template": { "type": "string", "title": "Version Url Template", "description": "Template that creates the URL of the version info / release notes", "default": "" }, "status_formats": { "type": "object", "title": "Status string formats", "description": "Override the status format for a specific change. Example: {\"Added\": \"Added: %d\"}", "default": {} }, "folders": { "type": "array", "title": "Folders", "description": "The folders to look for when determining if a folder is a workspace", "default": [], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "branch_max_length": { "type": "integer", "title": "Branch max length", "description": "the max length for the displayed branch name where 0 implies full length", "default": 0 }, "truncate_symbol": { "type": "string", "title": "Truncate Symbol", "description": "Icon/text to use to indicate that the branch name has been truncated", "default": "" }, "native_fallback": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Native Fallback", "description": "Use the native command when executable is not found", "default": false }, "full_branch_path": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Full branch path", "description": "display the full branch path instead of only the branch name", "default": true }, "extra_prompt": { "type": "object", "default": {}, "properties": { "template": { "type": "string", "title": "Prompt Template" }, "foreground": { "$ref": "#/definitions/color" }, "foreground_templates": { "$ref": "#/definitions/templates", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/colors#color-templates" }, "background": { "$ref": "#/definitions/color" }, "background_templates": { "$ref": "#/definitions/templates", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/colors#color-templates" } } }, "block": { "type": "object", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/block", "allOf": [ { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "prompt" } } }, "then": { "required": [ "type", "alignment", "segments" ], "title": "Prompt definition, contains 1 or more segments to render" } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "rprompt" } } }, "then": { "required": [ "type", "segments" ], "title": "RPrompt definition, contains 1 or more segments to render to the right of the cursor" } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "prompt" }, "alignment": { "const": "right" } } }, "then": { "properties": { "overflow": { "type": "string", "title": "Block overflow", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/block#overflow", "enum": [ "break", "hide" ], "default": "" } } } } ], "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "title": "Block type", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/block#type", "enum": [ "prompt", "rprompt" ], "default": "prompt" }, "alignment": { "type": "string", "title": "Block alignment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/block#alignment", "enum": [ "left", "right" ], "default": "left" }, "newline": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Newline", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/block#newline", "default": false }, "segments": { "type": "array", "title": "Segments list, prompt elements to display based on context", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/block#segments", "default": [], "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/segment" } } } }, "segment": { "type": "object", "title": "A segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/segment", "default": {}, "required": [ "type", "style" ], "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "title": "Segment Type", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/segment", "enum": [ "az", "aws", "azfunc", "argocd", "angular", "battery", "bazel", "brewfather", "buf", "carbonintensity", "command", "connection", "crystal", "cds", "cf", "cftarget", "cmake", "docker", "dotnet", "dart", "deno", "elixir", "executiontime", "flutter", "fossil", "gcp", "firebase", "git", "gitversion", "go", "haskell", "helm", "ipify", "julia", "java", "kotlin", "kubectl", "lastfm", "lua", "mercurial", "nbgv", "nightscout", "node", "npm", "nx", "ocaml", "os", "owm", "path", "perl", "python", "php", "plastic", "project", "pulumi", "quasar", "root", "ruby", "rust", "r", "react", "sapling", "session", "sitecore", "spotify", "status", "shell", "sysinfo", 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"https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/segment" }, "templates_logic": { "type": "string", "title": "Templates Logic", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/segment", "enum": [ "first_match", "join" ] }, "max_width": { "type": "integer", "title": "if the terminal width exceeds this value, the segment will be hidden", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/segment", "default": 0 }, "min_width": { "type": "integer", "title": "if the terminal width is inferior than this value, the segment will be hidden", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/segment", "default": 0 }, "properties": { "type": "object", "title": "Segment Properties, used to change behavior/displaying", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/segment#properties", "default": {}, "properties": { "include_folders": { "type": "array", "title": "If specified, segment will only render in these folders", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/segment#include--exclude-folders", "default": [], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "exclude_folders": { "type": "array", "title": "Exclude rendering in these folders", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/segment#include--exclude-folders", "default": [], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "ignore_folders": { "type": "array", "title": "Deprecated - please use `exclude_folders` instead", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/segment#include--exclude-folders", "default": [], "items": { "type": "string" }, "deprecated": true } } }, "interactive": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Allow the use of interactive prompt escape sequences", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/segment", "default": false }, "alias": { "type": "string", "title": "Give the segment an alias for use in templates", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/segment", "default": "" } }, "allOf": [ { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "project" } } }, "then": { "title": "Project Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/project", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "always_enabled": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Always Enabled", "description": "Always show the segment", "default": false } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "npm" } } }, "then": { "title": "NPM Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/npm", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "home_enabled": { "$ref": "#/definitions/home_enabled" }, "fetch_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/fetch_version" }, "display_mode": { "$ref": "#/definitions/display_mode" }, "missing_command_text": { "$ref": "#/definitions/missing_command_text" }, "version_url_template": { "$ref": "#/definitions/version_url_template" }, "cache_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_version" }, "extensions": { "type": "array", "title": "Extensions", "description": "The 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context when failing to retrieve the battery information", "default": false }, "charging_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Charging Icon", "description": "Text/icon to display when charging", "default": "" }, "discharging_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "discharging Dcon", "description": "Text/icon to display when discharging", "default": "" }, "charged_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Charged Icon", "description": "Text/icon to display when fully charged", "default": "" }, "not_charging_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Not Charging Icon", "description": "Text/icon to display when on AC power", "default": "" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "bazel" } } }, "then": { "title": "Bazel Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/bazel", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "home_enabled": { "$ref": "#/definitions/home_enabled" }, "fetch_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/fetch_version" }, "display_mode": { "$ref": "#/definitions/display_mode" }, "missing_command_text": { "$ref": "#/definitions/missing_command_text" }, "version_url_template": { "$ref": "#/definitions/version_url_template" }, "cache_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_version" }, "icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Icon", "description": "The icon representing Bazel's logo", "default": "\ue63a" }, "extensions": { "type": "array", "title": "Extensions", "description": "The extensions to look for when determining if a folder is a Bazel workspace", "default": [ "*.bazel", "*.bzl", "BUILD", "WORKSPACE", ".bazelrc", ".bazelversion" ], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "folders": { "type": "array", "title": "Folders", "description": "The folders to look for when determining if a folder is a Bazel workspace", "default": [ "bazel-bin", "bazel-out", "bazel-testlogs" ], "items": { "type": "string" } } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "buf" } } }, "then": { "title": "Buf Segment", "description": 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API", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "http_timeout": { "$ref": "#/definitions/http_timeout" }, "cache_timeout": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_timeout" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "command" } } }, "then": { "title": "Command Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/command", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "shell": { "type": "string", "title": "Shell", "description": "The shell in which to run the command in. Uses shell -c command under the hood", "default": "bash" }, "command": { "type": "string", "title": "Command", "description": "the command(s) to run", "default": "" }, "script": { "type": "string", "title": "Script", "description": "A script to run", "default": "" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "connection" } } }, "then": { "title": "Connection Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/connection", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "type": { "type": "string", "title": "Connection type", "description": "The connection type to display", "enum": [ "ethernet", "wifi", "cellular", "bluetooth" ], "default": "wifi|ethernet" }, "unit": { "type": "string", "title": "Transfer speed unit", "enum": [ "none", "b", "bps", "K", "Kbps", "M", "Mbps", "G", "Gbps", "T", "Tbps" ], "default": "none" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "cmake" } } }, "then": { "title": "Cmake Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/cmake", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "home_enabled": { "$ref": "#/definitions/home_enabled" }, "fetch_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/fetch_version" }, "display_mode": { "$ref": "#/definitions/display_mode" }, "missing_command_text": { "$ref": "#/definitions/missing_command_text" }, "version_url_template": { "$ref": "#/definitions/version_url_template" }, "cache_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_version" }, "extensions": { "type": "array", "title": "Extensions", "description": "The extensions to look for when determining if a folder is a CMake workspace", "default": [ "*.cmake", "CMakeLists.txt" ], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "folders": { "$ref": "#/definitions/folders" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "docker" } } }, "then": { "title": "Docker Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/docker" } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "dotnet" } } }, "then": { 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"https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/git", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "fetch_status": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Display Status", "description": "Display the local changes or not", "default": true }, "fetch_stash_count": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Display Stash Count", "description": "Display the stash count or not", "default": false }, "fetch_worktree_count": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Display Worktree Count", "description": "Display the worktree count or not", "default": false }, "fetch_upstream_icon": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Display Upstream Icon", "description": "Display upstream icon or not", "default": false }, "fetch_bare_info": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Fetch info when in a bare repo", "description": "Fetch info when in a bare repo or not", "default": false }, "branch_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Branch Icon", "description": "The icon to use in front of the git branch name", "default": "\uE0A0 " }, "branch_identical_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Branch Identical Icon", "description": "The icon to display when remote and local are identical", "default": "\u2261" }, "branch_ahead_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Branch Ahead Icon", "description": "The icon to display when the local branch is ahead of its remote", "default": "\u2191" }, "branch_behind_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Branch Behind Icon", "description": "The icon to display when the local branch is behind its remote", "default": "\u2193" }, "branch_gone_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Branch Gone Icon", "description": "The icon to display when there's no remote branch", "default": "\u2262" }, "commit_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Commit Icon", "description": "Icon/text to display before the commit context (detached HEAD)", "default": "\uF417" }, "tag_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Tag Icon", "description": "Icon/text to display before the tag context", "default": "\uF412" }, "rebase_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Rebase Icon", "description": "Icon/text to display before the context when in a rebase", "default": "\uE728" }, "cherry_pick_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Cherry-pick Icon", "description": "Icon/text to display before the context when doing a cherry-pick", "default": "\uE29B" }, "revert_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Revert Icon", "description": "Icon/text to display before the context when doing a revert", "default": "\uF0E2" }, "merge_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Merge Icon", "description": "Icon/text to display before the merge context", "default": "\uE727" }, "no_commits_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "No Commits Icon", "description": "Icon/text to display when there are no commits in the repo", "default": "\uF594" }, "github_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Github Icon", "description": "Icon/text to display when the upstream is Github", "default": "\uF408" }, "gitlab_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Gitlab Icon", "description": "Icon/text to display when the upstream is Gitlab", "default": "\uF296" }, "bitbucket_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Bitbucket Icon", "description": "Icon/text to display when the upstream is Bitbucket", "default": "\uF171" }, "azure_devops_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Azure DevOps Icon", "description": "Icon/text to display when the upstream is Azure DevOps", "default": "\uEBE8" }, "codecommit_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "CodeCommit Icon", "description": "Icon/text to display when the upstream is CodeCommit", "default": "\uF270" }, "codeberg_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Codeberg Icon", "description": "Icon/text to display when the upstream is Codeberg", "default": "\uF330" }, "git_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Git Icon", "description": "Icon/text to display when the upstream is not known/mapped", "default": "\uE5FB" }, "branch_max_length": { "type": "integer", "title": "Branch max length", "description": "the max length for the displayed branch 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in case the upstream URL contains the key. 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"properties": { "playing_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Playing Icon", "description": "Text/icon to show when playing", "default": "\uE602" }, "paused_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Paused Icon", "description": "Text/icon to show when paused", "default": "\uF8E3" }, "stopped_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Stopped Icon", "description": "Text/icon to show when stopped", "default": "\uF04D" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "terraform" } } }, "then": { "title": "Terraform Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/terraform", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "fetch_version": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Fetch Version", "description": "Fetch the version number", "default": false } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "text" } } }, "then": { "title": "Text Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/text", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "text": { "type": "string", "title": "Text", "description": "Text/icon to display", "default": "" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "talosctl" } } }, "then": { "title": "Talosctl Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/talosctl" } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "time" } } }, "then": { "title": "Time Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/time", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "time_format": { "type": "string", "title": "Time Format", "description": "Format to use, follows the golang standard: https://gobyexample.com/time-formatting-parsing", "default": "15:04:05" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "ytm" } } }, "then": { "title": "YouTube Music Desktop App Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/ytm", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "playing_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Playing Icon", "description": "Text/icon to show when playing", "default": "\uE602 " }, "paused_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Paused Icon", "description": "Text/icon to show when paused", "default": "\uF8E3 " }, "stopped_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Stopped Icon", "description": "Text/icon to show when stopped", "default": "\uF04D " }, "api_url": { "type": "string", "title": "API URL", "description": "The YTMDA Remote Control API URL", "default": "" }, "http_timeout": { "$ref": "#/definitions/http_timeout" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "owm" } } }, "then": { "title": "Open Weather Map Segment", "description": "Displays the current weather from the Open Weather Map system", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "api_key": { "type": "string", "title": "API key", "description": "The API key used for the api call (Required)", "default": "." }, "location": { "type": "string", "title": "location", "description": "Location to use for the API call interpreted only if valid coordinates aren't given. Formatted as ,,. City name, state code and country code divided by comma. Please, refer to ISO 3166 for the state codes or country codes.", "default": "De Bilt,NL" }, "units": { "type": "string", "title": "units", "description": "Units of measurement. Available values are standard (kelvin), metric (celsius), and imperial (fahrenheit). Default is standard", "default": "standard", "enum": [ "standard", "metric", "imperial" ] }, "http_timeout": { "$ref": "#/definitions/http_timeout" }, "cache_timeout": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_timeout" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "elixir" } } }, "then": { "title": "Elixir Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/elixir", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "home_enabled": { "$ref": "#/definitions/home_enabled" }, "fetch_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/fetch_version" }, "display_mode": { "$ref": "#/definitions/display_mode" }, "missing_command_text": { "$ref": "#/definitions/missing_command_text" }, "version_url_template": { "$ref": "#/definitions/version_url_template" }, "cache_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_version" }, "extensions": { "type": "array", "title": "Extensions", "description": "The extensions to look for when determining if a folder is a Elixir workspace", "default": [ "*.ex", "*.exs" ], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "folders": { "$ref": "#/definitions/folders" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "executiontime" } } }, "then": { "title": "Displays the execution time of the previously executed command", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/executiontime", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "always_enabled": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Always Enabled", "description": "Always show the duration", "default": false }, "threshold": { "type": "number", "title": "Threshold", "description": "minimum duration (milliseconds) required to enable this segment", "default": 500 }, "style": { "type": "string", "title": "Style", "description": "The style in which the time will be displayed", "enum": [ "austin", "roundrock", "dallas", "galveston", "galvestonms", "houston", "amarillo", "round", "lucky7" ], "default": "austin" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "sysinfo" } } }, "then": { "title": "Get sysinfo", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/sysinfo", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "precision": { "type": "integer", "title": "Precision", "description": "number of decimal places to show", "default": 2 } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "strava" } } }, "then": { "title": "Display training data from Strava", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/strava", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "url": { "type": "string", "title": "URL of API with Strava data", "description": "Url of your api provinding a Strava activity", "default": "" }, "ride_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Ride icon", "description": "Alternative icon for this activity type", "default": "\uf206" }, "run_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Run icon", "description": "Alternative icon for this activity type", "default": "\ue213" }, "skiing_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Skiing icon", "description": "Alternative icon for this activity type", 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"#/definitions/status_formats" }, "native_fallback": { "$ref": "#/definitions/native_fallback" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "angular" } } }, "then": { "title": "Angular CLI Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/angular", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "home_enabled": { "$ref": "#/definitions/home_enabled" }, "fetch_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/fetch_version" }, "missing_command_text": { "$ref": "#/definitions/missing_command_text" }, "display_mode": { "$ref": "#/definitions/display_mode" }, "version_url_template": { "$ref": "#/definitions/version_url_template" }, "cache_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_version" }, "extensions": { "type": "array", "title": "Extensions", "description": "The extensions to look for when determining if the current directory is an Angular project", "default": [ "angular.json" ], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "folders": { "$ref": "#/definitions/folders" } } } } } }, { "if": 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"https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/nx", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "home_enabled": { "$ref": "#/definitions/home_enabled" }, "fetch_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/fetch_version" }, "missing_command_text": { "$ref": "#/definitions/missing_command_text" }, "display_mode": { "$ref": "#/definitions/display_mode" }, "version_url_template": { "$ref": "#/definitions/version_url_template" }, "cache_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_version" }, "extensions": { "type": "array", "title": "Extensions", "description": "The extensions to look for when determining if the current directory is an Nx project", "default": [ "workspace.json", "nx.json" ], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "folders": { "$ref": "#/definitions/folders" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "ocaml" } } }, "then": { "title": "OCaml Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/ocaml", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "home_enabled": { "$ref": 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"default": "." }, "http_timeout": { "$ref": "#/definitions/http_timeout" }, "cache_timeout": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_timeout" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "winreg" } } }, "then": { "title": "Windows Registry Query", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/winreg", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "path": { "type": "string", "title": "Registry Path", "description": "The path to the registry key (case insensitive, must use backslashes). Ending with \\ will retrieve \"(Default)\" key in that path.", "default": "" }, "fallback": { "type": "string", "title": "Fallback value", "description": "Value to display if registry value cannot be retrieved", "default": "" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "withings" } } }, "then": { "title": "Display activity data from Withings", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/withings", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "http_timeout": { "$ref": "#/definitions/http_timeout" }, "cache_timeout": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_timeout" }, "access_token": { "$ref": "#/definitions/access_token" }, "refresh_token": { "$ref": "#/definitions/refresh_token" }, "expires_in": { "$ref": "#/definitions/expires_in" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "plastic" } } }, "then": { "title": "Plastic SCM Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/plastic", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "fetch_status": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Display Status", "description": "Display the local changes or not", "default": false }, "status_formats": { "$ref": "#/definitions/status_formats" }, "branch_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Branch Icon", "description": "The icon to use in front of the selector branch name", "default": "\uE0A0 " }, "commit_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Commit Icon", "description": "Icon/text to display before the selector changeset", "default": "\uF417" }, "tag_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Tag Icon", "description": "Icon/text to display before the seletor label", "default": "\uF412" }, "truncate_symbol": { "$ref": "#/definitions/truncate_symbol" }, "branch_max_length": { "$ref": "#/definitions/branch_max_length" }, "full_branch_path": { "$ref": "#/definitions/full_branch_path" }, "native_fallback": { "$ref": "#/definitions/native_fallback" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "brewfather" } } }, "then": { "title": "Brewfather Batch Status", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/brewfather", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "user_id": { "type": "string", "title": "Brewfather UserID (required)", "description": "Provided by Brewfather's Generate API Key settings option", "default": "" }, "api_key": { "type": "string", "title": "Brewfather API Key (required)", "description": "Provided by Brewfather's Generate API Key settings option", "default": "" }, "batch_id": { "type": "string", "title": "ID of the batch in Brewfather (required)", "description": "At the end of the URL when viewing the batch on the Brewfather site", "default": "" }, "day_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Icon to use to indicate days", "description": "Appended to a number to indicate days, e.g. 25d", "default": "d" }, "http_timeout": { "$ref": "#/definitions/http_timeout" }, "cache_timeout": { "type": "integer", "title": "cache timeout", "description": "Minutes the response is cached. A value of 0 disables the cache.", "default": 5 }, "doubleup_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Temperature trend icon, very high positive change", "description": "Delta between this and prior temperature reading is very high (> 4C by default), available intemplate as .TemperatureTrend", "default": "↑↑" }, "singleup_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Temperature trend icon, high positive change", "description": "Delta between this and prior temperature reading is high (2C < delta < 4C by default), available intemplate as .TemperatureTrend", "default": "↑" }, "fortyfiveup_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Temperature trend icon, positive change", "description": "Delta between this and prior temperature reading is positive (0.5C < delta < 2C by default), available intemplate as .TemperatureTrend", "default": "↗" }, "flat_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Temperature trend icon, flat/small change", "description": "Delta between this and prior temperature and this temperature reading (< +-0.5C change), available intemplate as .TemperatureTrend", "default": "→" }, "fortyfivedown_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Temperature trend icon, v. negative change", "description": "Delta between this and prior temperature reading is negative (-0.5C > delta > -2C by default), available intemplate as .TemperatureTrend", "default": "↘" }, "singledown_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Temperature trend icon, high negative change", "description": "Delta between this and prior temperature reading is large negative (-2C > delta > -4C by default), available intemplate as .TemperatureTrend", "default": "↓" }, "doubledown_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Temperature trend icon, very high negative change", "description": "Delta between this and prior temperature reading is very large negative (> -4C by default), available intemplate as .TemperatureTrend", "default": "↓↓" }, "planning_status_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Icon for batch in planning", "description": "Available in template as .StatusIcon", "default": "\uF8EA" }, "brewing_status_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Icon for batch being brewed", "description": "Available in template as .StatusIcon", "default": "\uF7DE" }, "fermenting_status_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Icon for batch fermenting", "description": "Available in template as .StatusIcon", "default": "\uF499" }, "conditioning_status_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Icon for batch conditioning", "description": "Available in template as .StatusIcon", "default": "\uE372" }, "completed_status_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Icon for completed batch", "description": "Available in template as .StatusIcon", "default": "\uF7A5" }, "archived_status_icon": { "type": "string", "title": "Icon for archived batch", "description": "Available in template as .StatusIcon", "default": "\uF187" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "ipify" } } }, "then": { "title": "Display your external IP Address", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/ipify", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "url": { "type": "string", "title": "URL", "description": "The Ipify API URL", "default": "https://api.ipify.org" }, "http_timeout": { "$ref": "#/definitions/http_timeout" }, "cache_timeout": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_timeout" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "haskell" } } }, "then": { "title": "Haskell Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/haskell", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "home_enabled": { "$ref": "#/definitions/home_enabled" }, "fetch_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/fetch_version" }, "display_mode": { "$ref": "#/definitions/display_mode" }, "missing_command_text": { "$ref": "#/definitions/missing_command_text" }, "version_url_template": { "$ref": "#/definitions/version_url_template" }, "cache_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_version" }, "stack_ghc_mode": { "type": "string", "title": "Use Stack GHC", "description": "Get the GHC version used by Stack. Will decrease performance. Boolean indicating whether stack ghc was used available in template as .StackGhc", "enum": [ "always", "package", "never" ], "default": "never" }, "extensions": { "type": "array", "title": "Extensions", "description": "The extensions to look for when determining if the current directory is a Haskell project", "default": [ "*.hs", "*.lhs", "stack.yaml", "package.yaml", "*.cabal", "cabal.project" ], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "folders": { "$ref": "#/definitions/folders" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "helm" } } }, "then": { "title": "Helm segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/helm", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "display_mode": { "$ref": "#/definitions/display_mode" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "ui5tooling" } } }, "then": { "title": "UI5 tooling CLI segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/ui5tooling", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "home_enabled": { "$ref": "#/definitions/home_enabled" }, "fetch_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/fetch_version" }, "display_mode": { "$ref": "#/definitions/display_mode" }, "missing_command_text": { "$ref": "#/definitions/missing_command_text" }, "version_url_template": { "$ref": "#/definitions/version_url_template" }, "cache_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_version" }, "extensions": { "type": "array", "title": "Extensions", "description": "The extensions to look for when determining if the current directory is a UI5 project", "default": [ "*ui5*.y*ml" ], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "folders": { "$ref": "#/definitions/folders" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "unity" } } }, "then": { "title": "Unity Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/unity", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "http_timeout": { "$ref": "#/definitions/http_timeout" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "upgrade" } } }, "then": { "title": 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"string" } }, "folders": { "$ref": "#/definitions/folders" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "r" } } }, "then": { "title": "R Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/r", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "home_enabled": { "$ref": "#/definitions/home_enabled" }, "fetch_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/fetch_version" }, "display_mode": { "$ref": "#/definitions/display_mode" }, "missing_command_text": { "$ref": "#/definitions/missing_command_text" }, "version_url_template": { "$ref": "#/definitions/version_url_template" }, "cache_version": { "$ref": "#/definitions/cache_version" }, "extensions": { "type": "array", "title": "Extensions", "description": "The extensions to look for when determining if the current directory is an R project", "default": [ "*.R", "*.Rmd", "*.Rsx", "*.Rda", "*.Rd", "*.Rproj", ".Rproj.user" ], "items": { "type": "string" } }, "folders": { "$ref": "#/definitions/folders" } } } } } }, { "if": { 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A value of 0 disables the cache.", "default": 30 } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "mercurial" } } }, "then": { "title": "Mercurial Segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/mercurial", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "fetch_status": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Display Status", "description": "Display the local changes or not", "default": false }, "status_formats": { "$ref": "#/definitions/status_formats" } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "nightscout" } } }, "then": { "title": "Display Nightscout segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/nightscout", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "url": { "type": "string", "title": "URL", "description": "The URL to the Nightscout API", "default": "" }, "cache_timeout": { "type": "integer", "title": "cache timeout", "description": "Minutes the response is cached. A value of 0 disables the cache.", "default": 5 }, "http_timeout": { "type": "integer", "title": "Http request timeout", "description": "Milliseconds to use for http request timeouts", "default": 500 }, "headers": { "type": "object", "title": "Headers", "description": "A key, value map of Headers to send with the request", "default": {} } } } } } }, { "if": { "properties": { "type": { "const": "umbraco" } } }, "then": { "title": "Display something umbraco", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/segments/umbraco", "properties": { "properties": { "properties": { "newprop": { "type": "string", "title": "New Property", "description": "the default text to display", "default": "Hello" } } } } } } ] } }, "required": [ "blocks" ], "properties": { "final_space": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Final Space", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/general#general-settings", "default": true }, "disable_cursor_positioning": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Disable Cursor Positioning", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/general#general-settings", "default": false }, "shell_integration": { "type": "boolean", "title": "FTCS command marks for shell integration", "default": false }, "pwd": { "type": "string", "title": "Enable OSC99/7/51", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/general#general-settings", "default": "" }, "disable_notice": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Disable Upgrade Notice", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/title#general-settings", "default": false }, "patch_pwsh_bleed": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Patch PowerShell Color Bleed", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/title#general-settings", "default": false }, "console_title_template": { "type": "string", "title": "Console Title Template", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/title#console-title-template", "default": "{{ .Shell }} in {{ .Folder }}" }, "terminal_background": { "$ref": "#/definitions/color" }, "blocks": { "type": "array", "title": "Block array", "default": [], "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/general#blocks", "items": { "$ref": "#/definitions/block" } }, "tooltips": { "type": "array", "title": "Tooltip list, prompt elements to display based on context", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/tooltips", "default": [], "items": { "allOf": [ { "$ref": "#/definitions/segment" } ], "properties": { "tips": { "type": "array", "title": "The commands for which you want the segment to show", "items": { "type": "string" } } }, "required": [ "tips" ] } }, "transient_prompt": { "$ref": "#/definitions/extra_prompt", "title": "Transient Prompt Setting", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/transient", "properties": { "filler": { "type": "string", "title": "Filler", "description": "Right aligned filler text, will span the remaining width" } } }, "valid_line": { "$ref": "#/definitions/extra_prompt", "title": "Valid Line Setting (for PowerShell only)", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/line-error" }, "error_line": { "$ref": "#/definitions/extra_prompt", "title": "Error Line Setting (for PowerShell only)", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/line-error" }, "secondary_prompt": { "$ref": "#/definitions/extra_prompt", "title": "Secondary Prompt Setting", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/secondary-prompt" }, "debug_prompt": { "$ref": "#/definitions/extra_prompt", "title": "Debug Prompt Setting (for PowerShell only)", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/debug-prompt" }, "palette": { "type": "object", "title": "Palette", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/colors#palette", "default": {}, "patternProperties": { ".*": { "$ref": "#/definitions/color" } } }, "palettes": { "type": "object", "title": "Palettes", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/colors#palettes", "default": {}, "properties": { "template": { "type": "string", "title": "Prompt Template" }, "list": { "type": "object", "title": "List of palettes", "patternProperties": { ".*": { "$ref": "#/properties/palette" } } } } }, "cycle": { "type": "array", "title": "List of settings to cycle through segment by segment", "description": "https://ohmyposh.dev/docs/configuration/cycle", "default": [], "items": { "properties": { "foreground": { "$ref": "#/definitions/color" }, "background": { "$ref": "#/definitions/color" } } } }, "accent_color": { "title": "Accent color", "$ref": "#/definitions/color" }, "iterm_features": { "type": "array", "title": "The iTerm2 features to enable", "items": { "type": "string", "enum": [ "prompt_mark", "current_dir", "remote_host" ] } } } }