--- id: macos title: macOS sidebar_label: 🍏 macOS --- import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs"; import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem"; import InstallHomebrew from "./homebrew.mdx"; import Next from "./next.mdx"; ## Set up your terminal As the standard terminal only supports [256 colors][256-colors], we advise using [iTerm2][iterm2] or any other modern day macOS terminal that supports ANSI characters. :::info To display all icons, we recommend the use of a [Nerd Font][fonts]. ::: <Tabs defaultValue="homebrew" groupId="install" values={[ { label: 'homebrew', value: 'homebrew', }, { label: 'MacPorts', value: 'macports', } ] }> <TabItem value="homebrew"> <InstallHomebrew /> </TabItem> <TabItem value="macports"> You can install Oh My Posh via [MacPorts] which is maintained by the [community]. ```bash sudo port selfupdate sudo port install oh-my-posh ``` Oh My Posh will be installed at `/opt/local/bin/oh-my-posh`. ## Updating ```bash sudo port selfupdate sudo port upgrade oh-my-posh ``` More details on the [ports page] for Oh My Posh. </TabItem> </Tabs> <Next /> [256-colors]: /docs/configuration/colors#standard-colors [iterm2]: https://iterm2.com [fonts]: /docs/installation/fonts [MacPorts]: https://www.macports.org [ports page]: https://ports.macports.org/port/oh-my-posh [community]: https://ports.macports.org/port/oh-my-posh/