# Make sure to check the documentation at https://goreleaser.com # yaml-language-server: $schema=https://goreleaser.com/static/schema.json version: 2 before: hooks: - go mod tidy - go install github.com/tc-hib/go-winres@latest - go-winres make --product-version=git-tag --file-version=git-tag --arch="amd64,386,arm64" builds: - binary: "posh-{{ .Os }}-{{ .Arch }}" no_unique_dist_dir: true flags: - -a ldflags: - -s -w -X github.com/jandedobbeleer/oh-my-posh/src/build.Version={{ .Version }} -X github.com/jandedobbeleer/oh-my-posh/src/build.Date={{ .Date }} -extldflags "-static" tags: - netgo - osusergo - static_build env: - CGO_ENABLED=0 goos: - linux - windows - darwin - freebsd goarch: - amd64 - arm64 - arm - "386" ignore: - goos: darwin goarch: "386" - goos: darwin goarch: arm - goos: windows goarch: arm hooks: post: - pwsh -c "if ('{{ .Path }}'.EndsWith('.exe')) { & '{{ .Env.SIGNTOOL }}' sign /f '{{ .Env.SIGNING_CERTIFICATE_LOCATION }}' /p '{{ .Env.SIGNING_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD }}' /fd SHA256 /t http://timestamp.digicert.com '{{ .Path }}' }" archives: - id: oh-my-posh format: binary name_template: "posh-{{ .Os }}-{{ .Arch }}" checksum: name_template: 'checksums.txt' signs: - cmd: pwsh args: - "-c" - "& '{{ .Env.OPENSSL }}' pkeyutl -sign -inkey '{{ .Env.SHA_SIGNING_KEY_LOCATION }}' -out '${artifact}.sig' -rawin -in '${artifact}'" artifacts: checksum changelog: disable: true