--- id: wifi title: WiFi sidebar_label: WiFi --- ## What Show details about the currently connected WiFi network. :::info Currently only supports Windows and WSL. Pull requests for Darwin and Linux support are welcome :) ::: ## Sample Configuration ```json { "type": "wifi", "style": "powerline", "background": "#8822ee", "foreground": "#222222", "background_templates": [ "{{ if (lt .Signal 60) }}#DDDD11{{ else if (lt .Signal 90) }}#DD6611{{ else }}#11CC11{{ end }}" ], "powerline_symbol": "\uE0B0", "template": "\uFAA8 {{ .SSID }} {{ .Signal }}% {{ .ReceiveRate }}Mbps" } ``` ## Template ([info][templates]) :::note default template ``` template {{ if .Error }}{{ .Error }}{{ else }}\uFAA8 {{ .SSID }} {{ .Signal }}% {{ .ReceiveRate }}Mbps{{ end }} ``` ::: ### Properties - `.SSID`: `string` - the SSID of the current wifi network - `.RadioType`: `string` - the radio type - _e.g. 802.11ac, 802.11ax, 802.11n, etc._ - `.Authentication`: `string` - the authentication type - _e.g. WPA2-Personal, WPA2-Enterprise, etc._ - `.Channel`: `int` - the current channel number - `.ReceiveRate`: `int` - the receive rate (Mbps) - `.TransmitRate`: `int` - the transmit rate (Mbps) - `.Signal`: `int` - the signal strength (%) [templates]: /docs/configuration/templates