mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:49:04 -08:00
300 lines
15 KiB
300 lines
15 KiB
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"foreground_templates": [
"{{ if not (empty .Env.OVERRIDE_FOLDER_BADGE_FG) }}{{ .Env.OVERRIDE_FOLDER_BADGE_FG }}{{ else }}p:c-badge-text{{ end }}"
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"{{ if and (not .Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}p:c-git-staging{{ end }}",
"{{ if and (.Working.Changed) (.Staging.Changed) }}p:c-git-staging-working{{ end }}",
"{{ if .UpstreamGone }}p:c-git-upstream-gone{{ end }}",
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"{{ if lt .Ms 3600000 }}p:c-exec-normal{{ end }}",
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"type": "executiontime"
"background_templates": [
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"{{ if lt .CumulativeTotal.Seconds 25200 }}p:c-wakatime-working{{ end }}",
"{{ if lt .CumulativeTotal.Seconds 28000 }}p:c-wakatime-quota{{ end }}",
"{{ if ge .CumulativeTotal.Seconds 28800 }}p:c-wakatime-overtime{{ end }}"
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"style": "diamond",
"template": "{{ if and (.Env.WAKATIME_API_KEY) (eq \"False\" (title (default \"False\" .Env.DISABLE_SEGMENT_WAKATIME))) (gt .CumulativeTotal.Seconds 0) }}\uFA19 {{ secondsRound .CumulativeTotal.Seconds }}.{{ end }}",
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"{{ if regexMatch (\"(^1[2-4]):\") (.CurrentDate | date .Format) }}p:c-date-time-noon{{ end }}",
"{{ if regexMatch (\"(^1[5-7]):\") (.CurrentDate | date .Format) }}p:c-date-time-afternoon{{ end }}",
"{{ if regexMatch \"(^(1[8-9])|(2[0-3])):\" (.CurrentDate | date .Format) }}p:c-date-time-evening{{ end }}",
"{{ if regexMatch \"^(0[0-5]):\" (.CurrentDate | date .Format) }}p:c-date-time-night{{ end }}"
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"trailing_diamond": "\uE0B4 ",
"type": "time"
"background_templates": [
"{{ if .Error }}p:c-battery-state-error{{ end }}",
"{{ if le .Percentage 15 }}p:c-battery-15-less{{ end }}",
"{{ if and (ge .Percentage 16) (le .Percentage 30) }}p:c-battery-30-less{{ end }}",
"{{ if and (ge .Percentage 31) (le .Percentage 45) }}p:c-battery-45-less{{ end }}",
"{{ if and (ge .Percentage 46) (le .Percentage 55) }}p:c-battery-55-less{{ end }}",
"{{ if and (ge .Percentage 56) (le .Percentage 70) }}p:c-battery-70-less{{ end }}",
"{{ if and (ge .Percentage 71) (le .Percentage 90) }}p:c-battery-90-less{{ end }}",
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"{{ if and (not .Segments.Session.SSHSession) (.Root) }}p:c-shell-state-root-active{{ end }}",
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"template": "{{ if eq \"False\" (title (default \"False\" .Env.DISABLE_SEGMENT_PROJECT_LUA)) }}\uE620 {{ if or (.Error) (empty .Full) }}{{ .Error }}{{ else }}{{ .Full }}{{ end }}{{ end }}",
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"foreground_templates": [
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"template": "\u276F",
"type": "text"
"type": "prompt"
"console_title_template": "{{ if .Segments.Session.SSHSession }}SSH'd{{ if or .Root }} & {{ end }}{{ end }}{{ if .Root }}# (as {{ .UserName }}) | {{ end }}{{ if .WSL }}WSL | {{ end }}{{ .Folder }} ({{ .Shell }})",
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"c-battery-55-less": "#FFFF8D",
"c-battery-70-less": "#F4FF81",
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"c-battery-100-less": "#CCFF90",
"c-battery-state-error": "#FF867F",
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"c-shell-state-root-active": "#9FFFE0",
"c-shell-state-root-ssh-active": "#FFB2FF",
"c-wakatime-undertime": "#A7FFEB",
"c-wakatime-warm-up": "#FFFFB3",
"c-wakatime-working": "#FFD180",
"c-wakatime-quota": "#FFD0B0",
"c-wakatime-overtime": "#FF8A80"
"transient_prompt": {
"template": "{{ if eq \"False\" (title (default \"False\" .Env.DISABLE_SEGMENT_TRANSIENT)) }}<{{ if eq .Code 0 }}p:c-badge-return-success{{ else if or (eq .Code 1) (eq .Code 130) }}p:c-badge-return-fail-term{{ else }}p:c-badge-return-custom{{ end }}>\uE0B6</><p:c-badge-text,{{ if eq .Code 0 }}p:c-badge-return-success{{ else if or (eq .Code 1) (eq .Code 130) }}p:c-badge-return-fail-term{{ else }}p:c-badge-return-custom{{ end }}>\uF55D \uE0B1 {{ if .Segments.Executiontime.Ms }}{{ if eq \"False\" (title (default \"False\" .Env.DISABLE_SEGMENT_TRANSIENT_EXEC_TIME)) }}\uFA1E {{ .Segments.Executiontime.FormattedMs }} \uE621 {{ end }}{{ end }}<b>{{ if eq .Code 0 }}OK{{ else if eq .Code 1 }}FAIL{{ else if eq .Code 130 }}TERM{{ else }}Code{{ end }} ({{ .Code }})</b></><{{ if eq .Code 0 }}p:c-badge-return-success{{ else if or (eq .Code 1) (eq .Code 130) }}p:c-badge-return-fail-term{{ else }}p:c-badge-return-custom{{ end }}>\uE0B4</> {{ end }}\u276F "
"secondary_prompt": {
"background": "transparent",
"foreground": "p:c-secondary-ellipsis",
"template": " ... "
"version": 2