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synced 2025-03-05 20:49:04 -08:00
367 lines
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Executable file
367 lines
12 KiB
Executable file
package main
import (
type gitRepo struct {
working *gitStatus
staging *gitStatus
ahead int
behind int
HEAD string
upstream string
stashCount string
root string
type gitStatus struct {
unmerged int
deleted int
added int
modified int
untracked int
changed bool
func (s *gitStatus) string(prefix string, color string) string {
var status string
stringIfValue := func(value int, prefix string) string {
if value > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf(" %s%d", prefix, value)
return ""
status += stringIfValue(s.added, "+")
status += stringIfValue(s.modified, "~")
status += stringIfValue(s.deleted, "-")
status += stringIfValue(s.untracked, "?")
status += stringIfValue(s.unmerged, "x")
if status != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("<%s>%s%s</>", color, prefix, status)
return status
type git struct {
props *properties
env environmentInfo
repo *gitRepo
const (
//BranchIcon the icon to use as branch indicator
BranchIcon Property = "branch_icon"
//BranchIdenticalIcon the icon to display when the remote and local branch are identical
BranchIdenticalIcon Property = "branch_identical_icon"
//BranchAheadIcon the icon to display when the local branch is ahead of the remote
BranchAheadIcon Property = "branch_ahead_icon"
//BranchBehindIcon the icon to display when the local branch is behind the remote
BranchBehindIcon Property = "branch_behind_icon"
//BranchGoneIcon the icon to use when ther's no remote
BranchGoneIcon Property = "branch_gone_icon"
//LocalWorkingIcon the icon to use as the local working area changes indicator
LocalWorkingIcon Property = "local_working_icon"
//LocalStagingIcon the icon to use as the local staging area changes indicator
LocalStagingIcon Property = "local_staged_icon"
//DisplayStatus shows the status of the repository
DisplayStatus Property = "display_status"
//DisplayStatusDetail shows the detailed status of the repository
DisplayStatusDetail Property = "display_status_detail"
//RebaseIcon shows before the rebase context
RebaseIcon Property = "rebase_icon"
//CherryPickIcon shows before the cherry-pick context
CherryPickIcon Property = "cherry_pick_icon"
//CommitIcon shows before the detached context
CommitIcon Property = "commit_icon"
//TagIcon shows before the tag context
TagIcon Property = "tag_icon"
//DisplayStashCount show stash count or not
DisplayStashCount Property = "display_stash_count"
//StashCountIcon shows before the stash context
StashCountIcon Property = "stash_count_icon"
//StatusSeparatorIcon shows between staging and working area
StatusSeparatorIcon Property = "status_separator_icon"
//MergeIcon shows before the merge context
MergeIcon Property = "merge_icon"
//DisplayUpstreamIcon show or hide the upstream icon
DisplayUpstreamIcon Property = "display_upstream_icon"
//GithubIcon shows√ when upstream is github
GithubIcon Property = "github_icon"
//BitbucketIcon shows when upstream is bitbucket
BitbucketIcon Property = "bitbucket_icon"
//GitlabIcon shows when upstream is gitlab
GitlabIcon Property = "gitlab_icon"
//GitIcon shows when the upstream can't be identified
GitIcon Property = "git_icon"
//WorkingColor if set, the color to use on the working area
WorkingColor Property = "working_color"
//StagingColor if set, the color to use on the staging area
StagingColor Property = "staging_color"
//StatusColorsEnabled enables status colors
StatusColorsEnabled Property = "status_colors_enabled"
//LocalChangesColor if set, the color to use when there are local changes
LocalChangesColor Property = "local_changes_color"
//AheadAndBehindColor if set, the color to use when the branch is ahead and behind the remote
AheadAndBehindColor Property = "ahead_and_behind_color"
//BehindColor if set, the color to use when the branch is ahead and behind the remote
BehindColor Property = "behind_color"
//AheadColor if set, the color to use when the branch is ahead and behind the remote
AheadColor Property = "ahead_color"
func (g *git) enabled() bool {
if !g.env.hasCommand("git") {
return false
output, _ := g.env.runCommand("git", "rev-parse", "--is-inside-work-tree")
return output == "true"
func (g *git) string() string {
if g.props.getBool(StatusColorsEnabled, false) {
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
// branchName
if g.repo.upstream != "" && g.props.getBool(DisplayUpstreamIcon, false) {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "%s", g.getUpstreamSymbol())
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "%s", g.repo.HEAD)
displayStatus := g.props.getBool(DisplayStatus, true)
if !displayStatus {
return buffer.String()
// if ahead, print with symbol
if g.repo.ahead > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " %s%d", g.props.getString(BranchAheadIcon, "\uF176"), g.repo.ahead)
// if behind, print with symbol
if g.repo.behind > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " %s%d", g.props.getString(BranchBehindIcon, "\uF175"), g.repo.behind)
if g.repo.behind == 0 && g.repo.ahead == 0 && g.repo.upstream != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " %s", g.props.getString(BranchIdenticalIcon, "\uF0C9"))
} else if g.repo.upstream == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " %s", g.props.getString(BranchGoneIcon, "\u2262"))
if g.repo.staging.changed {
fmt.Fprint(buffer, g.getStatusDetailString(g.repo.staging, StagingColor, LocalStagingIcon, " \uF046"))
if g.repo.staging.changed && g.repo.working.changed {
fmt.Fprint(buffer, g.props.getString(StatusSeparatorIcon, " |"))
if g.repo.working.changed {
fmt.Fprint(buffer, g.getStatusDetailString(g.repo.working, WorkingColor, LocalWorkingIcon, " \uF044"))
if g.props.getBool(DisplayStashCount, false) && g.repo.stashCount != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " %s%s", g.props.getString(StashCountIcon, "\uF692"), g.repo.stashCount)
return buffer.String()
func (g *git) init(props *properties, env environmentInfo) {
g.props = props
g.env = env
func (g *git) getStatusDetailString(status *gitStatus, color Property, icon Property, defaultIcon string) string {
prefix := g.props.getString(icon, defaultIcon)
foregroundColor := g.props.getColor(color, g.props.foreground)
if !g.props.getBool(DisplayStatusDetail, true) {
return fmt.Sprintf("<%s>%s</>", foregroundColor, prefix)
return status.string(prefix, foregroundColor)
func (g *git) getUpstreamSymbol() string {
upstreamRegex := regexp.MustCompile("/.*")
upstream := upstreamRegex.ReplaceAllString(g.repo.upstream, "")
url := g.getGitCommandOutput("remote", "get-url", upstream)
if strings.Contains(url, "github") {
return g.props.getString(GithubIcon, "\uF408 ")
if strings.Contains(url, "gitlab") {
return g.props.getString(GitlabIcon, "\uF296 ")
if strings.Contains(url, "bitbucket") {
return g.props.getString(BitbucketIcon, "\uF171 ")
return g.props.getString(GitIcon, "\uE5FB ")
func (g *git) setGitStatus() {
g.repo = &gitRepo{}
g.repo.root = g.getGitCommandOutput("rev-parse", "--show-toplevel")
output := g.getGitCommandOutput("status", "-unormal", "--short", "--branch")
splittedOutput := strings.Split(output, "\n")
g.repo.working = g.parseGitStats(splittedOutput, true)
g.repo.staging = g.parseGitStats(splittedOutput, false)
status := g.parseGitStatusInfo(splittedOutput[0])
if status["local"] != "" {
g.repo.ahead, _ = strconv.Atoi(status["ahead"])
g.repo.behind, _ = strconv.Atoi(status["behind"])
if status["upstream_status"] != "gone" {
g.repo.upstream = status["upstream"]
g.repo.HEAD = g.getGitHEADContext(status["local"])
g.repo.stashCount = g.getStashContext()
func (g *git) SetStatusColor() {
if g.props.getBool(ColorBackground, true) {
g.props.background = g.getStatusColor(g.props.background)
} else {
g.props.foreground = g.getStatusColor(g.props.foreground)
func (g *git) getStatusColor(defaultValue string) string {
if g.repo.staging.changed || g.repo.working.changed {
return g.props.getColor(LocalChangesColor, defaultValue)
} else if g.repo.ahead > 0 && g.repo.behind > 0 {
return g.props.getColor(AheadAndBehindColor, defaultValue)
} else if g.repo.ahead > 0 {
return g.props.getColor(AheadColor, defaultValue)
} else if g.repo.behind > 0 {
return g.props.getColor(BehindColor, defaultValue)
return defaultValue
func (g *git) getGitCommandOutput(args ...string) string {
args = append([]string{"-c", "core.quotepath=false", "-c", "color.status=false"}, args...)
val, _ := g.env.runCommand("git", args...)
return val
func (g *git) getGitHEADContext(ref string) string {
branchIcon := g.props.getString(BranchIcon, "\uE0A0")
if ref == "" {
ref = g.getPrettyHEADName()
} else {
ref = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", branchIcon, ref)
// rebase
if g.hasGitFolder("rebase-merge") {
origin := g.getGitRefFileSymbolicName("rebase-merge/orig-head")
onto := g.getGitRefFileSymbolicName("rebase-merge/onto")
step := g.getGitFileContents("rebase-merge/msgnum")
total := g.getGitFileContents("rebase-merge/end")
icon := g.props.getString(RebaseIcon, "\uE728 ")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s onto %s%s (%s/%s) at %s", icon, branchIcon, origin, branchIcon, onto, step, total, ref)
if g.hasGitFolder("rebase-apply") {
head := g.getGitFileContents("rebase-apply/head-name")
origin := strings.Replace(head, "refs/heads/", "", 1)
step := g.getGitFileContents("rebase-apply/next")
total := g.getGitFileContents("rebase-apply/last")
icon := g.props.getString(RebaseIcon, "\uE728 ")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s (%s/%s) at %s", icon, branchIcon, origin, step, total, ref)
// merge
if g.hasGitFile("MERGE_HEAD") {
mergeHEAD := g.getGitRefFileSymbolicName("MERGE_HEAD")
icon := g.props.getString(MergeIcon, "\uE727 ")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s into %s", icon, branchIcon, mergeHEAD, ref)
// cherry-pick
if g.hasGitFile("CHERRY_PICK_HEAD") {
sha := g.getGitRefFileSymbolicName("CHERRY_PICK_HEAD")
icon := g.props.getString(CherryPickIcon, "\uE29B ")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s onto %s", icon, sha, ref)
return ref
func (g *git) hasGitFile(file string) bool {
files := fmt.Sprintf("%s/.git/%s", g.repo.root, file)
return g.env.hasFiles(files)
func (g *git) hasGitFolder(folder string) bool {
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/.git/%s", g.repo.root, folder)
return g.env.hasFolder(path)
func (g *git) getGitFileContents(file string) string {
content := g.env.getFileContent(fmt.Sprintf("%s/.git/%s", g.repo.root, file))
return strings.Trim(content, " \r\n")
func (g *git) getGitRefFileSymbolicName(refFile string) string {
ref := g.getGitFileContents(refFile)
return g.getGitCommandOutput("name-rev", "--name-only", "--exclude=tags/*", ref)
func (g *git) getPrettyHEADName() string {
// check for tag
ref := g.getGitCommandOutput("describe", "--tags", "--exact-match")
if ref != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", g.props.getString(TagIcon, "\uF412"), ref)
// fallback to commit
ref = g.getGitCommandOutput("rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", g.props.getString(CommitIcon, "\uF417"), ref)
func (g *git) parseGitStats(output []string, working bool) *gitStatus {
status := gitStatus{}
if len(output) <= 1 {
return &status
for _, line := range output[1:] {
if len(line) < 2 {
code := line[0:1]
if working {
code = line[1:2]
switch code {
case "?":
if working {
case "D":
case "A":
case "U":
case "M", "R", "C":
status.changed = status.added > 0 || status.deleted > 0 || status.modified > 0 || status.unmerged > 0 || status.untracked > 0
return &status
func (g *git) getStashContext() string {
return g.getGitCommandOutput("rev-list", "--walk-reflogs", "--count", "refs/stash")
func (g *git) parseGitStatusInfo(branchInfo string) map[string]string {
var branchRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^## (?P<local>\S+?)(\.{3}(?P<upstream>\S+?)( \[(?P<upstream_status>(ahead (?P<ahead>\d+)(, )?)?(behind (?P<behind>\d+))?(gone)?)])?)?$`)
return groupDict(branchRegex, branchInfo)
func groupDict(pattern *regexp.Regexp, haystack string) map[string]string {
match := pattern.FindStringSubmatch(haystack)
result := make(map[string]string)
if len(match) > 0 {
for i, name := range pattern.SubexpNames() {
if i != 0 {
result[name] = match[i]
return result