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synced 2024-12-28 04:19:41 -08:00
New segment for .NET SDK version (or unsupported version) display. Includes update for handling command execution errors so segments can act differently based on exit codes. Using a custom error type to make it testable rather than passing the OS error directly to the segment.
310 lines
9.7 KiB
Executable file
310 lines
9.7 KiB
Executable file
package main
import (
type gitRepo struct {
working *gitStatus
staging *gitStatus
ahead int
behind int
HEAD string
upstream string
stashCount string
root string
type gitStatus struct {
unmerged int
deleted int
added int
modified int
untracked int
func (s *gitStatus) string(prefix string) string {
var status string
stringIfValue := func(value int, prefix string) string {
if value > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf(" %s%d", prefix, value)
return ""
status += stringIfValue(s.added, "+")
status += stringIfValue(s.modified, "~")
status += stringIfValue(s.deleted, "-")
status += stringIfValue(s.untracked, "?")
status += stringIfValue(s.unmerged, "x")
if status != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf(" %s%s", prefix, status)
return status
type git struct {
props *properties
env environmentInfo
repo *gitRepo
const (
//BranchIcon the icon to use as branch indicator
BranchIcon Property = "branch_icon"
//BranchIdenticalIcon the icon to display when the remote and local branch are identical
BranchIdenticalIcon Property = "branch_identical_icon"
//BranchAheadIcon the icon to display when the local branch is ahead of the remote
BranchAheadIcon Property = "branch_ahead_icon"
//BranchBehindIcon the icon to display when the local branch is behind the remote
BranchBehindIcon Property = "branch_behind_icon"
//BranchGoneIcon the icon to use when ther's no remote
BranchGoneIcon Property = "branch_gone_icon"
//LocalWorkingIcon the icon to use as the local working area changes indicator
LocalWorkingIcon Property = "local_working_icon"
//LocalStagingIcon the icon to use as the local staging area changes indicator
LocalStagingIcon Property = "local_staged_icon"
//DisplayStatus shows the status of the repository
DisplayStatus Property = "display_status"
//RebaseIcon shows before the rebase context
RebaseIcon Property = "rebase_icon"
//CherryPickIcon shows before the cherry-pick context
CherryPickIcon Property = "cherry_pick_icon"
//CommitIcon shows before the detached context
CommitIcon Property = "commit_icon"
//TagIcon shows before the tag context
TagIcon Property = "tag_icon"
//DisplayStashCount show stash count or not
DisplayStashCount Property = "display_stash_count"
//StashCountIcon shows before the stash context
StashCountIcon Property = "stash_count_icon"
//StatusSeparatorIcon shows between staging and working area
StatusSeparatorIcon Property = "status_separator_icon"
//MergeIcon shows before the merge context
MergeIcon Property = "merge_icon"
//DisplayUpstreamIcon show or hide the upstream icon
DisplayUpstreamIcon Property = "display_upstream_icon"
//GithubIcon shows√ when upstream is github
GithubIcon Property = "github_icon"
//BitbucketIcon shows when upstream is bitbucket
BitbucketIcon Property = "bitbucket_icon"
//GitlabIcon shows when upstream is gitlab
GitlabIcon Property = "gitlab_icon"
//GitIcon shows when the upstream can't be identified
GitIcon Property = "git_icon"
func (g *git) enabled() bool {
if !g.env.hasCommand("git") {
return false
output, _ := g.env.runCommand("git", "rev-parse", "--is-inside-work-tree")
return output == "true"
func (g *git) string() string {
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
// branchName
if g.repo.upstream != "" && g.props.getBool(DisplayUpstreamIcon, false) {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "%s", g.getUpstreamSymbol())
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, "%s", g.repo.HEAD)
displayStatus := g.props.getBool(DisplayStatus, true)
if !displayStatus {
return buffer.String()
// if ahead, print with symbol
if g.repo.ahead > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " %s%d", g.props.getString(BranchAheadIcon, "\uF176"), g.repo.ahead)
// if behind, print with symbol
if g.repo.behind > 0 {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " %s%d", g.props.getString(BranchBehindIcon, "\uF175"), g.repo.behind)
if g.repo.behind == 0 && g.repo.ahead == 0 && g.repo.upstream != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " %s", g.props.getString(BranchIdenticalIcon, "\uF0C9"))
} else if g.repo.upstream == "" {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " %s", g.props.getString(BranchGoneIcon, "\u2262"))
staging := g.repo.staging.string(g.props.getString(LocalStagingIcon, "\uF046"))
working := g.repo.working.string(g.props.getString(LocalWorkingIcon, "\uF044"))
fmt.Fprint(buffer, staging)
if staging != "" && working != "" {
fmt.Fprint(buffer, g.props.getString(StatusSeparatorIcon, " |"))
fmt.Fprint(buffer, working)
if g.props.getBool(DisplayStashCount, false) && g.repo.stashCount != "" {
fmt.Fprintf(buffer, " %s%s", g.props.getString(StashCountIcon, "\uF692"), g.repo.stashCount)
return buffer.String()
func (g *git) init(props *properties, env environmentInfo) {
g.props = props
g.env = env
func (g *git) getUpstreamSymbol() string {
upstreamRegex := regexp.MustCompile("/.*")
upstream := upstreamRegex.ReplaceAllString(g.repo.upstream, "")
url := g.getGitCommandOutput("remote", "get-url", upstream)
if strings.Contains(url, "github") {
return g.props.getString(GithubIcon, "\uF408 ")
if strings.Contains(url, "gitlab") {
return g.props.getString(GitlabIcon, "\uF296 ")
if strings.Contains(url, "bitbucket") {
return g.props.getString(BitbucketIcon, "\uF171 ")
return g.props.getString(GitIcon, "\uE5FB ")
func (g *git) setGitStatus() {
g.repo = &gitRepo{}
g.repo.root = g.getGitCommandOutput("rev-parse", "--show-toplevel")
output := g.getGitCommandOutput("status", "--porcelain", "-b", "--ignore-submodules")
splittedOutput := strings.Split(output, "\n")
g.repo.working = g.parseGitStats(splittedOutput, true)
g.repo.staging = g.parseGitStats(splittedOutput, false)
status := g.parseGitStatusInfo(splittedOutput[0])
if status["local"] != "" {
g.repo.ahead, _ = strconv.Atoi(status["ahead"])
g.repo.behind, _ = strconv.Atoi(status["behind"])
g.repo.upstream = status["upstream"]
g.repo.HEAD = g.getGitHEADContext(status["local"])
g.repo.stashCount = g.getStashContext()
func (g *git) getGitCommandOutput(args ...string) string {
args = append([]string{"-c", "core.quotepath=false", "-c", "color.status=false"}, args...)
val, _ := g.env.runCommand("git", args...)
return val
func (g *git) getGitHEADContext(ref string) string {
branchIcon := g.props.getString(BranchIcon, "\uE0A0")
if ref == "" {
ref = g.getPrettyHEADName()
} else {
ref = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", branchIcon, ref)
// rebase
if g.hasGitFolder("rebase-merge") {
origin := g.getGitRefFileSymbolicName("rebase-merge/orig-head")
onto := g.getGitRefFileSymbolicName("rebase-merge/onto")
step := g.getGitFileContents("rebase-merge/msgnum")
total := g.getGitFileContents("rebase-merge/end")
icon := g.props.getString(RebaseIcon, "\uE728 ")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s onto %s%s (%s/%s) at %s", icon, branchIcon, origin, branchIcon, onto, step, total, ref)
if g.hasGitFolder("rebase-apply") {
head := g.getGitFileContents("rebase-apply/head-name")
origin := strings.Replace(head, "refs/heads/", "", 1)
step := g.getGitFileContents("rebase-apply/next")
total := g.getGitFileContents("rebase-apply/last")
icon := g.props.getString(RebaseIcon, "\uE728 ")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s (%s/%s) at %s", icon, branchIcon, origin, step, total, ref)
// merge
if g.hasGitFile("MERGE_HEAD") {
mergeHEAD := g.getGitRefFileSymbolicName("MERGE_HEAD")
icon := g.props.getString(MergeIcon, "\uE727 ")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s into %s", icon, branchIcon, mergeHEAD, ref)
// cherry-pick
if g.hasGitFile("CHERRY_PICK_HEAD") {
sha := g.getGitRefFileSymbolicName("CHERRY_PICK_HEAD")
icon := g.props.getString(CherryPickIcon, "\uE29B ")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s onto %s", icon, sha, ref)
return ref
func (g *git) hasGitFile(file string) bool {
files := fmt.Sprintf("%s/.git/%s", g.repo.root, file)
return g.env.hasFiles(files)
func (g *git) hasGitFolder(folder string) bool {
path := fmt.Sprintf("%s/.git/%s", g.repo.root, folder)
return g.env.hasFolder(path)
func (g *git) getGitFileContents(file string) string {
content := g.env.getFileContent(fmt.Sprintf("%s/.git/%s", g.repo.root, file))
return strings.Trim(content, " \r\n")
func (g *git) getGitRefFileSymbolicName(refFile string) string {
ref := g.getGitFileContents(refFile)
return g.getGitCommandOutput("name-rev", "--name-only", "--exclude=tags/*", ref)
func (g *git) getPrettyHEADName() string {
// check for tag
ref := g.getGitCommandOutput("describe", "--tags", "--exact-match")
if ref != "" {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", g.props.getString(TagIcon, "\uF412"), ref)
// fallback to commit
ref = g.getGitCommandOutput("rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD")
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", g.props.getString(CommitIcon, "\uF417"), ref)
func (g *git) parseGitStats(output []string, working bool) *gitStatus {
status := gitStatus{}
if len(output) <= 1 {
return &status
for _, line := range output[1:] {
if len(line) < 2 {
code := line[0:1]
if working {
code = line[1:2]
switch code {
case "?":
case "D":
case "A":
case "U":
case "M", "R", "C":
return &status
func (g *git) getStashContext() string {
return g.getGitCommandOutput("rev-list", "--walk-reflogs", "--count", "refs/stash")
func (g *git) parseGitStatusInfo(branchInfo string) map[string]string {
var branchRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`^## (?P<local>\S+?)(\.{3}(?P<upstream>\S+?)( \[(ahead (?P<ahead>\d+)(, )?)?(behind (?P<behind>\d+))?])?)?$`)
return groupDict(branchRegex, branchInfo)
func groupDict(pattern *regexp.Regexp, haystack string) map[string]string {
match := pattern.FindStringSubmatch(haystack)
result := make(map[string]string)
if len(match) > 0 {
for i, name := range pattern.SubexpNames() {
if i != 0 {
result[name] = match[i]
return result