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//go:build windows
package main
import (
func (env *environment) isRunningAsRoot() bool {
defer env.trace(time.Now(), "isRunningAsRoot")
var sid *windows.SID
// Although this looks scary, it is directly copied from the
// official windows documentation. The Go API for this is a
// direct wrap around the official C++ API.
// See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/desktop/api/securitybaseapi/nf-securitybaseapi-checktokenmembership
err := windows.AllocateAndInitializeSid(
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
if err != nil {
env.log(Error, "isRunningAsRoot", err.Error())
return false
defer func() {
_ = windows.FreeSid(sid)
// This appears to cast a null pointer so I'm not sure why this
// works, but this guy says it does and it Works for Me™:
// https://github.com/golang/go/issues/28804#issuecomment-438838144
token := windows.Token(0)
member, err := token.IsMember(sid)
if err != nil {
env.log(Error, "isRunningAsRoot", err.Error())
return false
return member
func (env *environment) homeDir() string {
home := os.Getenv("HOME")
if len(home) > 0 {
return home
// fallback to older implemenations on Windows
home = os.Getenv("HOMEDRIVE") + os.Getenv("HOMEPATH")
if home == "" {
home = os.Getenv("USERPROFILE")
return home
func (env *environment) getWindowTitle(imageName, windowTitleRegex string) (string, error) {
defer env.trace(time.Now(), "getWindowTitle", imageName, windowTitleRegex)
return getWindowTitle(imageName, windowTitleRegex)
func (env *environment) isWsl() bool {
defer env.trace(time.Now(), "isWsl")
return false
func (env *environment) getTerminalWidth() (int, error) {
defer env.trace(time.Now(), "getTerminalWidth")
handle, err := syscall.Open("CONOUT$", syscall.O_RDWR, 0)
if err != nil {
env.log(Error, "getTerminalWidth", err.Error())
return 0, err
info, err := winterm.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(uintptr(handle))
if err != nil {
env.log(Error, "getTerminalWidth", err.Error())
return 0, err
// return int(float64(info.Size.X) * 0.57), nil
return int(info.Size.X), nil
func (env *environment) getPlatform() string {
return windowsPlatform
func (env *environment) getCachePath() string {
defer env.trace(time.Now(), "getCachePath")
// get LOCALAPPDATA if present
if cachePath := returnOrBuildCachePath(env.getenv("LOCALAPPDATA")); len(cachePath) != 0 {
return cachePath
return env.homeDir()
// Takes a registry path like "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" and a key under that path like "CurrentVersion" (or "" if the (Default) key is required).
// Returns a bool and string:
// true and the retrieved value formatted into a string if successful.
// false and the string will be the error
func (env *environment) getWindowsRegistryKeyValue(regPath, regKey string) (string, error) {
env.trace(time.Now(), "getWindowsRegistryKeyValue", regPath, regKey)
// Extract root HK value and turn it into a windows.Handle to open the key.
regPathParts := strings.SplitN(regPath, "\\", 2)
regRootHKeyHandle := getHKEYHandleFromAbbrString(regPathParts[0])
if regRootHKeyHandle == 0 {
errorLogMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Error, Supplied root HKEY value not valid: '%s'", regPathParts[0])
env.log(Error, "getWindowsRegistryKeyValue", errorLogMsg)
return "", errors.New(errorLogMsg)
// Second part of split is registry path after HK part - needs to be UTF16 to pass to the windows. API
regPathUTF16, regPathUTF16ConversionErr := windows.UTF16FromString(regPathParts[1])
if regPathUTF16ConversionErr != nil {
errorLogMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Error, Could not convert supplied path '%s' to UTF16, error: '%s'", regPathParts[1], regPathUTF16ConversionErr)
env.log(Error, "getWindowsRegistryKeyValue", errorLogMsg)
return "", errors.New(errorLogMsg)
// Ok - open it..
var hKeyHandle windows.Handle
regOpenErr := windows.RegOpenKeyEx(regRootHKeyHandle, ®PathUTF16[0], 0, windows.KEY_READ, &hKeyHandle)
if regOpenErr != nil {
errorLogMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Error RegOpenKeyEx opening registry path to '%s', error: '%s'", regPath, regOpenErr)
env.log(Error, "getWindowsRegistryKeyValue", errorLogMsg)
return "", errors.New(errorLogMsg)
// Success - from here on out, when returning make sure to close that reg key with a deferred call to close:
defer func() {
err := windows.RegCloseKey(hKeyHandle)
if err != nil {
env.log(Error, "getWindowsRegistryKeyValue", fmt.Sprintf("Error closing registry key: %s", err))
// Again - need UTF16 of the key for the API:
regKeyUTF16, regKeyUTF16ConversionErr := windows.UTF16FromString(regKey)
if regKeyUTF16ConversionErr != nil {
errorLogMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Error, could not convert supplied key '%s' to UTF16, error: '%s'", regKey, regKeyUTF16ConversionErr)
env.log(Error, "getWindowsRegistryKeyValue", errorLogMsg)
return "", errors.New(errorLogMsg)
// Two stage way to get the key value - query once to get size - then allocate and query again to fill it.
var keyBufType uint32
var keyBufSize uint32
regQueryErr := windows.RegQueryValueEx(hKeyHandle, ®KeyUTF16[0], nil, &keyBufType, nil, &keyBufSize)
if regQueryErr != nil {
errorLogMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Error calling RegQueryValueEx to retrieve key data size with error '%s'", regQueryErr)
env.log(Error, "getWindowsRegistryKeyValue", errorLogMsg)
return "", errors.New(errorLogMsg)
// Alloc and fill...
var keyBuf = make([]byte, keyBufSize)
regQueryErr = windows.RegQueryValueEx(hKeyHandle, ®KeyUTF16[0], nil, &keyBufType, &keyBuf[0], &keyBufSize)
if regQueryErr != nil {
errorLogMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Error calling RegQueryValueEx to retrieve key data with error '%s'", regQueryErr)
env.log(Error, "getWindowsRegistryKeyValue", errorLogMsg)
return "", errors.New(errorLogMsg)
// Format result into a string, depending on type. (future refactor - move this out into it's own function)
switch keyBufType {
case windows.REG_SZ:
var uint16p *uint16
uint16p = (*uint16)(unsafe.Pointer(&keyBuf[0])) // nasty casty
valueString := windows.UTF16PtrToString(uint16p)
env.log(Debug, "getWindowsRegistryKeyValue", fmt.Sprintf("success, string: %s", valueString))
return valueString, nil
case windows.REG_DWORD:
var uint32p *uint32
uint32p = (*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&keyBuf[0])) // more casting goodness
valueString := fmt.Sprintf("0x%08X", *uint32p)
env.log(Debug, "getWindowsRegistryKeyValue", fmt.Sprintf("success, DWORD, formatted as string: %s", valueString))
return valueString, nil
errorLogMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Error, no formatter for REG_? type:%d, data size:%d bytes", keyBufType, keyBufSize)
return "", errors.New(errorLogMsg)