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id: customize
title: Customize
sidebar_label: 🧩 Customize
import Tabs from "@theme/Tabs";
import TabItem from "@theme/TabItem"
The standard initialization sets Oh My Posh' default theme. This configuration is embedded
and thus kept up-to-date with Oh My Posh.
To set a new config/theme you need to change the `--config` option of the `oh-my-posh init <shell>`
line in your `profile` or `.<shell>rc` script (see [prompt][prompt]) and point it to the location of a
predefined [theme][themes] or custom configuration.
There are two possible values the `--config` flag can handle:
- a path to a local configuration file
--config 'C:/Users/Posh/jandedobbeleer.omp.json'
- a URL pointing to a remote config
--config 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/main/themes/jandedobbeleer.omp.json'
### Set the configuration
The example below use a local path to the [jandedobbeleer][jandedobbeleer] theme, adjust the `--config` value
to reflect your configuration file, local or remote.
{ label: 'bash', value: 'bash', },
{ label: 'cmd', value: 'cmd', },
{ label: 'elvish', value: 'elvish', },
{ label: 'fish', value: 'fish', },
{ label: 'nu', value: 'nu', },
{ label: 'powershell', value: 'powershell', },
{ label: 'tcsh', value: 'tcsh', },
{ label: 'xonsh', value: 'xonsh', },
{ label: 'zsh', value: 'zsh', },
<TabItem value="bash">
:::caution Git bash
Use the full path to the config file, not the relative path or `~` as a shorthand for `$HOME`.
Adjust the Oh My Posh init line in `~/.bashrc` (could be `~/.profile` or `~/.bash_profile` depending
on your environment) by adding the `--config` flag with the location of your configuration.
eval "$(oh-my-posh init bash --config ~/jandedobbeleer.omp.json)"
Once altered, reload your profile for the changes to take effect.
exec bash
<TabItem value="cmd">
Adjust the Oh My Posh init line in `oh-my-posh.lua` by adding the `--config` flag with the location
of your configuration.
```lua title="oh-my-posh.lua"
load(io.popen('oh-my-posh init cmd --config C:/Users/Posh/jandedobbeleer.omp.json'):read("*a"))()
Use the full path to the config file, not the relative path. You can make use of **forward slashes** to
avoid having to use double backslashes.
Once altered, restart cmd for the changes to take effect.
<TabItem value="elvish">
Adjust the Oh My Posh init line in `~/.elvish/rc.elv` by adding the `--config` flag with the location
of your configuration.
eval (oh-my-posh init elvish --config ~/jandedobbeleer.omp.json)
Once added, reload your profile for the changes to take effect.
exec elvish
<TabItem value="fish">
It is recommended to use the latest version of Fish. Versions below 3.1.2 have issues displaying the prompt.
Adjust the Oh My Posh init line in `~/.config/fish/config.fish` by adding the `--config` flag with
the location of your configuration.
oh-my-posh init fish --config ~/jandedobbeleer.omp.json | source
Once altered, reload your config for the changes to take effect.
. ~/.config/fish/config.fish
<TabItem value="nu">
Oh My Posh requires Nushell v0.93.0 or higher.
Adjust the Oh My Posh init line in the Nushell env file (`$nu.env-path`) by adding the `--config` flag
with the location of your configuration.
oh-my-posh init nu --config ~/jandedobbeleer.omp.json
This saves the initialization script to `~/.oh-my-posh.nu`.
Now, edit the Nushell config file (`$nu.config-path`) and add the following line at the bottom:
source ~/.oh-my-posh.nu
If you want to save the initialization script elsewhere, you can change the first line to something like this:
oh-my-posh init nu --config ~/jandedobbeleer.omp.json --print | save /mylocation/myscript.nu --force
And change the `source` line to:
source /mylocation/myscript.nu
Once altered, restart Nushell for the changes to take effect.
<TabItem value="powershell">
Adjust the Oh My Posh init line in your `$PROFILE` by adding the `--config` flag with the location
of your configuration.
oh-my-posh init pwsh --config ~/jandedobbeleer.omp.json | Invoke-Expression
Once altered, reload your profile for the changes to take effect.
When the above command gives an error, make sure to create the profile first and add the `oh-my-posh init` above.
New-Item -Path $PROFILE -Type File -Force
In this scenario, it can also be that PowerShell blocks running local scripts. To solve that, set PowerShell
to only require remote scripts to be signed using `Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned`, or [sign the profile][sign].
<TabItem value="tcsh">
Adjust the Oh My Posh init line in `~/.tcshrc` by adding the `--config` flag with the location of your configuration.
eval "`oh-my-posh init tcsh --config ~/jandedobbeleer.omp.json`"
Note that the surrounding quotes are required. Once added, reload your profile for the changes to take effect.
exec tcsh
<TabItem value="xonsh">
Adjust the Oh My Posh init line in `~/.xonshrc` by adding the `--config` flag with the location of your configuration.
execx($(oh-my-posh init xonsh --config ~/jandedobbeleer.omp.json))
Once added, reload your profile for the changes to take effect.
exec xonsh
<TabItem value="zsh">
Adjust the Oh My Posh init line in `~/.zshrc` by adding the `--config` flag with the location of your configuration.
eval "$(oh-my-posh init zsh --config ~/jandedobbeleer.omp.json)"
Once altered, reload your profile for the changes to take effect.
exec zsh
:::tip wsl
When using oh-my-posh in Windows and the WSL, know that you can **share your theme with the WSL** by pointing to a theme in your
Windows user's home folder.
Inside the WSL, you can find your Windows user's home folder here: `/mnt/c/Users/<WINDOWSUSERNAME>`.
### Themes
The Windows and homebrew installers also bundle the **predefined configurations** ([themes][themes]). You can use the
following way to reference them directly. This will keep them up-to-date and compatible with future updates.
{ label: 'windows', value: 'windows', },
{ label: 'homebrew', value: 'homebrew', },
<TabItem value="windows">
For example, to use the [jandedobbeleer][jandedobbeleer] theme, alter the init line like this (`powershell`):
oh-my-posh init pwsh --config "$env:POSH_THEMES_PATH/jandedobbeleer.omp.json" | Invoke-Expression
<TabItem value="homebrew">
When using homebrew, all themes are installed alongside Oh My Posh in `$(brew --prefix oh-my-posh)/themes`.
To use any of the themes, use the following syntax (`zsh`):
eval "$(oh-my-posh init zsh --config $(brew --prefix oh-my-posh)/themes/jandedobbeleer.omp.json)"
### Custom configuration
Maybe there's a theme you like, but you don't fancy the colors. Or, maybe there's a segment you
want to tweak/add, or replace some of the icons with a different one. Whatever the case, **read through
available options first**, by starting with the [configuration][configuration].
You can export the current theme (default, or set via `--config`) to the format you like (`json`, `yaml`, or `toml`)
which can be used to tweak and store as your own custom configuration.
oh-my-posh config export --output ~/.mytheme.omp.json
Be careful not to adjust the theme files in their original location as they're updated together with Oh My Posh
which will remove your customizations. Always copy, or export them and save the new configuration outside of the
Oh My Posh internal themes folder.
### Read the docs
To fully understand how to customize a theme, read through the documentation in the configuration and segments sections.
The [configuration][configuration] section covers the basic building blocks and concepts of Oh My Posh themes, while the
segments section covers how to configure each available segment.
[themes]: themes.md
[configuration]: configuration/general.mdx
[prompt]: prompt.mdx
[jandedobbeleer]: /docs/themes#jandedobbeleer
[json-schema]: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/main/themes/schema.json
[homebrew-problem]: https://github.com/JanDeDobbeleer/oh-my-posh/discussions/2644
[sign]: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_signing?view=powershell-7.3#methods-of-signing-scripts