importPrefix=flag.String("import_prefix","","prefix to be added to go package paths for imported proto files")
file=flag.String("file","-","where to load data from")
allowDeleteBody=flag.Bool("allow_delete_body",false,"unless set, HTTP DELETE methods may not have a body")
grpcAPIConfiguration=flag.String("grpc_api_configuration","","path to gRPC API Configuration in YAML format")
allowMerge=flag.Bool("allow_merge",false,"if set, generation one swagger file out of multiple protos")
mergeFileName=flag.String("merge_file_name","apidocs","target swagger file name prefix after merge")
useJSONNamesForFields=flag.Bool("json_names_for_fields",false,"if it sets Field.GetJsonName() will be used for generating swagger definitions, otherwise Field.GetName() will be used")
repeatedPathParamSeparator=flag.String("repeated_path_param_separator","csv","configures how repeated fields should be split. Allowed values are `csv`, `pipes`, `ssv` and `tsv`.")
versionFlag=flag.Bool("version",false,"print the current verison")
allowRepeatedFieldsInBody=flag.Bool("allow_repeated_fields_in_body",false,"allows to use repeated field in `body` and `response_body` field of `google.api.http` annotation option")
includePackageInTags=flag.Bool("include_package_in_tags",false,"if unset, the gRPC service name is added to the `Tags` field of each operation. if set and the `package` directive is shown in the proto file, the package name will be prepended to the service name")
useFQNForSwaggerName=flag.Bool("fqn_for_swagger_name",false,"if set, the object's swagger names will use the fully qualify name from the proto definition (ie my.package.MyMessage.MyInnerMessage")
disableDefaultErrors=flag.Bool("disable_default_errors",false,"if set, disables generation of default errors. This is useful if you have defined custom error handling")