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2016-11-15 06:53:48 -08:00
package index
import (
// An Iterator provides sorted iteration over a list of uint64s.
type Iterator interface {
// Next retrieves the next document ID in the postings list.
Next() (DocID, error)
// Seek moves the cursor to ID or the closest following one, if it doesn't exist.
// It returns the ID at the position.
Seek(id DocID) (DocID, error)
type mergeIterator struct {
i1, i2 Iterator
v1, v2 DocID
e1, e2 error
func (it *mergeIterator) Next() (DocID, error) {
if it.e1 == io.EOF && it.e2 == io.EOF {
return 0, io.EOF
if it.e1 != nil {
if it.e1 != io.EOF {
return 0, it.e1
x := it.v2
it.v2, it.e2 = it.i2.Next()
return x, nil
if it.e2 != nil {
if it.e2 != io.EOF {
return 0, it.e2
x := it.v1
it.v1, it.e1 = it.i1.Next()
return x, nil
if it.v1 < it.v2 {
x := it.v1
it.v1, it.e1 = it.i1.Next()
return x, nil
} else if it.v2 < it.v1 {
x := it.v2
it.v2, it.e2 = it.i2.Next()
return x, nil
} else {
x := it.v1
it.v1, it.e1 = it.i1.Next()
it.v2, it.e2 = it.i2.Next()
return x, nil
func (it *mergeIterator) Seek(id DocID) (DocID, error) {
// We just have to advance the first iterator. The next common match is also
// the next seeked ID of the intersection.
it.v1, it.e1 = it.i1.Seek(id)
it.v2, it.e2 = it.i2.Seek(id)
return it.Next()
// Merge returns a new Iterator over the union of the input iterators.
func Merge(its ...Iterator) Iterator {
if len(its) == 0 {
return nil
i1 := its[0]
for _, i2 := range its[1:] {
i1 = &mergeIterator{i1: i1, i2: i2}
return i1
// ExpandIterator walks through the iterator and returns the result list.
// The iterator is closed after completion.
func ExpandIterator(it Iterator) ([]DocID, error) {
var (
res = []DocID{}
v DocID
err error
for v, err = it.Seek(0); err == nil; v, err = it.Next() {
res = append(res, v)
if err == io.EOF {
return res, nil
return res, err
type intersectIterator struct {
i1, i2 Iterator
v1, v2 DocID
e1, e2 error
// Intersect returns a new Iterator over the intersection of the input iterators.
func Intersect(its ...Iterator) Iterator {
if len(its) == 0 {
return nil
i1 := its[0]
for _, i2 := range its[1:] {
i1 = &intersectIterator{i1: i1, i2: i2}
return i1
func (it *intersectIterator) Next() (DocID, error) {
for {
if it.e1 != nil {
return 0, it.e1
if it.e2 != nil {
return 0, it.e2
if it.v1 < it.v2 {
it.v1, it.e1 = it.i1.Seek(it.v2)
} else if it.v2 < it.v1 {
it.v2, it.e2 = it.i2.Seek(it.v1)
} else {
v := it.v1
it.v1, it.e1 = it.i1.Next()
it.v2, it.e2 = it.i2.Next()
return v, nil
func (it *intersectIterator) Seek(id DocID) (DocID, error) {
// We have to advance both iterators. Otherwise, we get a false-positive
// match on 0 if only on of the iterators has it.
it.v1, it.e1 = it.i1.Seek(id)
it.v2, it.e2 = it.i2.Seek(id)
return it.Next()
// A skiplist iterator iterates through a list of value/pointer pairs.
type skiplistIterator interface {
// seek returns the value and pointer at or before v.
seek(v DocID) (val DocID, ptr uint64, err error)
// next returns the next value/pointer pair.
next() (val DocID, ptr uint64, err error)
// iteratorStore allows to retrieve an iterator based on a key.
type iteratorStore interface {
get(uint64) (Iterator, error)
// skippingIterator implements the iterator interface based on skiplist, which
// allows to jump to the iterator closest to the seeked value.
// This iterator allows for speed up in seeks if the underlying data cannot
// be searched in O(log n).
// Ideally, the skiplist is seekable in O(log n).
type skippingIterator struct {
skiplist skiplistIterator
iterators iteratorStore
// The iterator holding the next value.
cur Iterator
// Seek implements the Iterator interface.
func (it *skippingIterator) Seek(id DocID) (DocID, error) {
_, ptr, err :=
if err != nil {
return 0, err
cur, err := it.iterators.get(ptr)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
it.cur = cur
return it.cur.Seek(id)
// Next implements the Iterator interface.
func (it *skippingIterator) Next() (DocID, error) {
// If next was called initially.
// TODO(fabxc): should this just panic and initial call to seek() be required?
if it.cur == nil {
return it.Seek(0)
if id, err := it.cur.Next(); err == nil {
return id, nil
} else if err != io.EOF {
return 0, err
// We reached the end of the current iterator. Get the next iterator through
// our skiplist.
_, ptr, err :=
if err != nil {
// Here we return the actual io.EOF if we reached the end of the iterator
// retrieved from the last skiplist entry.
return 0, err
// Iterate over the next iterator.
cur, err := it.iterators.get(ptr)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
it.cur = cur
// Return the first value in the new iterator.
return it.cur.Seek(0)
// plainListIterator implements the iterator interface on a sorted list of integers.
type plainListIterator struct {
list list
pos int
func newPlainListIterator(l []DocID) *plainListIterator {
it := &plainListIterator{list: list(l)}
return it
func (it *plainListIterator) Seek(id DocID) (DocID, error) {
it.pos = sort.Search(it.list.Len(), func(i int) bool { return it.list[i] >= id })
return it.Next()
func (it *plainListIterator) Next() (DocID, error) {
if it.pos >= it.list.Len() {
return 0, io.EOF
x := it.list[it.pos]
return x, nil
type list []DocID
func (l list) Len() int { return len(l) }
func (l list) Less(i, j int) bool { return l[i] < l[j] }
func (l list) Swap(i, j int) { l[i], l[j] = l[j], l[i] }
// plainSkiplistIterator implements the skiplistIterator interface on plain
// in-memory mapping.
type plainSkiplistIterator struct {
m map[DocID]uint64
keys list
pos int
func newPlainSkiplistIterator(m map[DocID]uint64) *plainSkiplistIterator {
var keys list
for k := range m {
keys = append(keys, k)
return &plainSkiplistIterator{
m: m,
keys: keys,
// seek implements the skiplistIterator interface.
func (it *plainSkiplistIterator) seek(id DocID) (DocID, uint64, error) {
pos := sort.Search(len(it.keys), func(i int) bool { return it.keys[i] >= id })
// The skiplist iterator points to the element at or before the last value.
if pos > 0 && it.keys[pos] > id {
it.pos = pos - 1
} else {
it.pos = pos
// next implements the skiplistIterator interface.
func (it *plainSkiplistIterator) next() (DocID, uint64, error) {
if it.pos >= len(it.keys) {
return 0, 0, io.EOF
k := it.keys[it.pos]
return k, it.m[k], nil