ErrorCodeIPNotOwnedErrorCode="ip_not_owned"// The IP you are trying to add as a target is not owned by the Project owner
ErrorCodeSourcePortAlreadyUsedErrorCode="source_port_already_used"// The source port you are trying to add is already in use
ErrorCodeCloudResourceIPNotAllowedErrorCode="cloud_resource_ip_not_allowed"// The IP you are trying to add as a target belongs to a Hetzner Cloud resource
ErrorCodeServerNotAttachedToNetworkErrorCode="server_not_attached_to_network"// The server you are trying to add as a target is not attached to the same network as the Load Balancer
ErrorCodeTargetAlreadyDefinedErrorCode="target_already_defined"// The Load Balancer target you are trying to define is already defined
ErrorCodeInvalidLoadBalancerTypeErrorCode="invalid_load_balancer_type"// The Load Balancer type does not fit for the given Load Balancer
ErrorCodeLoadBalancerAlreadyAttachedErrorCode="load_balancer_already_attached"// The Load Balancer is already attached to a network
ErrorCodeTargetsWithoutUsePrivateIPErrorCode="targets_without_use_private_ip"// The Load Balancer has targets that use the public IP instead of the private IP
ErrorCodeLoadBalancerNotAttachedToNetworkErrorCode="load_balancer_not_attached_to_network"// The Load Balancer is not attached to a network
// Network related error codes
ErrorCodeIPNotAvailableErrorCode="ip_not_available"// The provided Network IP is not available
ErrorCodeNoSubnetAvailableErrorCode="no_subnet_available"// No Subnet or IP is available for the Load Balancer/Server within the network
ErrorCodeVSwitchAlreadyUsedErrorCode="vswitch_id_already_used"// The given Robot vSwitch ID is already registered in another network