mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:59:13 -08:00
Switch append refs to string
This commit is contained in:
@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ func (b *writeBenchmark) ingestScrapesShard(metrics []labels.Labels, scrapeCount
type sample struct {
labels labels.Labels
value int64
ref *uint64
ref *string
scrape := make([]*sample, 0, len(metrics))
@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ type Appender interface {
// Returned reference numbers are ephemeral and may be rejected in calls
// to AddFast() at any point. Adding the sample via Add() returns a new
// reference number.
Add(l labels.Labels, t int64, v float64) (uint64, error)
Add(l labels.Labels, t int64, v float64) (string, error)
// Add adds a sample pair for the referenced series. It is generally faster
// than adding a sample by providing its full label set.
AddFast(ref uint64, t int64, v float64) error
AddFast(ref string, t int64, v float64) error
// Commit submits the collected samples and purges the batch.
Commit() error
@ -517,34 +517,33 @@ type metaAppender struct {
app Appender
func (a *dbAppender) Add(lset labels.Labels, t int64, v float64) (uint64, error) {
func (a *dbAppender) Add(lset labels.Labels, t int64, v float64) (string, error) {
h, err := a.appenderFor(t)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return "", err
ref, err := h.app.Add(lset, t, v)
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return "", err
// Store last byte of sequence number in 3rd byte of reference.
return ref | (uint64(h.meta.Sequence&0xff) << 40), nil
return string(append(h.meta.ULID[:], ref...)), nil
func (a *dbAppender) AddFast(ref uint64, t int64, v float64) error {
func (a *dbAppender) AddFast(ref string, t int64, v float64) error {
// Load the head last byte of the head sequence from the 3rd byte of the
// reference number.
gen := (ref << 16) >> 56
// gen := (ref << 16) >> 56
h, err := a.appenderFor(t)
if err != nil {
return err
// If the last byte of the sequence does not add up, the reference is not valid.
if uint64(h.meta.Sequence&0xff) != gen {
return ErrNotFound
if yoloString(h.meta.ULID[:]) != ref[:16] {
return errors.Wrap(ErrNotFound, "unexpected ULID")
if err := h.app.AddFast(ref, t, v); err != nil {
if err := h.app.AddFast(ref[16:], t, v); err != nil {
return err
@ -870,9 +869,8 @@ func (es MultiError) Err() error {
return es
func yoloString(b []byte) string {
return *((*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b)))
func yoloString(b []byte) string { return *((*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&b))) }
func yoloBytes(s string) []byte { return *((*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&s))) }
func closeAll(cs ...io.Closer) error {
var merr MultiError
@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ import (
@ -113,19 +114,30 @@ func TestDBAppenderAddRef(t *testing.T) {
ref, err := app.Add(labels.FromStrings("a", "b"), 0, 0)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Head sequence number should be in 3rd MSB and be greater than 0.
gen := (ref << 16) >> 56
require.True(t, gen > 1)
// When a series is first created, refs don't work within that transaction.
err = app.AddFast(ref, 1, 1)
require.EqualError(t, errors.Cause(err), ErrNotFound.Error())
err = app.Commit()
require.NoError(t, err)
app = db.Appender()
ref, err = app.Add(labels.FromStrings("a", "b"), 1, 1)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Ref must be prefixed with block ULID of the block we wrote to.
id := db.blocks[len(db.blocks)-1].Meta().ULID
require.Equal(t, string(id[:]), ref[:16])
// Reference must be valid to add another sample.
err = app.AddFast(ref, 1, 1)
err = app.AddFast(ref, 2, 2)
require.NoError(t, err)
// AddFast for the same timestamp must fail if the generation in the reference
// doesn't add up.
refBad := ref | ((gen + 1) << 4)
err = app.AddFast(refBad, 1, 1)
require.Error(t, err)
require.Equal(t, 2, app.(*dbAppender).samples)
refb := []byte(ref)
refb[15] ^= refb[15]
err = app.AddFast(string(refb), 1, 1)
require.EqualError(t, errors.Cause(err), ErrNotFound.Error())
@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ import (
@ -176,6 +178,7 @@ func (h *HeadBlock) Close() error {
return nil
// Meta returns a BlockMeta for the head block.
func (h *HeadBlock) Meta() BlockMeta {
m := BlockMeta{
ULID: h.meta.ULID,
@ -192,11 +195,16 @@ func (h *HeadBlock) Meta() BlockMeta {
return m
func (h *HeadBlock) Dir() string { return h.dir }
func (h *HeadBlock) Persisted() bool { return false }
func (h *HeadBlock) Index() IndexReader { return &headIndexReader{h} }
// Dir returns the directory of the block.
func (h *HeadBlock) Dir() string { return h.dir }
// Index returns an IndexReader against the block.
func (h *HeadBlock) Index() IndexReader { return &headIndexReader{h} }
// Chunks returns a ChunkReader against the block.
func (h *HeadBlock) Chunks() ChunkReader { return &headChunkReader{h} }
// Querier returns a new Querier against the block for the range [mint, maxt].
func (h *HeadBlock) Querier(mint, maxt int64) Querier {
defer h.mtx.RUnlock()
@ -236,6 +244,7 @@ func (h *HeadBlock) Querier(mint, maxt int64) Querier {
// Appender returns a new Appender against the head block.
func (h *HeadBlock) Appender() Appender {
atomic.AddUint64(&h.activeWriters, 1)
@ -247,6 +256,7 @@ func (h *HeadBlock) Appender() Appender {
return &headAppender{HeadBlock: h, samples: getHeadAppendBuffer()}
// Busy returns true if the block has open write transactions.
func (h *HeadBlock) Busy() bool {
return atomic.LoadUint64(&h.activeWriters) > 0
@ -268,74 +278,86 @@ func putHeadAppendBuffer(b []RefSample) {
type headAppender struct {
newSeries map[uint64]hashedLabels
newHashes map[uint64]uint64
refmap map[uint64]uint64
newSeries []*hashedLabels
newLabels []labels.Labels
newHashes map[uint64]uint64
samples []RefSample
type hashedLabels struct {
ref uint64
hash uint64
labels labels.Labels
func (a *headAppender) Add(lset labels.Labels, t int64, v float64) (uint64, error) {
func (a *headAppender) Add(lset labels.Labels, t int64, v float64) (string, error) {
if !a.inBounds(t) {
return 0, ErrOutOfBounds
return "", ErrOutOfBounds
hash := lset.Hash()
refb := make([]byte, 8)
// Series exists already in the block.
if ms := a.get(hash, lset); ms != nil {
return uint64(ms.ref), a.AddFast(uint64(ms.ref), t, v)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(refb, uint64(ms.ref))
return string(refb), a.AddFast(string(refb), t, v)
// Series was added in this transaction previously.
if ref, ok := a.newHashes[hash]; ok {
return uint64(ref), a.AddFast(uint64(ref), t, v)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(refb, ref)
// XXX(fabxc): there's no fast path for multiple samples for the same new series
// in the same transaction. We always return the invalid empty ref. It's has not
// been a relevant use case so far and is not worth the trouble.
return nullRef, a.AddFast(string(refb), t, v)
// We only know the actual reference after committing. We generate an
// intermediate reference only valid for this batch.
// It is indicated by the the LSB of the 4th byte being set to 1.
// We use a random ID to avoid collisions when new series are created
// in two subsequent batches.
// TODO(fabxc): Provide method for client to determine whether a ref
// is valid beyond the current transaction.
ref := uint64(rand.Int31()) | (1 << 32)
// The series is completely new.
if a.newSeries == nil {
a.newSeries = map[uint64]hashedLabels{}
a.newHashes = map[uint64]uint64{}
a.refmap = map[uint64]uint64{}
a.newSeries[ref] = hashedLabels{hash: hash, labels: lset}
a.newHashes[hash] = ref
// First sample for new series.
ref := uint64(len(a.newSeries))
return ref, a.AddFast(ref, t, v)
a.newSeries = append(a.newSeries, &hashedLabels{
ref: ref,
hash: hash,
labels: lset,
// First bit indicates its a series created in this transaction.
ref |= (1 << 63)
a.newHashes[hash] = ref
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(refb, ref)
return nullRef, a.AddFast(string(refb), t, v)
func (a *headAppender) AddFast(ref uint64, t int64, v float64) error {
// We only own the last 5 bytes of the reference. Anything before is
// used by higher-order appenders. We erase it to avoid issues.
ref = (ref << 24) >> 24
var nullRef = string([]byte{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0})
func (a *headAppender) AddFast(ref string, t int64, v float64) error {
var (
refn = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(yoloBytes(ref))
id = (refn << 1) >> 1
inTx = refn&(1<<63) != 0
// Distinguish between existing series and series created in
// this transaction.
if ref&(1<<32) != 0 {
if _, ok := a.newSeries[ref]; !ok {
return ErrNotFound
if inTx {
if id > uint64(len(a.newSeries)-1) {
return errors.Wrap(ErrNotFound, "transaction series ID too high")
// TODO(fabxc): we also have to validate here that the
// sample sequence is valid.
// We also have to revalidate it as we switch locks an create
// We also have to revalidate it as we switch locks and create
// the new series.
} else if ref > uint64(len(a.series)) {
return ErrNotFound
} else if id > uint64(len(a.series)) {
return errors.Wrap(ErrNotFound, "transaction series ID too high")
} else {
ms := a.series[int(ref)]
ms := a.series[id]
if ms == nil {
return ErrNotFound
return errors.Wrap(ErrNotFound, "nil series")
// TODO(fabxc): memory series should be locked here already.
// Only problem is release of locks in case of a rollback.
@ -356,7 +378,7 @@ func (a *headAppender) AddFast(ref uint64, t int64, v float64) error {
a.samples = append(a.samples, RefSample{
Ref: ref,
Ref: refn,
T: t,
V: v,
@ -375,18 +397,18 @@ func (a *headAppender) createSeries() {
base1 := len(a.series)
for ref, l := range a.newSeries {
for _, l := range a.newSeries {
// We switched locks and have to re-validate that the series were not
// created by another goroutine in the meantime.
if base1 > base0 {
if ms := a.get(l.hash, l.labels); ms != nil {
a.refmap[ref] = uint64(ms.ref)
l.ref = uint64(ms.ref)
// Series is still new.
a.newLabels = append(a.newLabels, l.labels)
a.refmap[ref] = uint64(len(a.series))
l.ref = uint64(len(a.series))
a.create(l.hash, l.labels)
@ -401,11 +423,11 @@ func (a *headAppender) Commit() error {
// We have to update the refs of samples for series we just created.
for i := range a.samples {
s := &a.samples[i]
if s.Ref&(1<<32) > 0 {
s.Ref = a.refmap[s.Ref]
if s.Ref&(1<<63) != 0 {
s.Ref = a.newSeries[(s.Ref<<1)>>1].ref
@ -514,6 +536,9 @@ func (h *headIndexReader) Series(ref uint32) (labels.Labels, []*ChunkMeta, error
return nil, nil, ErrNotFound
s := h.series[ref]
if s == nil {
return nil, nil, ErrNotFound
metas := make([]*ChunkMeta, 0, len(s.chunks))
Reference in a new issue