mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:59:13 -08:00
Slim down the chunkIterator interface
For one, remove unneeded methods. Then, instead of using a channel for all values, use a bufio.Scanner-like interface. This removes the need for creating a goroutine and avoids the (unnecessary) locking performed by channel sending and receiving. This will make it much easier to write new chunk implementations (like Gorilla-style encoding).
This commit is contained in:
@ -259,18 +259,13 @@ type chunk interface {
// A chunkIterator enables efficient access to the content of a chunk. It is
// generally not safe to use a chunkIterator concurrently with or after chunk
// mutation.
// mutation. The error returned by any of the methods is always the last error
// encountered by the iterator, i.e. once an error has been encountered, no
// method will ever return a nil error again. In general, errors signal data
// corruption in the chunk and require quarantining.
type chunkIterator interface {
// length returns the number of samples in the chunk.
length() int
// Gets the timestamp of the n-th sample in the chunk.
timestampAtIndex(int) (model.Time, error)
// Gets the last timestamp in the chunk.
lastTimestamp() (model.Time, error)
// Gets the sample value of the n-th sample in the chunk.
sampleValueAtIndex(int) (model.SampleValue, error)
// Gets the last sample value in the chunk.
lastSampleValue() (model.SampleValue, error)
// Gets the value that is closest before the given time. In case a value
// exists at precisely the given time, that value is returned. If no
// applicable value exists, ZeroSamplePair is returned.
@ -280,35 +275,48 @@ type chunkIterator interface {
// Whether a given timestamp is contained between first and last value
// in the chunk.
contains(model.Time) (bool, error)
// values returns a channel, from which all sample values in the chunk
// can be received in order. The channel is closed after the last
// one. It is generally not safe to mutate the chunk while the channel
// is still open. If a value is returned with error!=nil, no further
// values will be returned and the channel is closed.
values() <-chan struct {
// scan, value, and err implement a bufio.Scanner-like interface. The
// scan method advances the iterator to the next value in the chunk and
// returns true if that worked. In that case, the value method will
// return the sample pair the iterator has advanced to. If the scan
// method returns false, either an error has occured or the end of the
// chunk has been reached. In the former case, the err method will
// return the error. In the latter case, the err method will return nil.
// Upon creation, the iterator is at position "minus one". After the
// first scan call, value will return the 1st value in the
// chunk. valueAtOrBeforeTime and rangeValues all modify the iterator
// position, too. They behave as if their return values were retrieved
// after a scan call, i.e. calling the value or err methods after a call
// to those methods will retrieve the same return value again (or the
// last value in the range in case of rangeValues), and subsequent scan
// calls will advance the iterator from there.
scan() bool
value() model.SamplePair
err() error
func transcodeAndAdd(dst chunk, src chunk, s model.SamplePair) ([]chunk, error) {
head := dst
body := []chunk{}
for v := range src.newIterator().values() {
if v.error != nil {
return nil, v.error
newChunks, err := head.add(v.SamplePair)
if err != nil {
var (
head = dst
body, newChunks []chunk
err error
it := src.newIterator()
for it.scan() {
if newChunks, err = head.add(it.value()); err != nil {
return nil, err
body = append(body, newChunks[:len(newChunks)-1]...)
head = newChunks[len(newChunks)-1]
newChunks, err := head.add(s)
if err != nil {
if it.err() != nil {
return nil, it.err()
if newChunks, err = head.add(s); err != nil {
return nil, err
return append(body, newChunks...), nil
@ -202,13 +202,15 @@ func (c deltaEncodedChunk) firstTime() model.Time {
// newIterator implements chunk.
func (c *deltaEncodedChunk) newIterator() chunkIterator {
return &deltaEncodedChunkIterator{
c: *c,
len: c.len(),
baseT: c.baseTime(),
baseV: c.baseValue(),
tBytes: c.timeBytes(),
vBytes: c.valueBytes(),
isInt: c.isInt(),
c: *c,
len: c.len(),
baseT: c.baseTime(),
baseV: c.baseValue(),
tBytes: c.timeBytes(),
vBytes: c.valueBytes(),
isInt: c.isInt(),
pos: -1,
lastValue: ZeroSamplePair,
@ -311,176 +313,130 @@ type deltaEncodedChunkIterator struct {
baseV model.SampleValue
tBytes, vBytes deltaBytes
isInt bool
// length implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) length() int { return it.len }
// valueAtOrBeforeTime implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) valueAtOrBeforeTime(t model.Time) (model.SamplePair, error) {
var lastErr error
i := sort.Search(it.len, func(i int) bool {
ts, err := it.timestampAtIndex(i)
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
return ts.After(t)
if i == 0 || lastErr != nil {
return ZeroSamplePair, lastErr
ts, err := it.timestampAtIndex(i - 1)
if err != nil {
return ZeroSamplePair, err
v, err := it.sampleValueAtIndex(i - 1)
if err != nil {
return ZeroSamplePair, err
return model.SamplePair{Timestamp: ts, Value: v}, nil
// rangeValues implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) rangeValues(in metric.Interval) ([]model.SamplePair, error) {
var lastErr error
oldest := sort.Search(it.len, func(i int) bool {
t, err := it.timestampAtIndex(i)
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
return !t.Before(in.OldestInclusive)
newest := sort.Search(it.len, func(i int) bool {
t, err := it.timestampAtIndex(i)
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
return t.After(in.NewestInclusive)
if oldest == it.len || lastErr != nil {
return nil, lastErr
result := make([]model.SamplePair, 0, newest-oldest)
for i := oldest; i < newest; i++ {
t, err := it.timestampAtIndex(i)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
v, err := it.sampleValueAtIndex(i)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result = append(result, model.SamplePair{Timestamp: t, Value: v})
return result, nil
// contains implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) contains(t model.Time) (bool, error) {
lastT, err := it.timestampAtIndex(it.len - 1)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return !t.Before(it.baseT) && !t.After(lastT), nil
// values implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) values() <-chan struct {
} {
valuesChan := make(chan struct {
go func() {
for i := 0; i < it.len; i++ {
t, err := it.timestampAtIndex(i)
if err != nil {
valuesChan <- struct {
}{ZeroSamplePair, err}
v, err := it.sampleValueAtIndex(i)
if err != nil {
valuesChan <- struct {
}{ZeroSamplePair, err}
valuesChan <- struct {
}{model.SamplePair{Timestamp: t, Value: v}, nil}
return valuesChan
// timestampAtIndex implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) timestampAtIndex(idx int) (model.Time, error) {
offset := deltaHeaderBytes + idx*int(it.tBytes+it.vBytes)
switch it.tBytes {
case d1:
return it.baseT + model.Time(uint8(it.c[offset])), nil
case d2:
return it.baseT + model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(it.c[offset:])), nil
case d4:
return it.baseT + model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(it.c[offset:])), nil
case d8:
// Take absolute value for d8.
return model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(it.c[offset:])), nil
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for time delta: %d", it.tBytes)
pos int
lastValue model.SamplePair
lastErr error
// lastTimestamp implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) lastTimestamp() (model.Time, error) {
return it.timestampAtIndex(it.len - 1)
return it.timestampAtIndex(it.len - 1), it.lastErr
// sampleValueAtIndex implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) sampleValueAtIndex(idx int) (model.SampleValue, error) {
// valueAtOrBeforeTime implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) valueAtOrBeforeTime(t model.Time) (model.SamplePair, error) {
i := sort.Search(it.len, func(i int) bool {
return it.timestampAtIndex(i).After(t)
if i == 0 || it.lastErr != nil {
return ZeroSamplePair, it.lastErr
it.pos = i - 1
it.lastValue = model.SamplePair{
Timestamp: it.timestampAtIndex(i - 1),
Value: it.sampleValueAtIndex(i - 1),
return it.lastValue, it.lastErr
// rangeValues implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) rangeValues(in metric.Interval) ([]model.SamplePair, error) {
oldest := sort.Search(it.len, func(i int) bool {
return !it.timestampAtIndex(i).Before(in.OldestInclusive)
newest := sort.Search(it.len, func(i int) bool {
return it.timestampAtIndex(i).After(in.NewestInclusive)
if oldest == it.len || it.lastErr != nil {
return nil, it.lastErr
result := make([]model.SamplePair, 0, newest-oldest)
for i := oldest; i < newest; i++ {
it.pos = i
it.lastValue = model.SamplePair{
Timestamp: it.timestampAtIndex(i),
Value: it.sampleValueAtIndex(i),
result = append(result, it.lastValue)
return result, it.lastErr
// contains implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) contains(t model.Time) (bool, error) {
return !t.Before(it.baseT) && !t.After(it.timestampAtIndex(it.len-1)), it.lastErr
// scan implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) scan() bool {
if it.pos >= it.len {
return false
it.lastValue = model.SamplePair{
Timestamp: it.timestampAtIndex(it.pos),
Value: it.sampleValueAtIndex(it.pos),
return it.lastErr == nil
// value implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) value() model.SamplePair {
return it.lastValue
// err implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) err() error {
return it.lastErr
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) timestampAtIndex(idx int) model.Time {
offset := deltaHeaderBytes + idx*int(it.tBytes+it.vBytes)
switch it.tBytes {
case d1:
return it.baseT + model.Time(uint8(it.c[offset]))
case d2:
return it.baseT + model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(it.c[offset:]))
case d4:
return it.baseT + model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(it.c[offset:]))
case d8:
// Take absolute value for d8.
return model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(it.c[offset:]))
it.lastErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for time delta: %d", it.tBytes)
return model.Earliest
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) sampleValueAtIndex(idx int) model.SampleValue {
offset := deltaHeaderBytes + idx*int(it.tBytes+it.vBytes) + int(it.tBytes)
if it.isInt {
switch it.vBytes {
case d0:
return it.baseV, nil
return it.baseV
case d1:
return it.baseV + model.SampleValue(int8(it.c[offset])), nil
return it.baseV + model.SampleValue(int8(it.c[offset]))
case d2:
return it.baseV + model.SampleValue(int16(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(it.c[offset:]))), nil
return it.baseV + model.SampleValue(int16(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(it.c[offset:])))
case d4:
return it.baseV + model.SampleValue(int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(it.c[offset:]))), nil
return it.baseV + model.SampleValue(int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(it.c[offset:])))
// No d8 for ints.
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for integer delta: %d", it.vBytes)
it.lastErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for integer delta: %d", it.vBytes)
} else {
switch it.vBytes {
case d4:
return it.baseV + model.SampleValue(math.Float32frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(it.c[offset:]))), nil
return it.baseV + model.SampleValue(math.Float32frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(it.c[offset:])))
case d8:
// Take absolute value for d8.
return model.SampleValue(math.Float64frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(it.c[offset:]))), nil
return model.SampleValue(math.Float64frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(it.c[offset:])))
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for floating point delta: %d", it.vBytes)
it.lastErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for floating point delta: %d", it.vBytes)
// lastSampleValue implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) lastSampleValue() (model.SampleValue, error) {
return it.sampleValueAtIndex(it.len - 1)
return 0
@ -208,15 +208,17 @@ func (c doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) firstTime() model.Time {
// newIterator implements chunk.
func (c *doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) newIterator() chunkIterator {
return &doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator{
c: *c,
len: c.len(),
baseT: c.baseTime(),
baseΔT: c.baseTimeDelta(),
baseV: c.baseValue(),
baseΔV: c.baseValueDelta(),
tBytes: c.timeBytes(),
vBytes: c.valueBytes(),
isInt: c.isInt(),
c: *c,
len: c.len(),
baseT: c.baseTime(),
baseΔT: c.baseTimeDelta(),
baseV: c.baseValue(),
baseΔV: c.baseValueDelta(),
tBytes: c.timeBytes(),
vBytes: c.valueBytes(),
isInt: c.isInt(),
pos: -1,
lastValue: ZeroSamplePair,
@ -417,132 +419,95 @@ type doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator struct {
baseV, baseΔV model.SampleValue
tBytes, vBytes deltaBytes
isInt bool
pos int
lastValue model.SamplePair
lastErr error
// length implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) length() int { return it.len }
// lastTimestamp implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) lastTimestamp() (model.Time, error) {
return it.timestampAtIndex(it.len - 1), it.lastErr
// valueAtOrBeforeTime implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) valueAtOrBeforeTime(t model.Time) (model.SamplePair, error) {
var lastErr error
i := sort.Search(it.len, func(i int) bool {
ts, err := it.timestampAtIndex(i)
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
return ts.After(t)
return it.timestampAtIndex(i).After(t)
if i == 0 || lastErr != nil {
return ZeroSamplePair, lastErr
if i == 0 || it.lastErr != nil {
return ZeroSamplePair, it.lastErr
ts, err := it.timestampAtIndex(i - 1)
if err != nil {
return ZeroSamplePair, err
it.pos = i - 1
it.lastValue = model.SamplePair{
Timestamp: it.timestampAtIndex(i - 1),
Value: it.sampleValueAtIndex(i - 1),
v, err := it.sampleValueAtIndex(i - 1)
if err != nil {
return ZeroSamplePair, err
return model.SamplePair{Timestamp: ts, Value: v}, nil
return it.lastValue, it.lastErr
// rangeValues implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) rangeValues(in metric.Interval) ([]model.SamplePair, error) {
var lastErr error
oldest := sort.Search(it.len, func(i int) bool {
t, err := it.timestampAtIndex(i)
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
return !t.Before(in.OldestInclusive)
return !it.timestampAtIndex(i).Before(in.OldestInclusive)
newest := sort.Search(it.len, func(i int) bool {
t, err := it.timestampAtIndex(i)
if err != nil {
lastErr = err
return t.After(in.NewestInclusive)
return it.timestampAtIndex(i).After(in.NewestInclusive)
if oldest == it.len || lastErr != nil {
return nil, lastErr
if oldest == it.len || it.lastErr != nil {
return nil, it.lastErr
result := make([]model.SamplePair, 0, newest-oldest)
for i := oldest; i < newest; i++ {
t, err := it.timestampAtIndex(i)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
it.pos = i
it.lastValue = model.SamplePair{
Timestamp: it.timestampAtIndex(i),
Value: it.sampleValueAtIndex(i),
v, err := it.sampleValueAtIndex(i)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result = append(result, model.SamplePair{Timestamp: t, Value: v})
result = append(result, it.lastValue)
return result, nil
return result, it.lastErr
// contains implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) contains(t model.Time) (bool, error) {
lastT, err := it.timestampAtIndex(it.len - 1)
if err != nil {
return false, err
return !t.Before(it.baseT) && !t.After(it.timestampAtIndex(it.len-1)), it.lastErr
// scan implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) scan() bool {
if it.pos >= it.len {
return false
return !t.Before(it.baseT) && !t.After(lastT), nil
it.lastValue = model.SamplePair{
Timestamp: it.timestampAtIndex(it.pos),
Value: it.sampleValueAtIndex(it.pos),
return it.lastErr == nil
// values implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) values() <-chan struct {
} {
valuesChan := make(chan struct {
go func() {
for i := 0; i < it.len; i++ {
t, err := it.timestampAtIndex(i)
if err != nil {
valuesChan <- struct {
}{ZeroSamplePair, err}
v, err := it.sampleValueAtIndex(i)
if err != nil {
valuesChan <- struct {
}{ZeroSamplePair, err}
valuesChan <- struct {
}{model.SamplePair{Timestamp: t, Value: v}, nil}
return valuesChan
// value implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) value() model.SamplePair {
return it.lastValue
// timestampAtIndex implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) timestampAtIndex(idx int) (model.Time, error) {
// err implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) err() error {
return it.lastErr
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) timestampAtIndex(idx int) model.Time {
if idx == 0 {
return it.baseT, nil
return it.baseT
if idx == 1 {
// If time bytes are at d8, the time is saved directly rather
// than as a difference.
if it.tBytes == d8 {
return it.baseΔT, nil
return it.baseΔT
return it.baseT + it.baseΔT, nil
return it.baseT + it.baseΔT
offset := doubleDeltaHeaderBytes + (idx-2)*int(it.tBytes+it.vBytes)
@ -551,40 +516,35 @@ func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) timestampAtIndex(idx int) (model.Time
case d1:
return it.baseT +
model.Time(idx)*it.baseΔT +
model.Time(int8(it.c[offset])), nil
case d2:
return it.baseT +
model.Time(idx)*it.baseΔT +
model.Time(int16(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(it.c[offset:]))), nil
case d4:
return it.baseT +
model.Time(idx)*it.baseΔT +
model.Time(int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(it.c[offset:]))), nil
case d8:
// Take absolute value for d8.
return model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(it.c[offset:])), nil
return model.Time(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(it.c[offset:]))
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for time delta: %d", it.tBytes)
it.lastErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for time delta: %d", it.tBytes)
return model.Earliest
// lastTimestamp implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) lastTimestamp() (model.Time, error) {
return it.timestampAtIndex(it.len - 1)
// sampleValueAtIndex implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) sampleValueAtIndex(idx int) (model.SampleValue, error) {
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) sampleValueAtIndex(idx int) model.SampleValue {
if idx == 0 {
return it.baseV, nil
return it.baseV
if idx == 1 {
// If value bytes are at d8, the value is saved directly rather
// than as a difference.
if it.vBytes == d8 {
return it.baseΔV, nil
return it.baseΔV
return it.baseV + it.baseΔV, nil
return it.baseV + it.baseΔV
offset := doubleDeltaHeaderBytes + (idx-2)*int(it.tBytes+it.vBytes) + int(it.tBytes)
@ -593,39 +553,35 @@ func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) sampleValueAtIndex(idx int) (model.Sa
switch it.vBytes {
case d0:
return it.baseV +
model.SampleValue(idx)*it.baseΔV, nil
case d1:
return it.baseV +
model.SampleValue(idx)*it.baseΔV +
model.SampleValue(int8(it.c[offset])), nil
case d2:
return it.baseV +
model.SampleValue(idx)*it.baseΔV +
model.SampleValue(int16(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(it.c[offset:]))), nil
case d4:
return it.baseV +
model.SampleValue(idx)*it.baseΔV +
model.SampleValue(int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(it.c[offset:]))), nil
// No d8 for ints.
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for integer delta: %d", it.vBytes)
it.lastErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for integer delta: %d", it.vBytes)
} else {
switch it.vBytes {
case d4:
return it.baseV +
model.SampleValue(idx)*it.baseΔV +
model.SampleValue(math.Float32frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(it.c[offset:]))), nil
case d8:
// Take absolute value for d8.
return model.SampleValue(math.Float64frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(it.c[offset:]))), nil
return model.SampleValue(math.Float64frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(it.c[offset:])))
return 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for floating point delta: %d", it.vBytes)
it.lastErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid number of bytes for floating point delta: %d", it.vBytes)
// lastSampleValue implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) lastSampleValue() (model.SampleValue, error) {
return it.sampleValueAtIndex(it.len - 1)
return 0
@ -82,14 +82,14 @@ func buildTestChunks(t *testing.T, encoding chunkEncoding) map[model.Fingerprint
func chunksEqual(c1, c2 chunk) bool {
values2 := c2.newIterator().values()
for v1 := range c1.newIterator().values() {
v2 := <-values2
if !(v1 == v2) {
it1 := c1.newIterator()
it2 := c2.newIterator()
for it1.scan() && it2.scan() {
if !(it1.value() == it2.value()) {
return false
return true
return it1.err() == nil && it2.err() == nil
func testPersistLoadDropChunks(t *testing.T, encoding chunkEncoding) {
@ -692,11 +692,12 @@ func testChunk(t *testing.T, encoding chunkEncoding) {
if cd.isEvicted() {
for sample := range cd.c.newIterator().values() {
if sample.error != nil {
values = append(values, sample.SamplePair)
it := cd.c.newIterator()
for it.scan() {
values = append(values, it.value())
if it.err() != nil {
Reference in a new issue