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synced 2025-02-21 03:16:00 -08:00
Merge pull request #6511 from prometheus/remote-write-delay
Use samplesPending rather than integral
This commit is contained in:
@ -214,8 +214,6 @@ type QueueManager struct {
wg sync.WaitGroup
samplesIn, samplesDropped, samplesOut, samplesOutDuration *ewmaRate
integralAccumulator float64
startedAt time.Time
highestSentTimestampMetric *maxGauge
pendingSamplesMetric prometheus.Gauge
@ -316,8 +314,6 @@ outer:
// Start the queue manager sending samples to the remote storage.
// Does not block.
func (t *QueueManager) Start() {
t.startedAt = time.Now()
// Setup the QueueManagers metrics. We do this here rather than in the
// constructor because of the ordering of creating Queue Managers's, stopping them,
// and then starting new ones in storage/remote/storage.go ApplyConfig.
@ -530,26 +526,14 @@ func (t *QueueManager) calculateDesiredShards() int {
samplesPendingRate = samplesInRate*samplesKeptRatio - samplesOutRate
highestSent = t.highestSentTimestampMetric.Get()
highestRecv = highestTimestamp.Get()
samplesPending = (highestRecv - highestSent) * samplesInRate * samplesKeptRatio
delay = highestRecv - highestSent
samplesPending = delay * samplesInRate * samplesKeptRatio
if samplesOutRate <= 0 {
return t.numShards
// We use an integral accumulator, like in a PID, to help dampen
// oscillation. The accumulator will correct for any errors not accounted
// for in the desired shard calculation by adjusting for pending samples.
const integralGain = 0.2
// Initialise the integral accumulator as the average rate of samples
// pending. This accounts for pending samples that were created while the
// WALWatcher starts up.
if t.integralAccumulator == 0 {
elapsed := time.Since(t.startedAt) / time.Second
t.integralAccumulator = integralGain * samplesPending / float64(elapsed)
t.integralAccumulator += samplesPendingRate * integralGain
// We shouldn't reshard if Prometheus hasn't been able to send to the
// remote endpoint successfully within some period of time.
minSendTimestamp := time.Now().Add(-2 * time.Duration(t.cfg.BatchSendDeadline)).Unix()
@ -559,9 +543,14 @@ func (t *QueueManager) calculateDesiredShards() int {
return t.numShards
// When behind we will try to catch up on a proporation of samples per tick.
// This works similarly to an integral accumulator in that pending samples
// is the result of the error integral.
const integralGain = 0.1 / float64(shardUpdateDuration/time.Second)
var (
timePerSample = samplesOutDuration / samplesOutRate
desiredShards = timePerSample * (samplesInRate + t.integralAccumulator)
desiredShards = timePerSample * (samplesInRate*samplesKeptRatio + integralGain*samplesPending)
level.Debug(t.logger).Log("msg", "QueueManager.calculateDesiredShards",
@ -575,7 +564,6 @@ func (t *QueueManager) calculateDesiredShards() int {
"desiredShards", desiredShards,
"highestSent", highestSent,
"highestRecv", highestRecv,
"integralAccumulator", t.integralAccumulator,
// Changes in the number of shards must be greater than shardToleranceFraction.
@ -590,6 +578,12 @@ func (t *QueueManager) calculateDesiredShards() int {
numShards := int(math.Ceil(desiredShards))
// Do not downshard if we are more than ten seconds back.
if numShards < t.numShards && delay > 10.0 {
level.Debug(t.logger).Log("msg", "Not downsharding due to being too far behind")
return t.numShards
if numShards > t.cfg.MaxShards {
numShards = t.cfg.MaxShards
} else if numShards < t.cfg.MinShards {
@ -577,3 +577,80 @@ func TestProcessExternalLabels(t *testing.T) {
testutil.Equals(t, tc.expected, processExternalLabels(tc.labels, tc.externalLabels))
func TestCalculateDesiredShards(t *testing.T) {
c := NewTestStorageClient()
cfg := config.DefaultQueueConfig
dir, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "TestCalculateDesiredShards")
testutil.Ok(t, err)
defer os.RemoveAll(dir)
samplesIn := newEWMARate(ewmaWeight, shardUpdateDuration)
m := NewQueueManager(nil, nil, dir, samplesIn, cfg, nil, nil, c, defaultFlushDeadline)
// Need to start the queue manager so the proper metrics are initialized.
// However we can stop it right away since we don't need to do any actual
// processing.
inputRate := int64(50000)
var pendingSamples int64
// Two minute startup, no samples are sent.
startedAt := time.Now().Add(-2 * time.Minute)
// helper function for adding samples.
addSamples := func(s int64, ts time.Duration) {
pendingSamples += s
// helper function for sending samples.
sendSamples := func(s int64, ts time.Duration) {
pendingSamples -= s
m.samplesOutDuration.incr(int64(m.numShards) * int64(shardUpdateDuration))
// highest sent is how far back pending samples would be at our input rate.
highestSent := startedAt.Add(ts - time.Duration(pendingSamples/inputRate)*time.Second)
atomic.StoreInt64(&m.lastSendTimestamp, time.Now().Unix())
ts := time.Duration(0)
for ; ts < 120*time.Second; ts += shardUpdateDuration {
addSamples(inputRate*int64(shardUpdateDuration/time.Second), ts)
m.numShards = m.calculateDesiredShards()
testutil.Equals(t, 1, m.numShards)
// Assume 100ms per request, or 10 requests per second per shard.
// Shard calculation should never drop below barely keeping up.
minShards := int(inputRate) / cfg.MaxSamplesPerSend / 10
// This test should never go above 200 shards, that would be more resources than needed.
maxShards := 200
for ; ts < 15*time.Minute; ts += shardUpdateDuration {
sin := inputRate * int64(shardUpdateDuration/time.Second)
addSamples(sin, ts)
sout := int64(m.numShards*cfg.MaxSamplesPerSend) * int64(shardUpdateDuration/(100*time.Millisecond))
// You can't send samples that don't exist so cap at the number of pending samples.
if sout > pendingSamples {
sout = pendingSamples
sendSamples(sout, ts)
t.Log("desiredShards", m.numShards, "pendingSamples", pendingSamples)
m.numShards = m.calculateDesiredShards()
testutil.Assert(t, m.numShards >= minShards, "Shards are too low. desiredShards=%d, minShards=%d, t_seconds=%d", m.numShards, minShards, ts/time.Second)
testutil.Assert(t, m.numShards <= maxShards, "Shards are too high. desiredShards=%d, maxShards=%d, t_seconds=%d", m.numShards, maxShards, ts/time.Second)
testutil.Assert(t, pendingSamples == 0, "Remote write never caught up, there are still %d pending samples.", pendingSamples)
Reference in a new issue