mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 08:31:11 -08:00
Merge pull request #11487 from FUSAKLA/fus-promtool-http-config
Promtool: add http config support to query commands
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ import (
dto "github.com/prometheus/client_model/go"
promconfig "github.com/prometheus/common/config"
@ -74,6 +75,12 @@ const (
var lintOptions = []string{lintOptionAll, lintOptionDuplicateRules, lintOptionNone}
func main() {
var (
httpRoundTripper = api.DefaultRoundTripper
serverURL *url.URL
httpConfigFilePath string
app := kingpin.New(filepath.Base(os.Args[0]), "Tooling for the Prometheus monitoring system.").UsageWriter(os.Stdout)
@ -124,14 +131,15 @@ func main() {
queryCmd := app.Command("query", "Run query against a Prometheus server.")
queryCmdFmt := queryCmd.Flag("format", "Output format of the query.").Short('o').Default("promql").Enum("promql", "json")
queryCmd.Flag("http.config.file", "HTTP client configuration file for promtool to connect to Prometheus.").PlaceHolder("<filename>").ExistingFileVar(&httpConfigFilePath)
queryInstantCmd := queryCmd.Command("instant", "Run instant query.")
queryInstantServer := queryInstantCmd.Arg("server", "Prometheus server to query.").Required().URL()
queryInstantCmd.Arg("server", "Prometheus server to query.").Required().URLVar(&serverURL)
queryInstantExpr := queryInstantCmd.Arg("expr", "PromQL query expression.").Required().String()
queryInstantTime := queryInstantCmd.Flag("time", "Query evaluation time (RFC3339 or Unix timestamp).").String()
queryRangeCmd := queryCmd.Command("range", "Run range query.")
queryRangeServer := queryRangeCmd.Arg("server", "Prometheus server to query.").Required().URL()
queryRangeCmd.Arg("server", "Prometheus server to query.").Required().URLVar(&serverURL)
queryRangeExpr := queryRangeCmd.Arg("expr", "PromQL query expression.").Required().String()
queryRangeHeaders := queryRangeCmd.Flag("header", "Extra headers to send to server.").StringMap()
queryRangeBegin := queryRangeCmd.Flag("start", "Query range start time (RFC3339 or Unix timestamp).").String()
@ -139,7 +147,7 @@ func main() {
queryRangeStep := queryRangeCmd.Flag("step", "Query step size (duration).").Duration()
querySeriesCmd := queryCmd.Command("series", "Run series query.")
querySeriesServer := querySeriesCmd.Arg("server", "Prometheus server to query.").Required().URL()
querySeriesCmd.Arg("server", "Prometheus server to query.").Required().URLVar(&serverURL)
querySeriesMatch := querySeriesCmd.Flag("match", "Series selector. Can be specified multiple times.").Required().Strings()
querySeriesBegin := querySeriesCmd.Flag("start", "Start time (RFC3339 or Unix timestamp).").String()
querySeriesEnd := querySeriesCmd.Flag("end", "End time (RFC3339 or Unix timestamp).").String()
@ -153,7 +161,7 @@ func main() {
debugAllServer := debugAllCmd.Arg("server", "Prometheus server to get all debug information from.").Required().String()
queryLabelsCmd := queryCmd.Command("labels", "Run labels query.")
queryLabelsServer := queryLabelsCmd.Arg("server", "Prometheus server to query.").Required().URL()
queryLabelsCmd.Arg("server", "Prometheus server to query.").Required().URLVar(&serverURL)
queryLabelsName := queryLabelsCmd.Arg("name", "Label name to provide label values for.").Required().String()
queryLabelsBegin := queryLabelsCmd.Flag("start", "Start time (RFC3339 or Unix timestamp).").String()
queryLabelsEnd := queryLabelsCmd.Flag("end", "End time (RFC3339 or Unix timestamp).").String()
@ -200,7 +208,8 @@ func main() {
importFilePath := openMetricsImportCmd.Arg("input file", "OpenMetrics file to read samples from.").Required().String()
importDBPath := openMetricsImportCmd.Arg("output directory", "Output directory for generated blocks.").Default(defaultDBPath).String()
importRulesCmd := importCmd.Command("rules", "Create blocks of data for new recording rules.")
importRulesURL := importRulesCmd.Flag("url", "The URL for the Prometheus API with the data where the rule will be backfilled from.").Default("http://localhost:9090").URL()
importRulesCmd.Flag("http.config.file", "HTTP client configuration file for promtool to connect to Prometheus.").PlaceHolder("<filename>").ExistingFileVar(&httpConfigFilePath)
importRulesCmd.Flag("url", "The URL for the Prometheus API with the data where the rule will be backfilled from.").Default("http://localhost:9090").URLVar(&serverURL)
importRulesStart := importRulesCmd.Flag("start", "The time to start backfilling the new rule from. Must be a RFC3339 formatted date or Unix timestamp. Required.").
importRulesEnd := importRulesCmd.Flag("end", "If an end time is provided, all recording rules in the rule files provided will be backfilled to the end time. Default will backfill up to 3 hours ago. Must be a RFC3339 formatted date or Unix timestamp.").String()
@ -224,6 +233,22 @@ func main() {
p = &promqlPrinter{}
if httpConfigFilePath != "" {
if serverURL != nil && serverURL.User.Username() != "" {
kingpin.Fatalf("Cannot set base auth in the server URL and use a http.config.file at the same time")
var err error
httpConfig, _, err := config_util.LoadHTTPConfigFile(httpConfigFilePath)
if err != nil {
kingpin.Fatalf("Failed to load HTTP config file: %v", err)
httpRoundTripper, err = promconfig.NewRoundTripperFromConfig(*httpConfig, "promtool", config_util.WithUserAgent("promtool/"+version.Version))
if err != nil {
kingpin.Fatalf("Failed to create a new HTTP round tripper: %v", err)
var noDefaultScrapePort bool
for _, f := range *featureList {
opts := strings.Split(f, ",")
@ -258,13 +283,13 @@ func main() {
case queryInstantCmd.FullCommand():
os.Exit(QueryInstant(*queryInstantServer, *queryInstantExpr, *queryInstantTime, p))
os.Exit(QueryInstant(serverURL, httpRoundTripper, *queryInstantExpr, *queryInstantTime, p))
case queryRangeCmd.FullCommand():
os.Exit(QueryRange(*queryRangeServer, *queryRangeHeaders, *queryRangeExpr, *queryRangeBegin, *queryRangeEnd, *queryRangeStep, p))
os.Exit(QueryRange(serverURL, httpRoundTripper, *queryRangeHeaders, *queryRangeExpr, *queryRangeBegin, *queryRangeEnd, *queryRangeStep, p))
case querySeriesCmd.FullCommand():
os.Exit(QuerySeries(*querySeriesServer, *querySeriesMatch, *querySeriesBegin, *querySeriesEnd, p))
os.Exit(QuerySeries(serverURL, httpRoundTripper, *querySeriesMatch, *querySeriesBegin, *querySeriesEnd, p))
case debugPprofCmd.FullCommand():
@ -276,7 +301,7 @@ func main() {
case queryLabelsCmd.FullCommand():
os.Exit(QueryLabels(*queryLabelsServer, *queryLabelsMatch, *queryLabelsName, *queryLabelsBegin, *queryLabelsEnd, p))
os.Exit(QueryLabels(serverURL, httpRoundTripper, *queryLabelsMatch, *queryLabelsName, *queryLabelsBegin, *queryLabelsEnd, p))
case testRulesCmd.FullCommand():
@ -303,7 +328,7 @@ func main() {
os.Exit(backfillOpenMetrics(*importFilePath, *importDBPath, *importHumanReadable, *importQuiet, *maxBlockDuration))
case importRulesCmd.FullCommand():
os.Exit(checkErr(importRules(*importRulesURL, *importRulesStart, *importRulesEnd, *importRulesOutputDir, *importRulesEvalInterval, *maxBlockDuration, *importRulesFiles...)))
os.Exit(checkErr(importRules(serverURL, httpRoundTripper, *importRulesStart, *importRulesEnd, *importRulesOutputDir, *importRulesEvalInterval, *maxBlockDuration, *importRulesFiles...)))
@ -795,12 +820,13 @@ func checkMetricsExtended(r io.Reader) ([]metricStat, int, error) {
// QueryInstant performs an instant query against a Prometheus server.
func QueryInstant(url *url.URL, query, evalTime string, p printer) int {
func QueryInstant(url *url.URL, roundTripper http.RoundTripper, query, evalTime string, p printer) int {
if url.Scheme == "" {
url.Scheme = "http"
config := api.Config{
Address: url.String(),
Address: url.String(),
RoundTripper: roundTripper,
// Create new client.
@ -835,12 +861,13 @@ func QueryInstant(url *url.URL, query, evalTime string, p printer) int {
// QueryRange performs a range query against a Prometheus server.
func QueryRange(url *url.URL, headers map[string]string, query, start, end string, step time.Duration, p printer) int {
func QueryRange(url *url.URL, roundTripper http.RoundTripper, headers map[string]string, query, start, end string, step time.Duration, p printer) int {
if url.Scheme == "" {
url.Scheme = "http"
config := api.Config{
Address: url.String(),
Address: url.String(),
RoundTripper: roundTripper,
if len(headers) > 0 {
@ -848,7 +875,7 @@ func QueryRange(url *url.URL, headers map[string]string, query, start, end strin
for key, value := range headers {
req.Header.Add(key, value)
return http.DefaultTransport.RoundTrip(req)
return roundTripper.RoundTrip(req)
@ -908,12 +935,13 @@ func QueryRange(url *url.URL, headers map[string]string, query, start, end strin
// QuerySeries queries for a series against a Prometheus server.
func QuerySeries(url *url.URL, matchers []string, start, end string, p printer) int {
func QuerySeries(url *url.URL, roundTripper http.RoundTripper, matchers []string, start, end string, p printer) int {
if url.Scheme == "" {
url.Scheme = "http"
config := api.Config{
Address: url.String(),
Address: url.String(),
RoundTripper: roundTripper,
// Create new client.
@ -944,12 +972,13 @@ func QuerySeries(url *url.URL, matchers []string, start, end string, p printer)
// QueryLabels queries for label values against a Prometheus server.
func QueryLabels(url *url.URL, matchers []string, name, start, end string, p printer) int {
func QueryLabels(url *url.URL, roundTripper http.RoundTripper, matchers []string, name, start, end string, p printer) int {
if url.Scheme == "" {
url.Scheme = "http"
config := api.Config{
Address: url.String(),
Address: url.String(),
RoundTripper: roundTripper,
// Create new client.
@ -1154,7 +1183,7 @@ func (j *jsonPrinter) printLabelValues(v model.LabelValues) {
// importRules backfills recording rules from the files provided. The output are blocks of data
// at the outputDir location.
func importRules(url *url.URL, start, end, outputDir string, evalInterval, maxBlockDuration time.Duration, files ...string) error {
func importRules(url *url.URL, roundTripper http.RoundTripper, start, end, outputDir string, evalInterval, maxBlockDuration time.Duration, files ...string) error {
ctx := context.Background()
var stime, etime time.Time
var err error
@ -1184,7 +1213,8 @@ func importRules(url *url.URL, start, end, outputDir string, evalInterval, maxBl
maxBlockDuration: maxBlockDuration,
client, err := api.NewClient(api.Config{
Address: url.String(),
Address: url.String(),
RoundTripper: roundTripper,
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("new api client error: %w", err)
@ -56,14 +56,14 @@ func TestQueryRange(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, nil, err)
p := &promqlPrinter{}
exitCode := QueryRange(urlObject, map[string]string{}, "up", "0", "300", 0, p)
exitCode := QueryRange(urlObject, http.DefaultTransport, map[string]string{}, "up", "0", "300", 0, p)
require.Equal(t, "/api/v1/query_range", getRequest().URL.Path)
form := getRequest().Form
require.Equal(t, "up", form.Get("query"))
require.Equal(t, "1", form.Get("step"))
require.Equal(t, 0, exitCode)
exitCode = QueryRange(urlObject, map[string]string{}, "up", "0", "300", 10*time.Millisecond, p)
exitCode = QueryRange(urlObject, http.DefaultTransport, map[string]string{}, "up", "0", "300", 10*time.Millisecond, p)
require.Equal(t, "/api/v1/query_range", getRequest().URL.Path)
form = getRequest().Form
require.Equal(t, "up", form.Get("query"))
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ func TestQueryInstant(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, nil, err)
p := &promqlPrinter{}
exitCode := QueryInstant(urlObject, "up", "300", p)
exitCode := QueryInstant(urlObject, http.DefaultTransport, "up", "300", p)
require.Equal(t, "/api/v1/query", getRequest().URL.Path)
form := getRequest().Form
require.Equal(t, "up", form.Get("query"))
Reference in a new issue