Make chunk and series iterators more efficient.

This commit is contained in:
beorn7 2015-04-14 13:46:38 +02:00
parent f79c694be5
commit cd5574bf8a
7 changed files with 399 additions and 267 deletions

View file

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ func (cd *chunkDesc) lastTime() clientmodel.Timestamp {
if cd.chunk == nil {
return cd.chunkLastTime
return cd.chunk.lastTime()
return cd.chunk.newIterator().getLastTimestamp()
func (cd *chunkDesc) isEvicted() bool {
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ func (cd *chunkDesc) maybeEvict() bool {
return false
cd.chunkFirstTime = cd.chunk.firstTime()
cd.chunkLastTime = cd.chunk.lastTime()
cd.chunkLastTime = cd.chunk.newIterator().getLastTimestamp()
cd.chunk = nil
atomic.AddInt64(&numMemChunks, -1)
@ -188,23 +188,27 @@ type chunk interface {
add(sample *metric.SamplePair) []chunk
clone() chunk
firstTime() clientmodel.Timestamp
lastTime() clientmodel.Timestamp
newIterator() chunkIterator
marshal(io.Writer) error
unmarshal(io.Reader) error
encoding() chunkEncoding
// values returns a channel, from which all sample values in the chunk
// can be received in order. The channel is closed after the last
// one. It is generally not safe to mutate the chunk while the channel
// is still open.
values() <-chan *metric.SamplePair
// A chunkIterator enables efficient access to the content of a chunk. It is
// generally not safe to use a chunkIterator concurrently with or after chunk
// mutation.
type chunkIterator interface {
// length returns the number of samples in the chunk.
length() int
// Gets the timestamp of the n-th sample in the chunk.
getTimestampAtIndex(int) clientmodel.Timestamp
// Gets the last timestamp in the chunk.
getLastTimestamp() clientmodel.Timestamp
// Gets the sample value of the n-th sample in the chunk.
getSampleValueAtIndex(int) clientmodel.SampleValue
// Gets the last sample value in the chunk.
getLastSampleValue() clientmodel.SampleValue
// Gets the two values that are immediately adjacent to a given time. In
// case a value exist at precisely the given time, only that single
// value is returned. Only the first or last value is returned (as a
@ -216,6 +220,11 @@ type chunkIterator interface {
// Whether a given timestamp is contained between first and last value
// in the chunk.
contains(clientmodel.Timestamp) bool
// values returns a channel, from which all sample values in the chunk
// can be received in order. The channel is closed after the last
// one. It is generally not safe to mutate the chunk while the channel
// is still open.
values() <-chan *metric.SamplePair
func transcodeAndAdd(dst chunk, src chunk, s *metric.SamplePair) []chunk {
@ -223,7 +232,7 @@ func transcodeAndAdd(dst chunk, src chunk, s *metric.SamplePair) []chunk {
head := dst
body := []chunk{}
for v := range src.values() {
for v := range src.newIterator().values() {
newChunks := head.add(v)
body = append(body, newChunks[:len(newChunks)-1]...)
head = newChunks[len(newChunks)-1]

View file

@ -188,18 +188,19 @@ func (c deltaEncodedChunk) clone() chunk {
// firstTime implements chunk.
func (c deltaEncodedChunk) firstTime() clientmodel.Timestamp {
return c.valueAtIndex(0).Timestamp
// lastTime implements chunk.
func (c deltaEncodedChunk) lastTime() clientmodel.Timestamp {
return c.valueAtIndex(c.len() - 1).Timestamp
return c.baseTime()
// newIterator implements chunk.
func (c *deltaEncodedChunk) newIterator() chunkIterator {
return &deltaEncodedChunkIterator{
chunk: c,
c: *c,
len: c.len(),
baseT: c.baseTime(),
baseV: c.baseValue(),
tBytes: c.timeBytes(),
vBytes: c.valueBytes(),
isInt: c.isInt(),
@ -237,19 +238,6 @@ func (c *deltaEncodedChunk) unmarshalFromBuf(buf []byte) {
*c = (*c)[:binary.LittleEndian.Uint16((*c)[deltaHeaderBufLenOffset:])]
// values implements chunk.
func (c deltaEncodedChunk) values() <-chan *metric.SamplePair {
n := c.len()
valuesChan := make(chan *metric.SamplePair)
go func() {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
valuesChan <- c.valueAtIndex(i)
return valuesChan
// encoding implements chunk.
func (c deltaEncodedChunk) encoding() chunkEncoding { return delta }
@ -284,106 +272,157 @@ func (c deltaEncodedChunk) len() int {
return (len(c) - deltaHeaderBytes) / c.sampleSize()
func (c deltaEncodedChunk) valueAtIndex(idx int) *metric.SamplePair {
offset := deltaHeaderBytes + idx*c.sampleSize()
var ts clientmodel.Timestamp
switch c.timeBytes() {
case d1:
ts = c.baseTime() + clientmodel.Timestamp(uint8(c[offset]))
case d2:
ts = c.baseTime() + clientmodel.Timestamp(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(c[offset:]))
case d4:
ts = c.baseTime() + clientmodel.Timestamp(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(c[offset:]))
case d8:
// Take absolute value for d8.
ts = clientmodel.Timestamp(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(c[offset:]))
panic("Invalid number of bytes for time delta")
offset += int(c.timeBytes())
var v clientmodel.SampleValue
if c.isInt() {
switch c.valueBytes() {
case d0:
v = c.baseValue()
case d1:
v = c.baseValue() + clientmodel.SampleValue(int8(c[offset]))
case d2:
v = c.baseValue() + clientmodel.SampleValue(int16(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(c[offset:])))
case d4:
v = c.baseValue() + clientmodel.SampleValue(int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(c[offset:])))
// No d8 for ints.
panic("Invalid number of bytes for integer delta")
} else {
switch c.valueBytes() {
case d4:
v = c.baseValue() + clientmodel.SampleValue(math.Float32frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(c[offset:])))
case d8:
// Take absolute value for d8.
v = clientmodel.SampleValue(math.Float64frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(c[offset:])))
panic("Invalid number of bytes for floating point delta")
return &metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: ts,
Value: v,
// deltaEncodedChunkIterator implements chunkIterator.
type deltaEncodedChunkIterator struct {
chunk *deltaEncodedChunk
// TODO: add more fields here to keep track of last position.
c deltaEncodedChunk
len int
baseT clientmodel.Timestamp
baseV clientmodel.SampleValue
tBytes, vBytes deltaBytes
isInt bool
// length implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) length() int { return it.len }
// getValueAtTime implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) getValueAtTime(t clientmodel.Timestamp) metric.Values {
i := sort.Search(it.chunk.len(), func(i int) bool {
return !it.chunk.valueAtIndex(i).Timestamp.Before(t)
i := sort.Search(it.len, func(i int) bool {
return !it.getTimestampAtIndex(i).Before(t)
switch i {
case 0:
return metric.Values{*it.chunk.valueAtIndex(0)}
case it.chunk.len():
return metric.Values{*it.chunk.valueAtIndex(it.chunk.len() - 1)}
return metric.Values{metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: it.getTimestampAtIndex(0),
Value: it.getSampleValueAtIndex(0),
case it.len:
return metric.Values{metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: it.getTimestampAtIndex(it.len - 1),
Value: it.getSampleValueAtIndex(it.len - 1),
v := it.chunk.valueAtIndex(i)
if v.Timestamp.Equal(t) {
return metric.Values{*v}
ts := it.getTimestampAtIndex(i)
if ts.Equal(t) {
return metric.Values{metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: ts,
Value: it.getSampleValueAtIndex(i),
return metric.Values{
Timestamp: it.getTimestampAtIndex(i - 1),
Value: it.getSampleValueAtIndex(i - 1),
Timestamp: ts,
Value: it.getSampleValueAtIndex(i),
return metric.Values{*it.chunk.valueAtIndex(i - 1), *v}
// getRangeValues implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) getRangeValues(in metric.Interval) metric.Values {
oldest := sort.Search(it.chunk.len(), func(i int) bool {
return !it.chunk.valueAtIndex(i).Timestamp.Before(in.OldestInclusive)
oldest := sort.Search(it.len, func(i int) bool {
return !it.getTimestampAtIndex(i).Before(in.OldestInclusive)
newest := sort.Search(it.chunk.len(), func(i int) bool {
return it.chunk.valueAtIndex(i).Timestamp.After(in.NewestInclusive)
newest := sort.Search(it.len, func(i int) bool {
return it.getTimestampAtIndex(i).After(in.NewestInclusive)
if oldest == it.chunk.len() {
if oldest == it.len {
return nil
result := make(metric.Values, 0, newest-oldest)
for i := oldest; i < newest; i++ {
result = append(result, *it.chunk.valueAtIndex(i))
result = append(result, metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: it.getTimestampAtIndex(i),
Value: it.getSampleValueAtIndex(i),
return result
// contains implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) contains(t clientmodel.Timestamp) bool {
return !t.Before(it.chunk.firstTime()) && !t.After(it.chunk.lastTime())
return !t.Before(it.baseT) && !t.After(it.getTimestampAtIndex(it.len-1))
// values implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) values() <-chan *metric.SamplePair {
valuesChan := make(chan *metric.SamplePair)
go func() {
for i := 0; i < it.len; i++ {
valuesChan <- &metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: it.getTimestampAtIndex(i),
Value: it.getSampleValueAtIndex(i),
return valuesChan
// getTimestampAtIndex implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) getTimestampAtIndex(idx int) clientmodel.Timestamp {
offset := deltaHeaderBytes + idx*int(it.tBytes+it.vBytes)
switch it.tBytes {
case d1:
return it.baseT + clientmodel.Timestamp(uint8(it.c[offset]))
case d2:
return it.baseT + clientmodel.Timestamp(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(it.c[offset:]))
case d4:
return it.baseT + clientmodel.Timestamp(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(it.c[offset:]))
case d8:
// Take absolute value for d8.
return clientmodel.Timestamp(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(it.c[offset:]))
panic("Invalid number of bytes for time delta")
// getLastTimestamp implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) getLastTimestamp() clientmodel.Timestamp {
return it.getTimestampAtIndex(it.len - 1)
// getSampleValueAtIndex implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) getSampleValueAtIndex(idx int) clientmodel.SampleValue {
offset := deltaHeaderBytes + idx*int(it.tBytes+it.vBytes) + int(it.tBytes)
if it.isInt {
switch it.vBytes {
case d0:
return it.baseV
case d1:
return it.baseV + clientmodel.SampleValue(int8(it.c[offset]))
case d2:
return it.baseV + clientmodel.SampleValue(int16(binary.LittleEndian.Uint16(it.c[offset:])))
case d4:
return it.baseV + clientmodel.SampleValue(int32(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(it.c[offset:])))
// No d8 for ints.
panic("Invalid number of bytes for integer delta")
} else {
switch it.vBytes {
case d4:
return it.baseV + clientmodel.SampleValue(math.Float32frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint32(it.c[offset:])))
case d8:
// Take absolute value for d8.
return clientmodel.SampleValue(math.Float64frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(it.c[offset:])))
panic("Invalid number of bytes for floating point delta")
// getLastSampleValue implements chunkIterator.
func (it *deltaEncodedChunkIterator) getLastSampleValue() clientmodel.SampleValue {
return it.getSampleValueAtIndex(it.len - 1)

View file

@ -199,15 +199,18 @@ func (c doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) firstTime() clientmodel.Timestamp {
return c.baseTime()
// lastTime implements chunk.
func (c doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) lastTime() clientmodel.Timestamp {
return c.valueAtIndex(c.len() - 1).Timestamp
// newIterator implements chunk.
func (c *doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) newIterator() chunkIterator {
return &doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator{
chunk: c,
c: *c,
len: c.len(),
baseT: c.baseTime(),
baseΔT: c.baseTimeDelta(),
baseV: c.baseValue(),
baseΔV: c.baseValueDelta(),
tBytes: c.timeBytes(),
vBytes: c.valueBytes(),
isInt: c.isInt(),
@ -245,19 +248,6 @@ func (c *doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) unmarshalFromBuf(buf []byte) {
*c = (*c)[:binary.LittleEndian.Uint16((*c)[doubleDeltaHeaderBufLenOffset:])]
// values implements chunk.
func (c doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) values() <-chan *metric.SamplePair {
n := c.len()
valuesChan := make(chan *metric.SamplePair)
go func() {
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
valuesChan <- c.valueAtIndex(i)
return valuesChan
// encoding implements chunk.
func (c doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) encoding() chunkEncoding { return doubleDelta }
@ -280,6 +270,9 @@ func (c doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) baseValue() clientmodel.SampleValue {
func (c doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) baseTimeDelta() clientmodel.Timestamp {
if len(c) < doubleDeltaHeaderBaseTimeDeltaOffset+8 {
return 0
return clientmodel.Timestamp(
@ -288,6 +281,9 @@ func (c doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) baseTimeDelta() clientmodel.Timestamp {
func (c doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) baseValueDelta() clientmodel.SampleValue {
if len(c) < doubleDeltaHeaderBaseValueDeltaOffset+8 {
return 0
return clientmodel.SampleValue(
@ -387,120 +383,56 @@ func (c doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) addSecondSample(s *metric.SamplePair, tb, vb de
return []chunk{&c}
func (c doubleDeltaEncodedChunk) valueAtIndex(idx int) *metric.SamplePair {
if idx == 0 {
return &metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: c.baseTime(),
Value: c.baseValue(),
if idx == 1 {
// If time and/or value bytes are at d8, the time and value is
// saved directly rather than as a difference.
timestamp := c.baseTimeDelta()
if c.timeBytes() < d8 {
timestamp += c.baseTime()
value := c.baseValueDelta()
if c.valueBytes() < d8 {
value += c.baseValue()
return &metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: timestamp,
Value: value,
offset := doubleDeltaHeaderBytes + (idx-2)*c.sampleSize()
var ts clientmodel.Timestamp
switch c.timeBytes() {
case d1:
ts = c.baseTime() +
clientmodel.Timestamp(idx)*c.baseTimeDelta() +
case d2:
ts = c.baseTime() +
clientmodel.Timestamp(idx)*c.baseTimeDelta() +
case d4:
ts = c.baseTime() +
clientmodel.Timestamp(idx)*c.baseTimeDelta() +
case d8:
// Take absolute value for d8.
ts = clientmodel.Timestamp(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(c[offset:]))
panic("Invalid number of bytes for time delta")
offset += int(c.timeBytes())
var v clientmodel.SampleValue
if c.isInt() {
switch c.valueBytes() {
case d0:
v = c.baseValue() +
case d1:
v = c.baseValue() +
clientmodel.SampleValue(idx)*c.baseValueDelta() +
case d2:
v = c.baseValue() +
clientmodel.SampleValue(idx)*c.baseValueDelta() +
case d4:
v = c.baseValue() +
clientmodel.SampleValue(idx)*c.baseValueDelta() +
// No d8 for ints.
panic("Invalid number of bytes for integer delta")
} else {
switch c.valueBytes() {
case d4:
v = c.baseValue() +
clientmodel.SampleValue(idx)*c.baseValueDelta() +
case d8:
// Take absolute value for d8.
v = clientmodel.SampleValue(math.Float64frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(c[offset:])))
panic("Invalid number of bytes for floating point delta")
return &metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: ts,
Value: v,
// doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator implements chunkIterator.
type doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator struct {
chunk *doubleDeltaEncodedChunk
// TODO(beorn7): add more fields here to keep track of last position.
c doubleDeltaEncodedChunk
len int
baseT, baseΔT clientmodel.Timestamp
baseV, baseΔV clientmodel.SampleValue
tBytes, vBytes deltaBytes
isInt bool
// length implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) length() int { return it.len }
// getValueAtTime implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) getValueAtTime(t clientmodel.Timestamp) metric.Values {
// TODO(beorn7): Implement in a more efficient way making use of the
// state of the iterator and internals of the doubleDeltaChunk.
i := sort.Search(it.chunk.len(), func(i int) bool {
return !it.chunk.valueAtIndex(i).Timestamp.Before(t)
i := sort.Search(it.len, func(i int) bool {
return !it.getTimestampAtIndex(i).Before(t)
switch i {
case 0:
return metric.Values{*it.chunk.valueAtIndex(0)}
case it.chunk.len():
return metric.Values{*it.chunk.valueAtIndex(it.chunk.len() - 1)}
return metric.Values{metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: it.getTimestampAtIndex(0),
Value: it.getSampleValueAtIndex(0),
case it.len:
return metric.Values{metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: it.getTimestampAtIndex(it.len - 1),
Value: it.getSampleValueAtIndex(it.len - 1),
v := it.chunk.valueAtIndex(i)
if v.Timestamp.Equal(t) {
return metric.Values{*v}
ts := it.getTimestampAtIndex(i)
if ts.Equal(t) {
return metric.Values{metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: ts,
Value: it.getSampleValueAtIndex(i),
return metric.Values{
Timestamp: it.getTimestampAtIndex(i - 1),
Value: it.getSampleValueAtIndex(i - 1),
Timestamp: ts,
Value: it.getSampleValueAtIndex(i),
return metric.Values{*it.chunk.valueAtIndex(i - 1), *v}
@ -508,26 +440,143 @@ func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) getValueAtTime(t clientmodel.Timestam
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) getRangeValues(in metric.Interval) metric.Values {
// TODO(beorn7): Implement in a more efficient way making use of the
// state of the iterator and internals of the doubleDeltaChunk.
oldest := sort.Search(it.chunk.len(), func(i int) bool {
return !it.chunk.valueAtIndex(i).Timestamp.Before(in.OldestInclusive)
oldest := sort.Search(it.len, func(i int) bool {
return !it.getTimestampAtIndex(i).Before(in.OldestInclusive)
newest := sort.Search(it.chunk.len(), func(i int) bool {
return it.chunk.valueAtIndex(i).Timestamp.After(in.NewestInclusive)
newest := sort.Search(it.len, func(i int) bool {
return it.getTimestampAtIndex(i).After(in.NewestInclusive)
if oldest == it.chunk.len() {
if oldest == it.len {
return nil
result := make(metric.Values, 0, newest-oldest)
for i := oldest; i < newest; i++ {
result = append(result, *it.chunk.valueAtIndex(i))
result = append(result, metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: it.getTimestampAtIndex(i),
Value: it.getSampleValueAtIndex(i),
return result
// contains implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) contains(t clientmodel.Timestamp) bool {
return !t.Before(it.chunk.firstTime()) && !t.After(it.chunk.lastTime())
return !t.Before(it.baseT) && !t.After(it.getTimestampAtIndex(it.len-1))
// values implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) values() <-chan *metric.SamplePair {
valuesChan := make(chan *metric.SamplePair)
go func() {
for i := 0; i < it.len; i++ {
valuesChan <- &metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: it.getTimestampAtIndex(i),
Value: it.getSampleValueAtIndex(i),
return valuesChan
// getTimestampAtIndex implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) getTimestampAtIndex(idx int) clientmodel.Timestamp {
if idx == 0 {
return it.baseT
if idx == 1 {
// If time bytes are at d8, the time is saved directly rather
// than as a difference.
if it.tBytes == d8 {
return it.baseΔT
return it.baseT + it.baseΔT
offset := doubleDeltaHeaderBytes + (idx-2)*int(it.tBytes+it.vBytes)
switch it.tBytes {
case d1:
return it.baseT +
clientmodel.Timestamp(idx)*it.baseΔT +
case d2:
return it.baseT +
clientmodel.Timestamp(idx)*it.baseΔT +
case d4:
return it.baseT +
clientmodel.Timestamp(idx)*it.baseΔT +
case d8:
// Take absolute value for d8.
return clientmodel.Timestamp(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(it.c[offset:]))
panic("Invalid number of bytes for time delta")
// getLastTimestamp implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) getLastTimestamp() clientmodel.Timestamp {
return it.getTimestampAtIndex(it.len - 1)
// getSampleValueAtIndex implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) getSampleValueAtIndex(idx int) clientmodel.SampleValue {
if idx == 0 {
return it.baseV
if idx == 1 {
// If value bytes are at d8, the value is saved directly rather
// than as a difference.
if it.vBytes == d8 {
return it.baseΔV
return it.baseV + it.baseΔV
offset := doubleDeltaHeaderBytes + (idx-2)*int(it.tBytes+it.vBytes) + int(it.tBytes)
if it.isInt {
switch it.vBytes {
case d0:
return it.baseV +
case d1:
return it.baseV +
clientmodel.SampleValue(idx)*it.baseΔV +
case d2:
return it.baseV +
clientmodel.SampleValue(idx)*it.baseΔV +
case d4:
return it.baseV +
clientmodel.SampleValue(idx)*it.baseΔV +
// No d8 for ints.
panic("Invalid number of bytes for integer delta")
} else {
switch it.vBytes {
case d4:
return it.baseV +
clientmodel.SampleValue(idx)*it.baseΔV +
case d8:
// Take absolute value for d8.
return clientmodel.SampleValue(math.Float64frombits(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(it.c[offset:])))
panic("Invalid number of bytes for floating point delta")
// getLastSampleValue implements chunkIterator.
func (it *doubleDeltaEncodedChunkIterator) getLastSampleValue() clientmodel.SampleValue {
return it.getSampleValueAtIndex(it.len - 1)

View file

@ -880,7 +880,7 @@ func (p *persistence) dropAndPersistChunks(
// too old. If that's the case, the chunks in the series file
// are all too old, too.
i := 0
for ; i < len(chunks) && chunks[i].lastTime().Before(beforeTime); i++ {
for ; i < len(chunks) && chunks[i].newIterator().getLastTimestamp().Before(beforeTime); i++ {
if i < len(chunks) {
firstTimeNotDropped = chunks[i].firstTime()
@ -1567,8 +1567,14 @@ func chunkIndexForOffset(offset int64) (int, error) {
func writeChunkHeader(w io.Writer, c chunk) error {
header := make([]byte, chunkHeaderLen)
header[chunkHeaderTypeOffset] = byte(c.encoding())
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(header[chunkHeaderFirstTimeOffset:], uint64(c.firstTime()))
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(header[chunkHeaderLastTimeOffset:], uint64(c.lastTime()))
_, err := w.Write(header)
return err

View file

@ -70,8 +70,8 @@ func buildTestChunks(encoding chunkEncoding) map[clientmodel.Fingerprint][]chunk
func chunksEqual(c1, c2 chunk) bool {
values2 := c2.values()
for v1 := range c1.values() {
values2 := c2.newIterator().values()
for v1 := range c1.newIterator().values() {
v2 := <-values2
if !v1.Equal(v2) {
return false

View file

@ -486,41 +486,57 @@ func (it *memorySeriesIterator) GetValueAtTime(t clientmodel.Timestamp) metric.V
return it.chunkIt.getValueAtTime(t)
it.chunkIt = nil
if len(it.chunks) == 0 {
return nil
// Before or exactly on the first sample of the series.
if !t.After(it.chunks[0].firstTime()) {
it.chunkIt = it.chunks[0].newIterator()
ts := it.chunkIt.getTimestampAtIndex(0)
if !t.After(ts) {
// return first value of first chunk
return it.chunks[0].newIterator().getValueAtTime(t)
// After or exactly on the last sample of the series.
if !t.Before(it.chunks[len(it.chunks)-1].lastTime()) {
// return last value of last chunk
return it.chunks[len(it.chunks)-1].newIterator().getValueAtTime(t)
return metric.Values{metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: ts,
Value: it.chunkIt.getSampleValueAtIndex(0),
// Find first chunk where lastTime() is after or equal to t.
// After or exactly on the last sample of the series.
it.chunkIt = it.chunks[len(it.chunks)-1].newIterator()
ts = it.chunkIt.getLastTimestamp()
if !t.Before(ts) {
// return last value of last chunk
return metric.Values{metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: ts,
Value: it.chunkIt.getSampleValueAtIndex(it.chunkIt.length() - 1),
// Find last chunk where firstTime() is before or equal to t.
l := len(it.chunks) - 1
i := sort.Search(len(it.chunks), func(i int) bool {
return !it.chunks[i].lastTime().Before(t)
return !it.chunks[l-i].firstTime().After(t)
if i == len(it.chunks) {
panic("out of bounds")
if t.Before(it.chunks[i].firstTime()) {
it.chunkIt = it.chunks[l-i].newIterator()
ts = it.chunkIt.getLastTimestamp()
if t.After(ts) {
// We ended up between two chunks.
sp1 := metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: ts,
Value: it.chunkIt.getSampleValueAtIndex(it.chunkIt.length() - 1),
it.chunkIt = it.chunks[l-i+1].newIterator()
return metric.Values{
// We ended up in the middle of a chunk. We might stay there for a while,
// so save it as the current chunk iterator.
it.chunkIt = it.chunks[i].newIterator()
return it.chunkIt.getValueAtTime(t)
@ -529,26 +545,34 @@ func (it *memorySeriesIterator) GetBoundaryValues(in metric.Interval) metric.Val
defer it.unlock()
// Find the first relevant chunk.
// Find the first chunk for which the first sample is within the interval.
i := sort.Search(len(it.chunks), func(i int) bool {
return !it.chunks[i].lastTime().Before(in.OldestInclusive)
return !it.chunks[i].firstTime().Before(in.OldestInclusive)
// Only now check the last timestamp of the previous chunk (which is
// fairly expensive).
if i > 0 && !it.chunks[i-1].newIterator().getLastTimestamp().Before(in.OldestInclusive) {
values := make(metric.Values, 0, 2)
for i, c := range it.chunks[i:] {
var chunkIt chunkIterator
for j, c := range it.chunks[i:] {
if c.firstTime().After(in.NewestInclusive) {
if len(values) == 1 {
// We found the first value before, but are now
// We found the first value before but are now
// already past the last value. The value we
// want must be the last value of the previous
// chunk. So backtrack...
chunkIt = it.chunks[i-1].newIterator()
values = append(values, chunkIt.getValueAtTime(in.NewestInclusive)[0])
chunkIt := it.chunks[j-1].newIterator()
values = append(values, metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: chunkIt.getLastTimestamp(),
Value: chunkIt.getLastSampleValue(),
chunkIt := c.newIterator()
if len(values) == 0 {
chunkIt = c.newIterator()
firstValues := chunkIt.getValueAtTime(in.OldestInclusive)
switch len(firstValues) {
case 2:
@ -559,20 +583,18 @@ func (it *memorySeriesIterator) GetBoundaryValues(in metric.Interval) metric.Val
panic("unexpected return from getValueAtTime")
if c.lastTime().After(in.NewestInclusive) {
if chunkIt == nil {
chunkIt = c.newIterator()
if chunkIt.getLastTimestamp().After(in.NewestInclusive) {
values = append(values, chunkIt.getValueAtTime(in.NewestInclusive)[0])
if len(values) == 1 {
// We found exactly one value. In that case, add the most recent we know.
values = append(
chunkIt := it.chunks[len(it.chunks)-1].newIterator()
values = append(values, metric.SamplePair{
Timestamp: chunkIt.getLastTimestamp(),
Value: chunkIt.getLastSampleValue(),
if len(values) == 2 && values[0].Equal(&values[1]) {
return values[:1]
@ -585,10 +607,17 @@ func (it *memorySeriesIterator) GetRangeValues(in metric.Interval) metric.Values
defer it.unlock()
// Find the first relevant chunk.
// Find the first chunk for which the first sample is within the interval.
i := sort.Search(len(it.chunks), func(i int) bool {
return !it.chunks[i].lastTime().Before(in.OldestInclusive)
// TODO: Avoid the expensive newIterator().getLastTimestamp() call.
return !it.chunks[i].firstTime().Before(in.OldestInclusive)
// Only now check the last timestamp of the previous chunk (which is
// fairly expensive).
if i > 0 && !it.chunks[i-1].newIterator().getLastTimestamp().Before(in.OldestInclusive) {
values := metric.Values{}
for _, c := range it.chunks[i:] {
if c.firstTime().After(in.NewestInclusive) {

View file

@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ func testChunk(t *testing.T, encoding chunkEncoding) {
if cd.isEvicted() {
for sample := range cd.chunk.values() {
for sample := range cd.chunk.newIterator().values() {
values = append(values, *sample)