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+title: Template examples
+sort_rank: 4
+# Template examples
+Prometheus supports templating in the summary and description fields of
+alerts, as well as in served console pages. Templates have the ability to run
+queries against the local database, iterate over data, use conditionals, format
+data, etc. The Prometheus templating language is based on the
+[Go templating](http://golang.org/pkg/text/template/) system.
+## Simple alert field templates
+ ALERT InstanceDown
+ IF up == 0
+ FOR 5m
+ severity="page"
+ }
+ summary = "Instance {{$labels.instance}} down",
+ description = "{{$labels.instance}} of job {{$labels.job}} has been down for more than 5 minutes.",
+ }
+Alert field templates will be executed during every rule iteration for each
+alert that fires, so keep any queries and templates lightweight. If you have a
+need for more complicated templates for alerts, it is recommended to link to a
+console instead.
+## Simple iteration
+This displays a list of instances, and whether they are up:
+{{ range query "up" }}
+ {{ .Labels.instance }} {{ .Value }}
+{{ end }}
+The special `.` variable contains the value of the current sample for each loop iteration.
+## Display one value
+{{ with query "some_metric{instance='someinstance'}" }}
+ {{ . | first | value | humanize }}
+{{ end }}
+Go and Go's templating language are both strongly typed, so one must check that
+samples were returned to avoid an execution error. For example this could
+happen if a scrape or rule evaluation has not run yet, or a host was down.
+The included `prom_query_drilldown` template handles this, allows for
+formatting of results, and linking to the [expression browser](https://prometheus.io/docs/visualization/browser/).
+## Using console URL parameters
+{{ with printf "node_memory_MemTotal{job='node',instance='%s'}" .Params.instance | query }}
+ {{ . | first | value | humanize1024}}B
+{{ end }}
+If accessed as `console.html?instance=hostname`, `.Params.instance` will evaluate to `hostname`.
+## Advanced iteration
+{{ range printf "node_network_receive_bytes{job='node',instance='%s',device!='lo'}" .Params.instance | query | sortByLabel "device"}}
+ {{ .Labels.device }} |
+ Received |
+ {{ with printf "rate(node_network_receive_bytes{job='node',instance='%s',device='%s'}[5m])" .Labels.instance .Labels.device | query }}{{ . | first | value | humanize }}B/s{{end}} |
+ Transmitted |
+ {{ with printf "rate(node_network_transmit_bytes{job='node',instance='%s',device='%s'}[5m])" .Labels.instance .Labels.device | query }}{{ . | first | value | humanize }}B/s{{end}} |
{{ end }}
+Here we iterate over all network devices and display the network traffic for each.
+As the `range` action does not specify a variable, `.Params.instance` is not
+available inside the loop as `.` is now the loop variable.
+## Defining reusable templates
+Prometheus supports defining templates that can be reused. This is particularly
+powerful when combined with
+[console library](template_reference.md#console-templates) support, allowing
+sharing of templates across consoles.
+{{/* Define the template */}}
+{{define "myTemplate"}}
+ do something
+{{/* Use the template */}}
+{{template "myTemplate"}}
+Templates are limited to one argument. The `args` function can be used to wrap multiple arguments.
+{{define "myMultiArgTemplate"}}
+ First argument: {{.arg0}}
+ Second argument: {{.arg1}}
+{{template "myMultiArgTemplate" (args 1 2)}}
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+title: Template reference
+sort_rank: 5
+# Template reference
+Prometheus supports templating in the summary and description fields of
+alerts, as well as in served console pages. Templates have the ability to run
+queries against the local database, iterate over data, use conditionals, format
+data, etc. The Prometheus templating language is based on the
+[Go templating](http://golang.org/pkg/text/template/) system.
+## Data Structures
+The primary data structure for dealing with time series data is the sample, defined as:
+type sample struct {
+ Labels map[string]string
+ Value float64
+The metric name of the sample is encoded in a special `__name__` label in the `Labels` map.
+`[]sample` means a list of samples.
+`interface{}` in Go is similar to a void pointer in C.
+## Functions
+In addition to the [default
+functions](http://golang.org/pkg/text/template/#hdr-Functions) provided by Go
+templating, Prometheus provides functions for easier processing of query
+results in templates.
+If functions are used in a pipeline, the pipeline value is passed as the last argument.
+### Queries
+| Name | Arguments | Returns | Notes |
+| ------------- | ------------- | -------- | -------- |
+| query | query string | []sample | Queries the database, does not support returning range vectors. |
+| first | []sample | sample | Equivalent to `index a 0` |
+| label | label, sample | string | Equivalent to `index sample.Labels label` |
+| value | sample | float64 | Equivalent to `sample.Value` |
+| sortByLabel | label, []samples | []sample | Sorts the samples by the given label. Is stable. |
+`first`, `label` and `value` are intended to make query results easily usable in pipelines.
+### Numbers
+| Name | Arguments | Returns | Notes |
+| ------------- | --------------| --------| --------- |
+| humanize | number | string | Converts a number to a more readable format, using [metric prefixes](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metric_prefix).
+| humanize1024 | number | string | Like `humanize`, but uses 1024 as the base rather than 1000. |
+| humanizeDuration | number | string | Converts a duration in seconds to a more readable format. |
+| humanizeTimestamp | number | string | Converts a Unix timestamp in seconds to a more readable format. |
+Humanizing functions are intended to produce reasonable output for consumption
+by humans, and are not guaranteed to return the same results between Prometheus
+### Strings
+| Name | Arguments | Returns | Notes |
+| ------------- | ------------- | ------- | ----------- |
+| title | string | string | [strings.Title](http://golang.org/pkg/strings/#Title), capitalises first character of each word.|
+| toUpper | string | string | [strings.ToUpper](http://golang.org/pkg/strings/#ToUpper), converts all characters to upper case.|
+| toLower | string | string | [strings.ToLower](http://golang.org/pkg/strings/#ToLower), converts all characters to lower case.|
+| match | pattern, text | boolean | [regexp.MatchString](http://golang.org/pkg/regexp/#MatchString) Tests for a unanchored regexp match. |
+| reReplaceAll | pattern, replacement, text | string | [Regexp.ReplaceAllString](http://golang.org/pkg/regexp/#Regexp.ReplaceAllString) Regexp substitution, unanchored. |
+| graphLink | expr | string | Returns path to graph view in the [expression browser](https://prometheus.io/docs/visualization/browser/) for the expression. |
+| tableLink | expr | string | Returns path to tabular ("Console") view in the [expression browser](https://prometheus.io/docs/visualization/browser/) for the expression. |
+### Others
+| Name | Arguments | Returns | Notes |
+| ------------- | ------------- | ------- | ----------- |
+| args | []interface{} | map[string]interface{} | This converts a list of objects to a map with keys arg0, arg1 etc. This is intended to allow multiple arguments to be passed to templates. |
+| tmpl | string, []interface{} | nothing | Like the built-in `template`, but allows non-literals as the template name. Note that the result is assumed to be safe, and will not be auto-escaped. Only available in consoles. |
+| safeHtml | string | string | Marks string as HTML not requiring auto-escaping. |
+## Template type differences
+Each of the types of templates provide different information that can be used to
+parameterize templates, and have a few other differences.
+### Alert field templates
+`.Value` and `.Labels` contain the alert value and labels. They are also exposed
+as the `$value` and `$labels` variables for convenience.
+### Console templates
+Consoles are exposed on `/consoles/`, and sourced from the directory pointed to
+by the `-web.console.templates` flag.
+Console templates are rendered with
+[html/template](http://golang.org/pkg/html/template/), which provides
+auto-escaping. To bypass the auto-escaping use the `safe*` functions.,
+URL parameters are available as a map in `.Params`. To access multiple URL
+parameters by the same name, `.RawParams` is a map of the list values for each
+parameter. The URL path is available in `.Path`, excluding the `/consoles/`
+Consoles also have access to all the templates defined with `{{define
+"templateName"}}...{{end}}` found in `*.lib` files in the directory pointed to
+by the `-web.console.libraries` flag. As this is a shared namespace, take care
+to avoid clashes with other users. Template names beginning with `prom`,
+`_prom`, and `__` are reserved for use by Prometheus, as are the functions
+listed above.